Constitutional law expert breaks down Biden's call for Supreme Court reform

Glenn Smith, an emeritus professor at the California Western School of Law, spoke to ABC 10News about President Biden's ambitious Supreme Court proposals, including term limits and a code of ethics.

コメント (21)
  • @Panazoniac
    Start with career term limits for the House and Senate.
  • @BradYaateeh.
    There was a time when reporters held govt. accountable, not regurgitate their talking points.
  • Supreme Court has one job and one job only. Apply the constitution to law. Not feelings,not what ever someone dreams up that they think is fair but to apply what is constitutionally written
  • Can’t stack the court so lets go w term limits. Ginsburg doesn’t know it but she saved the republic
  • @darylabrams2
    The guy who's been in politics for 50 years wants to set term limits for the Supreme Court... 😂
  • This guy never mentioned the constitution. Professor of what.
  • They’re gonna do it for the High Court. They oughta do it for US senators and representatives should be across-the-board then.
  • @smokeGR14
    Term limit for anyone in congress and pay cut to 75k a year
  • @Xenophanes198
    "The Court isn't working out in our favor so we're going to change the rules."
  • The Constitution is not something to be played with nor is the Supreme Court. Term limits for the Congressional houses should be limited.
  • The reason it is a life long appointment is so the justices are not open to coercion. They are supposed to interpret laws not make them.
  • If the Court had a liberal majority, no Democrat would suggest such a charade.
  • @smdanny1
    so who would sit on the ethics committee? how would they be selected? who decides what is ethical and unethical?
  • @SkidzFart
    Lol people who agree with this have never read the federalist papers 😂