Meet Your Radiant Self | Quantum Leap Into Your Dream Reality | Guided Visualization | SHIVARASA

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Ever imagine what it’d be like to have a conversation with your future self?

Not just any version you, the absolute best version of you.
The version of you you’ve always dreamed of becoming. 

Science says imagining your best self in 5 years and how incredible your life can be is one of the most robust ways to boost your hope.

What is the best possible life you can imagine? 

SEE that best version of you.
FEEL the energy of what it’s like to be in YOUR presence.

Now imagine you only had ONE minute to spend with that version of you.
What would they want to tell you that would be important for you to consider?

What if that version of you could only tell you ONE thing 
in order for you to become that best version of yourself?

What would they want to whisper into your ear?

Pick a time in the future that means something to you,
that's where we're going to go…

Welcome to the doorway of your most Radiant Self ✨ 

Music produced & guided by SHIVARASA f.k.a. Shiva

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Artwork: Nasya -
Animation: Super Tight Woody-

コメント (21)
  • My future self, elegant and sophisticated, fit and healthy, multiple business owner, independent and detached, deeply in love with herself, intellect, moving city to city, experiencing the world, having the most amazing circle of friends and family, highly ambitious told me to not give up, and believe in the power of my infinity potential. She said she truly loves me and will leave no stone unturned to get me to her. She said she knows I'm better than what I think and way more stronger.
  • My higher self said “Keep showing up, keep putting yourself out there and trust”
  • Omg.. thank you for this meditation. I cried so much because I’m already in my 50’s. This opened my eyes to how fast life is. “We are the creator of our own life experiences.” Abraham Hicks.
  • I did this meditation and the one last thing my future self said to me is "I love you, thank you for making me into who I am." I cannot explain the peace this brings me after struggling so much with self hate and low self esteem. This truly brought me to a place of love for myself that I havent felt since I was a child. Thank you times a million. You are so gifted and appreciated. 🙏✨
  • My radiant self said me - " no dreams are far fetched keep believing and one day the dreams will reach you"
  • I saw myself 10 years from now and i got a beautiful home in the woods!! It had a bunch of glass windows! Very beautiful! And i felt peace, humble and good about my accomplishments, they felt "nice and sweet". My future self really appreciated my thank yous for her efforts
  • She was/is so graceful, peaceful and happy. She said, "keep going!"
  • My higher self said i need discipline to achieve my goals and be grateful what I have and she will help me get there
  • @ivrusli
    I almost never leave a comment on youtube but I want everyone to know that it works. I did this meditation just once in 2021. I visualized my higher self graduating from the uni I wanted. 2 months later I got the acceptance letter and now I'm in my second year. Whenever I wanted something, I prayed, worked, and meditated with the help of this video, and poof, I always got everything I wanted.
  • I reminded myself, "You will get what you want. You are where you're supposed to be. Just the enjoy the journey and be grateful for every moment. Remember to let go so you can let in. Create what speaks to you so you can speak for yourself. Do it all with love." Very thankful for this meditation.
  • My most radiant self was a confident, brave woman; a pole dancer and surprisingly a (local) singer; she had long dark hair often put up by a clip. She had wonderful, gracious moves, great physique, was an amazing dancer. She said “no” to smoking (vaping) and to overly attaching herself and relying on a man; she was open and loving to everyone she met on her way; she gave a lot of importance to her friendship; she was nourishing and caring. She had her arms wide open every day welcoming everything the universe was to bring her. She told me to be more open. Stretch your arms out and feel ready to receive. Don’t hide yourself. It showed me the span of roughly 8 years, but I’m not stuck on the number. We’ll see when me and her can merge. Off to meet her.
  • All I want is a good and happy family life and that's what I see in 10years a happy woman and I see she's enjoying her life
  • My radiant self said I’m gonna make you a successful business woman, I’m making you more beautiful from the inside out & here’s all of your desires
  • My dream self said “you are exactly where you need to be and no matter how bad things seem to get in front of you the life you dreamed and deserve is already set in stone cherish the journey and the preciousness of everyday” this was the first visualization mediation I got rly emotional with thank you so much :)
  • I cry every time...happy tears!!! When I see my future self she's literally glowing with all the colors of the rainbow. Nothing can stop her force. She's powerful, intelligent and so aware of herself. She's whole. Confident. Beautiful. I love meeting her. Thank you for facilitating that through the visualization. I'M OBSESSED. 🌈🌈🌈
  • I saw myself pregnant with the most beautiful baby belly in this gorgeous midnightblue sparkly dress being my most goddess self❤️
  • My 50s says the only thing you need to do and remember at all times:Trust yourself ,you’ve already done this .Just trust you can do it:)
  • @monica-renee
    My future self said. I will be a star in the most genuine way and an inspiration to others. It’s not too late.