LIVE | Putin Aide's Scathing Attack on US at UNSC: 'Demands Unquestioning Obedience from Allies...'

LIVE | Putin Aide's Scathing Attack on US at UNSC: 'Demands Unquestioning Obedience from Allies...'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the United States of demanding "unquestioning obedience" from allies and threatening multilateralism, prompting the US to pan his remarks in the United Nations Security Council as "whining". Lavrov said that "Rule America - that is the essence of the notorious rules-based order, which is a direct threat to multilateralism and international law”.


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コメント (10)
  • The United States said that Israel accepted the agreement and waiting on Hamas to accept it as well, BUT CHINA SAID United States is lying because apparently part of that agreement is for Israel not to expand, but they are expanding abroad so that’s the problem Israel is breaking their agreement before the agreement
  • 4 hours in STANDING 10 toes down TOGETHER is CHINA, ALGERIA,KUWAIT, LIBYA,RUSSIA,IRANMOZAMBIQUE, They are SERIOUS,All of them started their speak off THANKING RUSSIA for the invite😂😮 EVERYONE ELSE ON THE DAMN FENCE.. Lord Help Us!
  • Is there a timeline or simply playing foolish in domestic politics and promising false like old dictator's
  • Is there a timeline for war end or simply playing foolish in domestic politics and promising false like old dictator's joining together unknown directions
  • ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤to his majesty ; beloved saints arounds the worlds , to the nations and peoples thats loveth righteousness , and hateth wickedness and cruelty ; greetings the empress on queens ; unto the emperors and kings ; to the brethrens thems , more loved on nuff respects and appreciations to everyones thanks you ; alrights my brethrens jah blessings unto all , mow concernings the united nations , notwithstandings as every nations can beholds for themsrlves , thats theirs rules and regulations is broken downs , for examples theres isnt any such things as humanitarians laws , because the authoritys of ours securitys councils is weekend , and theirs words of laws and orderings are useless and without values ; now my brethrens , the reasons whys i said this , because i am lookings at whats is goings on into palestines for such a longtimes ; both the accupations of invasions of anothers mans territories , and now the crucifixions of the owners of the lands ; and the mainstream peoples who is responsibles is englands and americas , however theses are the twos westetn laws mens ; and they are trustings into oppressions and becames vines into robbery lifestyles ; this is whys the authoritys of internayionals regulations of laws and rules of justices is broken downs ; because of the internations federals governments criminals activities arounds the worlds , theses peoples cames from europes as a acncient lirates , nevertheless i troughs thats theses peoples woulda haves stopped theirs games of robbery from longtimes , but they haves surprised with theirs actions in palestines ; now concernings the agreements with the resistances groups hamas , how can they accepted on agreements with the emperors mr ; netanyahus , and in the meanwhiles he id movings his boundsries ferrer in more and more , now my friends , for examples the united states governments is behavings likes unto a schools bigs boys bullies with all nations , without realizings thats they are parpering the others nations and the brethrens thems too fightings a battles with thems ; imagines thats whatsoever the emperors of irans or mr : kim jong ones is doings , believed me my brethrens the governments of the united states of americas , they the mainly causes of everythings ; stomping from theirs schools bigs boys bullies behaviors ; therefore yours majesty ; my lordships , knowest thou for thyself , thats this is the mains reasons whys the united states governments are so afraids of the others brethrens thems ; because they are the mainly troubled makers in the worlds , takes for instances i myself is just a very littles mans ; whem its comes theses emperors mighty kings ; mr ; putins mr; kim jong , irans and chinas kings ; i am a jamaicans who isnt afraids of the brethrens thems ; notwithstandings i myself respected and appreciated everyoned as kings ; but i am not afraids of thems ; now my my lordships the problems is thats we as humanss must learned to respects and loved eachothers , then this worlds will becomes a betters dwellings places for everyones okayed ; thanks you guys very much ; blessed assurances his majesty ; jah god we praises🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♀️👈👉👌✌🖤💟🖤💟💛💙🖤❤💚🧡🧡💜💙💗💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🙏🙏🙏💤💢💤💢💤💢💤💢💤
  • free palestine save bangladeshi students all lives matter western lives are not more important all lives equal