Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is an offensively terrible movie - RFT Review

Published 2019-12-20

Just a few reasons why The Rise of Skywalker is a terrible movie, as well as being a terrible Star Wars movie, as well as being a terrible sequel. This is by no means a fully comprehensive exploration of every problem with Rise of Skywalker, I have only seen the film once and I wanted to articulate the most critical problems with the film as a whole.


Movie footage used:
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
All other footage is taken from trailers from The Rise of Skywalker.

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All Comments (21)
  • @7Z7A7C7K7
    Best thing about Rings of Power is finding new content creators.
  • @lumeronswift
    One huge correction - Abrams never had any plans. He just had "mystery boxes". Johnson asked him where the story was supposed to go and was given nothing. That doesn't excuse Johnson for TLJ, but it is just another nail in the coffin. Imagine being handed one of the biggest franchises in the universe and relegating it to a few unplanned mystery boxes and then handing it off to an even less capable director.
  • The worst part about the guy saying, “we can’t do the Holdo maneuver because that was one in a million”… That means the purple-haired space Karen risked the lives of her crew and the continued existence of her entire faction on a plan that had a one in a million chance of success—and then she got pissy when someone dared to think that was a bad idea.
  • @NarcissistAU
    This fellow is hands down the most underrated creator I've yet found. Dibs on his brain when he's done with it (which should be soonish given the content he's consuming).
  • @Silveirias
    I didn't want to pay for this film, so I watched a cinema recording on a dodgy website with casino ads with piñatas dropping onto the video every now and then and honestly it only improved the film.
  • I can almost, almost believe The Force could manifest water droplets (by condensing water vapor/humidity already around Kylo) during the Force Skype-call from TLJ, because water is at least a naturally occurring element in the air itself and it was just a few drops. But an entire necklace or lightsaber? I know it wasn't the biggest issue with this movie, by far, but AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
  • @WorldofElsuon
    A good review. J. J. Abrams and his minions at Bad Robot have done incalculable damage to every franchise they've touched. Their sweeping disrespect for film is now legendary. It will be extraordinarily difficult for these franchises to recover from J. J. Abrams's vanity and abuses. Regarding Force Ghosts, all good Jedi have them. There is never any indication Sith or supremely selfish people maintain their identities after death. Further, we now Anakin Skywalker was redeemed at the end of The Return of the Jedi because he appears next to Yoda's and Obi-wan Kenobi's Force Ghosts. This entire wretched trilogy would not exist if Anakin's Force Ghost merely showed up and told Kilo Ren (Ben Solo) that he had misinterpreted his (Anakin's) actions in life and not to pursue the Dark Side. That is how lazy the writing is in the abominable trilogy.
  • @big_red01027
    "That's not how The Force works!" - Ben Solo's deadbeat dad
  • The jar jar Abrams refrain: Hey it looks cool so don’t think about it
  • I love how after we had an entire trilogy centered around someone who only joined the dark side and became the strongest force user alive because he wanted to bring someone back to life, shown to be a sheer impossible endeveaour, we now have another trilogy in which at the end a random dude just achieves that.
  • @tobsw3802
    It's even more obvious that the "And I am all the Jedi" is a blatant rip off because the line immediately follows a scene in which the "heroes" are completely outnumbered and being overwhelmed by the villains army when suddenly, at the very last moment, portals open up and an army of the heroes' allies appear to aid them. Ofcourse in Endgame its literally the culmination of decades worth of movies and every hero appear is someone that we had previously built a connection to and had lost in Infinity War. It's a triumphant rallying of beloved characters at the darkest moment. In RoS it's literally just a bunch of nobodies that we've never seen before. Great Channel btw. Binge listened to your entire Rings of Power series yesterday.
  • Found you based on your Rings of Power videos...glad to see you were making gems before you became famous 💖💎💖
  • @Phier554
    Old news but JJ had no real plans. He never does. He's never made a coherent movie that I've seen.
  • @domeplsffs
    ayyy lmfao @3:50 "the famous Leia Poppins Scene" - that line frigging slayed me. Well played, sir, well played. x'DDDD
  • @TheJammerman
    The “Holdo Maneuver” existing means that if Han Solo had screwed up his entrance into Starkiller base at the third act of Force Awakens, everything would have been fine because the Falcon would have hit Starkiller base at warp speed and destroyed the base. Mission would have been over, a complete success and nobody else would need to do anything.
  • @kazekamiha
    The whole Sequel Trilogy would have been better if it was done by Michael Bay. Think about that.
  • "Fvck you that's why" could be the tagline of this movie and it would work spectacularly. Btw love your channel 💙 my begrudging thanks to RoP for leading me to it.
  • I'm so happy to see this review, right from the start you were perfectly explaining my main issues. This is a movie (while totally bad) is understandably bad because of the arrogance of director put in charge of the middle movie, who went out of his way to shut down all the questions and plot points for this movie, so you just know as the final movie its going to suck, while i think the last jedi is a better standalone movie than the rest of the movies in the trilogy, it is my most hated star wars film for the sheer arrogance that destroyed this trilogy. Not going to lie the hyperspace jump was epic visually, but this is a galaxy that has existed a long long time ago, cannot have inconsistencies where your primary galactic threat is a single moon-to-planet sized threat that can so simply be destroyed by a solution you didnt care about. I don't need star wars to be realistic, I'm okay with CIS robots operating turrets on spaceships, its looks cool, as long as you keep it consistent, but using hyperspace to blow up shit single handedly shit on star wars and I'm not over it. Thank you for this fantastic review.
  • @kenjikune2565
    Watched Episode VII in theaters & saw how the rest of the trilogy would go down. Saved a whole 20 schmackeroos.
  • @clpearson991
    But why isn't there more hate directed at the execs who decided swapping between directors with totally different visions and storytelling was a good idea for one of the most beloved franchises in movie history?