What is Psychoanalysis?

A lot of Sigmund Freud's ideas have been debunked over the years (Oedipus Complex, penis envy, psychosexual stages of development...to name a few). But Freud's greatest invention, psychoanalysis, has lived on. Granted, today it is not nearly as popular and there are gaping holes in research and evidence. However, psychoanalysis marked the beginning of psychotherapy as a field. Its influence on psychology is remarkable and likely solidified it as a discipline. Therapy would not be the same without it. In this episode of Micah Psych, we explore the definition of psychoanalysis, its underlying theories, how its practiced, its effectiveness, and if your attraction to your mom is normal...just kidding! Or am I?

Prochaska, J. O., & Norcross, J. C. (2009). Systems of psychotherapy: A transtheoretical analysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub.

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“nucleus of life” by Dee Yan-Key is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

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“In The Mist” by Trackmanbeatz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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コメント (21)
  • DUDE! a little warning would have been nice before I played this video out loud in my living room with my wife and mother nearby
  • I love how he's sitting in the arm chair with a suit on in front of the bookcase giving off the traditional look of someone who is well educated and perhaps an authority on the subject, but when you look close you see there is nothing but video games and novelty items on the shelves lol That was so refreshing! The content of the video was A+ and I love the authenticity. He's a smart dude just being himself and letting the content speak for itself. I just subbed!
  • @12tone
    For the word association thing, I mostly found myself just repeating the word you'd said. Not sure what that says about me...
    I’ve never been so relieved that my mother is borderline deaf.
  • I like the subtle as above so below reference toward the end there.
  • As a graduate student, this video made it so easy to understand the basics of psychoanalysis. Your form of presenting made listening and watching easy.
  • @tate9701
    My mom was right there when the video began.......
  • It's weird. When you did the word association thing, I repeated the word "pain" with heart. Kinda surprised me.
  • Problems of being multilingual... when you said the words I just thought them in a different language... good practice exercise thou...
  • @alaa1586
    bro my laptop was full volume when i opened this video chill
  • Fun video, great to help retain information I need while I study for the NCE. Thank you for your contribution.
  • The intro took me out😭😭😭but luckily I passed my exam with this video, thank you!
  • Very helpful video. Thanks you. Is there anywhere I can read about the 4 months case study on Psychoanalysis and Behavioural therapy?
  • Sorry, didn't pay any attention. Couldn't stop admiring your Tiffany-style lamp and looking through the game collection.
  • I find it disappointing that you neglected to inform the viewers that there are probably around 10 different schools of thought in psychoanalysis today. Almost no one is doing classical Freudian analysis anymore. Whenever I see someone conflating the field as a whole with Freud, I know this is someone who does not know what they are talking about. Freud was a long time ago, so why hold the entire field to what he had to say? There are many prominent psychoanalytic therapists and psychoanalysts who have contributed to the field and Jonathan Shedler has researched and written quite a bit about the efficacy of psychodynamic therapy.