Jordan Peterson: How To Fight Social Anxiety AND WIN! (Must Watch)

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コメント (21)
  • When he said "when you're up at 4am thinking about your miserable life.." I felt that ..
  • me on my wedding day : 'you guys go, im staying home.
  • I used to get drunk before parties and it would help but then i became an alcoholic.
  • “Man I’m sweating too much.” So relatable lol
  • 1. Don't stop thinking of yourself because you can't, look at other people to know what they think. Pay attention! 2. You can't talk to group of people, you always talk to one person. That's easy. 3. Look what's not going right, use the information, work on your mistakes. 4. Identify what you fear. Compose it to small problems. Expose yourself to the thing you're afraid of. Itsevarmuus tulee kokemuksesta.
  • @Elemxnt45
    From my experience and what’s others have said. Social anxiety stems from caring what people think and or feeling like you have an image to uphold. You’re afraid if you behave in a way that gets your needs met, people will dislike you and maybe confront you and you don’t know how to handle confrontations also. You’re afraid what those people are thinking about you and it’s as if they can tell how you feel so you try to “act” calm which worsens the symptoms.
  • After I developed anxiety everything changed; it really sucks because before that I was such a confident guy. Absolutely no problems talking in front of a large crowd, no nervousness, act as if I owned the stage. But after anxiety came even walking down the street sometimes makes my knees shake. I feel like it's just not who I am, it really sucks.
  • As a child I would look my father in the eye and he would yell "you wanna stare me down," and slap me or throw something or break something. 18 years of stuff like that and I could barely function, hold a job, drugs, etc. 30 now still riddled with anxiety and severe problems with self image. These lectures have helped me tremendously.
  • 1:34 is the best advice. Look people into the eyes, always. Even when you talk to somebody you like a lot or fear a lot: look at them. 3:57 Always assume people know something you do not know. Which is always the case because nobodies life is equal, thus we all have different experiences.
  • I have more of a problem with running out of things to say or bore the person out. being around people isn't really hard, but rather engaging in a conversation. I could say I'm ok with silence and just being around people is fine enough, but I fear that I make the other person way too uncomfortable and thus I feel pressured to come up with a topic...
  • Interesting. That explains it!! I took a speech class in college and noticed myself looking at people’s eyes comfortably but when I looked at the wall behind the class, I felt less comfortable. And past few years, I’ve noticed speakers spending a lot of time looking at me. Focus & moving forward.... the cure for anxiety. It worked for me!
  • Jordan Peterson is like the father I never had, except I did have a father.
  • i feel like people bounce from Anxiety to Depression, mostly running away from Anxiety by being depressed. If that makes sense..
  • Hey, liked this video a lot. Just thought I'd share the most useful thing I ever learnt for un-stifling yourself and managing anxiety levels to the point where they basically don't exist. Almost all the social anxiety you experience is because of one thing, worrying about how other people's judgements might affect your chances of surviving or reproducing. All you have to do is act in a way that forces people to notice you, so make solid eye contact like Jordan says, get your voice out there, force yourself to speak to people even if you just ask for directions/the time, if you see an old lady at a crossing go over and help her cross. Within about 20 minutes of taking lots of action that forces multiple people to judge you, part of your brain realises that your safe when you express yourself, anxiety levels drop, the flood gates open and everything is way more fun.
  • My favorite lines: "It's not about becoming less afraid but more courageous." "There isn't a specific reason why you should just feel good about yourself... Observe courage in yourself."