Client Testimonial: healing Months. from Back Pain/ Neck Pain/ and Anxiety in just 3.5

A current client talks about her experience in the ReAlignment Process with Dr. Corinne. A complete Body/ Brain/ Mind approach top healing that really works~ especially for chronic “hard-to-treat” conditions. This client had been struggling for YEARS with chronic back pain, neck pain, persistent injuries (mostly along the left side), anxiety, and high stress. She is a yoga enthusiast and has been practicing for 15 years… it was no longer helping.
3.5 Months ago we met and she decided to “give it a shot”.
Now she is pain free, and even when things start to creep up (as they do from time to time), she knows exactly how to handle it. Bye bye neck AND back pain. Plus stress and and anxiety are manageable now.
Did she change jobs?
No, we worked on physical, emotional and life stress alignment.
This is a complete Brain/Body/Mind approach to healing.
Set up a 15 minute consult if you are ready to heal.

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