An Army of Flies INVADED My House!

Publicado 2022-10-08

Every year my house becomes a warzone between me and an army of flies that seem to appear out of nowhere (possibly a different dimension). I still haven't ever figured out how they keep showing up and I don't think even scientists can explain it. Truly is one of Earth's greatest mysteries. People would probably be grossed out and maybe even scared of being swarmed by a bunch of flies but in my house and in this video... It is the flies who should be scared.

This video was honestly supposed to be finished a lot sooner than it did but I did run into several obstacles. My wrist started hurting and fearing it was turning into carpal tunnel, I gave myself a break worked at a much slower pace. Also I would get carried away with certain scenes in the video by trying to make it look cool (Like practicing for a certain something *cough *cough). Anyways I'm glad this video is done and hopefully I can work on the next video with fewer problems.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @marengeorge2610
    As someone who has 3 cats, they will sometimes eat bugs. One of my cats lived in the wiled before we adopted her, and she is outside about half the time, she will go kill prey and bring them to our door. She has a kill count of 13+ mice, at least 11 birds, and a RACOON. I'm serious but she's a sicopath sometimes.
  • @haddow777
    As someone who has worked in the pest control field, I can state that most times, an abundance of house flies means there is something rotting nearby. You can kill them all you want, but they breed so fast it will feel like your swimming up a waterfall. The absolute best thing you can do is find what's rotting and get rid of it. Lots of times it's dead rats or birds near or under the house. I've seen maggots crawl from the outside to the inside of a house, through a wall. No kidding. There must have been a gap somewhere. I couldn't see it, but they crawled through it. Also, it can never be stated enough, GET SCREENS FOR YOUR WINDOWS! It amazes me how many people have pest problems because they don't realize a window screen is a pest control device. True, it won't stop maggots for a second, but it will stop mice (yes, they will crawl up through your window), flies, fruit flies, moths, etc from just meandering in through an open window. It is possible for wind currents to focus and guide flying pests into a window, depending how on the environment around your house is designed.
  • @indigo2322
    At my old house, we've always had a gnat and fly problem. To deal with them, we'd take a bowl, fill it with fruity discards like watermelon, apple core, cantelope, etc...Then sprinkle it all with something sticky, in which case we used either honey or nectar. I don't remember if we've added anything else, but then we'd tape plastic wrap with holes to cover the bowl and put it in the kitchen. This was pretty effective, I was disgusted with how many gnats there were. In the end, we'd put the bowl in the microwave and I'd watch the bugs drop and die after a few seconds. It was pretty amazing.
  • when you manage to swat several flies in fallout: agility has been leveled up by +1
  • @Unovakid24
    I TOTALLY HAD THIS HAPPEN TO ME BEFORE!! Apparently, at some point, a single fly made its way to my basement and got into a bag of brown sugar and reproduced like crazy, and I just walk downstairs one morning to find the entire place infested with those cursed bugs. I had already become accustomed to smashing one or two a day, but there were just SO many of them. My dad and I had to set up fly paper everywhere, and it took several days at least to finally get them all. To this day, I call this traumatic event The Great Fly Infestation of 2019 and my poor TV still has the battle scars to this day (as in dried up fly bits). I totally understand this pain, my friend
  • @breadg1818
    I love that he made this video to draw giant bugs
  • Leave out a soda bottle or jar w/a hole in the lid in each room filled with a mix of water, honey, apple cider vinegar, bleach, and liquid soap (dawn dish soap works well). The smell attracts them in, the containers shape prevents them from easily getting out, they usually drown in there. Just dont do this if you have pets that wander around the house like cats or dogs.
  • I love how this has an anime aspect to it like the NANI? And the send it back to the shadow realm, and whatnot
  • @snekcheese4178
    Yeah ive had the maggots on the floor thing in my hose before. It was because of carpenter bees in our walls drilling to far and making a small hole that led into the inside of our house. Also somehow (I don't even know how this could even happen) crickets and beetles got into the house through that hole as well.
  • I've had fly problems before one of them was the really weird looking ones that i finally found breeding on and off in the filtration of my turtle tank. Also I'm not 100% sure that they have to lay their spawn in the trash. I wouldn't be surprised if those evil spawn of satan hide in the walls near by and bring there spawn food. What's also likely is they are breeding hard core in your outdoor trash and are ninja slipping into your house every time you open the door.
  • @jimmypan5944
    I’ve suffered the same pain here’s my story: I was peacefully just watching some television and then I saw a bunch of tiny baby flys on the wall (it was horrible I hated it) I know how painful this is my friend ☹️
  • I had this happen to me once I've probably never had to deal with the amount of flies you've had but we had to deal with at least 10 flies a day. We didn't know where they were coming from or what they were attracted to but they would not stop coming inside our house I actually got pretty good at killing flies with my bare hands thats how often it happened, yeah it wasn't just during the summer it was year round, it was a little worse during the summer but not by too much. Then one day they just stopped coming in less and less flies started showing up and we didn't know why. Then, like a month later it clicked it was because of our dog, for some context me and my family lived with my grandparents for a while and my grandma is a huge animal lover, she has at least 5 dogs at a time, (shes had more in the past) one of our dogs was a huge Pitbull and he had medical condition it didn't affect him much he could still move around and do normal dog stuff, but he had open sores all over on his belly we didn't realize at the time that he was the one attracting the flies, amazingly he never got infected somehow, but after years of my grandma trying everything to help her dog, doctor visits, ointments, pills he passed away we don't know if he succumbed to his disease or if he just got old but his suffering finally ended, and the flies no longer invade our house. We rarely get flies anymore the last time we had a fly in our house was like a year ago.
  • Last year, there was a giant fly infestation spreading across my whole town. I was a housekeeper in a hotel... there were hundreds per room. Had to shut down a couple of the really bad ones. Our vacuums were halfway full of the insects, every day, and there would be just as many the next day, and the next, and the next, for months. I had friends in other hotels where it was just as bad, and people in homes were complaining as well. Got a new house at the end of that summer, and there was evidence in there, too. It wasn't quite as bad because it was towards the end of prime bug time, but still, holey moley guacamole 😵‍💫
  • @idkimbadanames1314
    Reminds me of one time years ago. I was at a summer daycare type of thing(no idea how else to describe). Though that day we went on a field trip, and brought food to eat there. My brother opened his milk carton to take a drink. He then closed his eyes, and the last second before he drank it a fly flew in. He then proceeded to drink the entire thing while me and a few others laughed hella hard. He had no idea it happened till after, and said he didn’t feel anything as he drank it, though it had been a few years when I asked.
  • @EasterWitch
    I know that in old wood houses can be a good environment for flies to hatch. When the wood is rotting the maggots can live inside the walls, and when they become flies they get stuck indoors. We have sometimes had flies stuck in between the windowsill and the window itself. Basically a fly pancake.
  • @zacktory161
    4:00 Fun fact, people actually do that. Maybe not a lot, like maybe one. But thats enough they are really good at catching flying annoying stuff, who could have thought!
  • @bandrem
    The problem with electric fly swatters is it only stuns large flies and then they get back up, but by that point, just squash or kill it. (I don’t do that because I hate fly corpses, I wish they would just evaporate)
  • @theonlyreal615
    And now he has to go through that again... Summer is starting