how i *successfully* learn multiple languages at once

here's a long-awaited video-- these are the tips and considerations that have helped me most while studying multiple languages at once. mindfulness and introspection is the core of success in language learning, so i hope that i was helpful in explaining it! leave me a comment telling me what languages you're studying right now 🤔

☕️ buy me a coffee (if you are so inclined!)
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💌 about me

Hellooo! My name is Elysse, I’m from the USA and I study digital media production. I have an undying passion for language learning and all the beautiful experiences it has brought into my life ♥️ I hope you enjoy my videos about my journey in language learning, as well as diaries about my travels and life as a curious tree-climber.


How old are you?:
20 years old

What languages do you speak/sign?:
English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, American Sign Language, and now Mandarin Chinese (all at varying levels!)

Where do you live?:
The United States, in the south.

#polyglottips #languages #multilingual

コメント (21)
  • I personally think that learning 2 langs at the same time can help me enjoy more language learning. Some few months ago I was like "iM gONna LeaRn sPAniSh" And as I progress I notice that I was getting bored of the process but then I invited a new language, Japanese and it gave my learning experience more fun
  • I just found and your channel and I am obsessed🥺 your TALENT and energy are so inspiring
  • Your positivity in the first 10 seconds of the video is the energy I wanna have in 2021 HAHAHAHA
  • Elysse: YES YOU CAN! me: leaning back okay, okaaay, now I believe that!
  • i m learning Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian and Korea at the same time. at the end of this year, I will come back to give my update. see you then, if you are interested
  • Her saying she talks rlly fast at the end, & me watching it on 2X speed and understanding everything= big brain.
  • Learning a language is not hard. It just takes time. You must be willing and never give up. Most important of all you must be patient. Good luck y'all :3!
  • @Maidaseu
    If the languages are very different and you're at different stages then it's a lot more manageable to learn multiple languages.
  • I want to learn both Korean and French at the same time, but it's hard because of school I barely have time to do anything aside from house chores, but I this year I'm gonna do my best to study both
  • Hi! I’m currently learning 5 languages at the same time (literally): French, Italian, Romanian, Catalan, and Portuguese. I already am a native speaker of Spanish so it’s very easy for me to understand most of these. For me the easiest ones are Portuguese because it’s just Spanish but slightly different, and Romanian since it’s the one with the most difference between all 6. I don’t get any word confused somehow, but some are slightly harder than the others. I wish well on your journey! Bonne journée/Bonne nuit, ami!
  • @momhn4283
    2:05 I totally agree with you. I commented on your last video about me learning German and Spanish simultaneously from zero in 2018 and how it didn't work out for me so I dropped Spanish. After spending 2 years in learning German alone, I recently started learning French. Learning the two languages is now much much easier after progressing with the earlier language (German). Vielen Dank für das tolle Video.
  • I loved how you stopped just to explain what backburner means, girl that's the kind of language awareness we wantttttt haha also forgetting a word of your own language because it's all a little mixed up, so relatable
  • You're so inspiring! I come back to your channel whenever I feel burnt out and demotivated to continue learning. Happy new year! 💗
  • @A-ID-A-M
    Ive studied Spanish and Portuguese at the same time. Its hard at first, but eventually you learn to separate them. I think in the long run its better off done that way because now I can completely separate them UNLESS I hear the other spoken. Like if I am listening to Spanish music, I am going to end up speaking Portuñol if I try to speak Portuguese and vice versa.
  • I could not seriously learn two languages from the same family at the same time. I remember when I first started studying French and Arabic at the same time a couple years ago, people thought I was crazy! In reality the two are so different that it was actually fairly easy to switch my brain from studying one to the other. Even now, my top languages are French, Arabic, and Indonesian--all very different! Though I'm dabbling in Spanish and Italian as well, I'm being careful not to focus too much on them so I don't get confused, haha!
  • NO WAY Elysse I literally cut out the newborn baby analogy with languages out of a video the other day, I view it the exact same way haha I definitely have found for me the "don't learn 2 languages from the same family at once" advice doesn't apply so much, I found doing Spanish and Italian at once really helpful for both, but I can also understand how the similarities and connections that I found helped me improve both could cause others to mix them up... I really feel like (like anything in language learning) it's all a process to play around with and find what works best for each person individually as opposed to something that has a blanket answer. Same with how I like to have multiple languages per day in my life as I aim to have them as integrated into my life and a part of me as possible and when I've ignored languages for a while I find my confidence lost in those and just unhappy I've been apart from them. Overall I definitely don't think learning multiple at the same time is as scary as it's often made out to be, especially when you're in a position where some of the languages are in your life at school/work/in your relationship. A lot of it is just like in school itself, studying multiple subjects likely didn't set any of us too far back and in many cases probably assisted in the others, so why can't that apply to our learning outside of school? Then again this is all coming from someone who decided to do 2 degrees and 2 minors, so clearly I'm someone that likes to have a lot going on lol Love the video as always <3
  • Elysse you are literally the coolest person ever I hope you know that. Your Brazilian podcast is a lifesaver and your YouTube channel is a chef’s kiss
  • This was a really good video and a theme I actually wanted to talk briefly about. 👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾
  • This was really really helpful and such a great video in general. Wirklich vielen vielen Dank dafür!
  • Nice video! I learned English and French at the same time and it worked perfectly, in many cases both languages helped me to understand better linguistic aspects from each of them.