There is NO "reason" to hit a woman...Right?

Published 2013-10-15
Bill discusses the constant media brainwashing on how there is NEVER a reason to hit a woman.. or is there.


If you review the National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey data files you'll find that contrary to another of feminists prized dictums,
"Domestic Violence is the leading cause of injury to women between ages 15 and 44 in the United States -- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined",

Survey data shows that injuries to women caused by Domestic Violence (titled "Injuries purposefully inflicted by spouse or other intimate" rank far behind such mundane causatives as 'motor vehicle accidents', 'accidental falls', 'sports injuries', etc.

Going back even further in history (merely to illustrate to you that this data is, AND HAS BEEN, known (i.e. despite feminists BS lies) to the 1985 US NIJ Family Violence Research Survey i.e. FVRS, males reported that women initiated family violence 44.1% of the time and women reported that they initiated the violence 52.7% of the time.

Yes, 23 years ago women admitted they initiated family violence almost 20% more often than men did.

Further, the US CDC has published data showing us that in families experiencing reciprocal violence women initiate the violence as often as the men, and in families experiencing non-reciprocal violence women initiate 3/4 of the violence.

All Comments (21)
  • @JakkFrost1
    "There is NO reason to hit a woman." If a woman is hitting my kids, bitch is going down.
  • @daha3074
    "There are plenty of reasons to hit a woman, you just don't do it." Perfectly said.
  • @sstaners1234
    I watched a district judge give sentence to a girl who stabbed her boyfriend 40 times. While in the courtroom the family was trying to hold back the tears as the details were presented. She rolled her eyes. The judge got asked to duct tape her mouth shut: “You’re lucky this isn’t a death penalty state or else you’d get the chair.” Towards the end of it he screamed: “I HOPE YOU DIE IN PRISON!!!” So if anyone says there’s no reason to hit a woman. Yeah, tell that to this lady’s ex boyfriend.
  • @ymp5000
    I told my wife at the beginning of our relationship that so long as she never hits me I will never hit her. This arraignment has worked flawlessly for 13 years so far.
  • Woman : "Never hit a woman" Man : "Why?" Woman : "Because Because women are weaker than men" Man : "So what if the man hit a stronger woman?" Woman : "You don't hit a woman period" Man : "Why?" Woman : "Because she's a woman" Man : "Do you believe in equality?" Woman : "Yes"
  • @skateup2291
    I had an abusive ex girlfriend. I was definitely a simp too. She would attack me and I’d literally do nothing. Until we broke up and she came to my house drunk. She attacked me scratched the fuck outta me and I pushed her off of me. She tried calling the cops to say I beat her up. She got arrested 30 minutes later.
  • I had a girlfriend who was absolutely psycho, one night she tried to hit me in the head with an iron. I slipped her sweeping swing by ducking and countering with a right hook. She collapsed to the floor unconscious. I called the cops, they turned up and took her away, they saw she was an absolute lunatic and arrested her for attempted murder. Only woman I have ever hit. Now I have two dogs and am very happy.
  • @gavinbain840
    women smack men all the time and everyone thinks well the guy probably deserved it, but if a man smacks a woman, even if she hit him first, everyone flips their shit.
  • @s.z.9517
    How he roasted that woman in the public... That was brutal af ! Protect this man at all costs.
  • @coledibiase5971
    disclaimer I am a happy, mentally healthy adult with absolutely no after effects of my parents actions, there is no need for sympathy comments. Thank you to all the people who care though. I spent my childhood watching my mother, get in my father's face, scream at him, shove him, belittle him, even slap him. My father, who had anger issues. Every time he would literally say "Get away from me before something bad happens to you." "Get away from me before I kick your ass " "Don't try and act like a man because you ain't one." And every single time she would get louder and tell him to do it, and he'd snap and hit her, sometimes he'd just slap her, sometimes he'd beat her so bad that 5, 6, 7 year old me would literally have to get involved. And every time afterwards she would come to us, her little kids and talk about how much of a monster he was, like yeah he's a monster BACK THE FUCK UP THEN! At the very least don't literally tell him "Do it then!" She would literally say things like, "I can't believe he would do that." Like seriously mom, he's done it every week since as far back as I can remember, what did you think was going to happen?
  • I used to be a “There is never a reason to put your hands on a woman” believer, then I married an abusive psycho who tried to seriously hurt me. I have changed my mind.
  • @jimmyboy131
    One thing I heard from a retired police officer of over 20 years: When they go to a domestic violence scene, and if the woman comes up to them and starts telling them what he did, and this and that, then it's likely that she's the one who started it and he's the victim.  But if she's quiet and not doing much when they're there, and not saying much, then he started it and she's the victim.
  • @MrJotaNu
    My wife once went so crazy of drinking alcohol for several hours . She insulted and humiliate me for hours. I locked the door of the bathroom to make it my emergency-room to avoid her screaming at me. She pounded and kicked the door and didn't stop of screaming at me. All of a sudden I heard her unlocking the door with a screwdriver. She opened the door and stormed into the bathroom with a 20cm long and big screwdriver, ready to stab me with it. I disarmed her with three heavy punches to her face which resulted in a black eye an bruises. She screamed that I hit her and ran to the neighbors.... Self defense it allowed if you are threatened with serious injury caused by a wappon. Women often forget this.They often think that they are untouchable. Wrong sight on life!
  • Been bullied by girls for years Never hit a single one,because that's not how I was raised. And if you let me relive these years 10 times in a row I definitely would've done the COMPLETELY OPPOSITE. Doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.They mean harm - feel free to harm them. I will never make same mistake as I did before.
  • @jasonli678
    I believe there is a reason to kick the shit about of anyone.
  • @EarJuice
    I hit a woman once. It was a firm backhand. She had being yelling and screaming at me because she was drunk for the last few hours and causing all sorts of crap at my friends place (she was abusive every once in a while but this was the worst she had being). Then while I was driving her back home she grabbed the wheel and tried to turn it so that the car went into oncoming traffic at 80km/hr. So I backhanded her. It just came out of no where and wasn't planned but an automatic response. She yelled, screamed and cried for the rest of the night about it as I tried to get her home safely. I had to call the cops to take her home in the end. She told them that I had beat her but they didn't even take my statement. They knew what was up. I've had people tell me that I was wrong for hitting her because 'it's never OK'. One chick went off at me at a party when my best friend told her the story as he was also in the car. Load of bullshit.
  • When I was a kid I got bullied by a girl who kicked me in the head. Like i did with any other bullies, I punched her in the arm and apparently that made me the bad guy? But it was perfectly fine for her to kick me in the head? I don’t think so. If you assault me expect to get a taste of your own medicine regardless of whether you’re male or female
  • Burr hit another level of popularity because he wasn't afraid of tackling subjects that some people try and sweep under the carpet