what would I tell my single-self? // reality check!

Published 2022-09-29

All Comments (21)
  • @irenicrose
    I've been wrestling with being single, but I recently have realized how I'll never get this time where I can serve the Lord freely back. When I do get in a relationship I'll have to be concerned with another person but right now I don't have to worry about that and can serve the Lord however I can.
  • @cindyf.
    I’ve been married for 7 years and there’s been many times where I felt lonely and had a deep longing feeling. Being married does not satisfy all our needs, only Jesus can do that. Blessings to all!!!!
  • As someone who is still single, I would also say patience is so important and for singleness to be a season where the Lord really does not only draw us to Himself more but refines our faith! Patience is an evidence of faith. Trust in Him fully and you will surely see His hand leading you in every season.
  • I was Blessed to have met my husband when I was 20. However we did not date til my 22nd Birthday because he was 16 years older than me. We were married for 35 1/2 years, then he passed away from Cancer. My husband was amazing, we never argued and our life was amazing. Now that I am a widow, I am giving my life to Jesus, I will never marry nor do I plan to date. My comfort is found in Jesus and knowing I will one day see my sweet husband when it’s my turn to go to Heaven. If any of you single ladies out there do find yourself falling in love, make sure he loves the Lord. I pray you all find happiness whether you are single, engaged, or married. Ashley I wish you nothing but the best with Johnny.
  • Today I've been sick and had to stay home from school. Even though I'm too young for a relationship, I feel like God did speak to me through this video that these things don't only apply to singleness, but to wanting other earthly things, such as a car and an iPad (two things I've really been wanting recently). I felt God saying, "Am I enough for you?" He's convicted me a lot today on little things and to set my heart on things that are above. Thank you so much for sharing and may the Lord bless and keep you in your new marriage, Ashly❤
  • @adaytripp
    Love hearing this from another Ashley. I've waited 7 yrs for a man of God with Kingdom minded purpose and a servants heart and ministry 😭 please pray for me
  • I always enjoy hearing what you say and the scripture that you give us. Everything is always so meaningful and inspiring. I'm still sitting on the east coast of Florida at the end of Hurricane Ian. We're having tropical storm force winds through tomorrow when the storm exits the state. We did not get the bad wind and rain that the west coast and the middle of the state got. The Lord really took care of me. My house has no damage and I still have power which are two huge miracles. I'm so thankful to the Lord for answering my prayers and taking care of me through this awful storm. I'm praising Him on my knees for His help through this!
  • Congratulations again on your upcoming marriage. We are getting married the same day as well!! 🌟🎊🌟
  • This was one of the most encouraging videos about singleness that I have ever watched! I was so strengthened and empowered by the truth shared in this video whereas often I leave other videos feeling angry or resentful or still longing selfishly for marriage. Thank you so much for pointing us to finding true sufficiency in Christ alone as He IS WORTHY of our whole heart, but also so encouraging us to turn to Christ in that longing instead of suppressing it! ❤️ Thank you again 🥰 such good truth!
  • @augustaaltman
    I’m so happy for you Ashley. But oh how I wish my time of singleness was “short”. I’m 29 and still single. It’s hard when you feel called to be a wife and mother. I’ve been trying to stay focused on Jesus. But it is so hard sometimes
  • @anal.mendoza
    Blessings and greetings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Thanks for sharing these things. I'm 40 and still single but I'm still waiting in the Lord to find the right man in my life so keep me in your prayers.
  • Beautiful video. I pray that God would give us eyes to see that He is sufficient for us and patience to wait on His timing🙏
  • Heard you guys on Moody radio today! So refreshing to hear, God bless! ❤
  • Your hair looks so pretty!! Your comment about reality punching you in the face! 😂 You said it so sweetly but it is so true! I love that you said you’re not putting all your hope in your spouse. A romantic relationship and marriage are not quite like the fairy tales but they can be good and you can learn so much. Think about the guidelines you want in a relationship while you are single. If you don’t have strong Christian parents who are involved in your life setting those for you then pray & ask God - What kind of purity standards will we have? Should we spend time alone? In each other’s rooms? What goals will we have to grow spiritually as a couple? How will we work out conflicts?Prepare yourself because as Ashley said You’ll probably find it harder than you think. I’ve been married for 25 years now & I’m praying for my sons as they begin to navigate the search for a “someday spouse.” 🙏✝️
  • @torikrasovska
    Yeah, it is one of the biggest lies I had fed myself that a S/O would make me happy or satisfied with life. Now, as I know that they can’t and it’s unfair for me to put the load of my happiness on their shoulders, I am really enjoying being in the season of singleness because it is the shortest season of all! I want to run after God and use the time and energy I have for His glory, not pining away for some fantasy. We are single for a reason and we are married for a reason - to give glory to Christ. Let’s go and make the best of each season! 😚
  • I love you to all who are reading this read the word today relax it will be okay 💜
  • @Alondramezal
    As soon as I started to feel lonely this video came up thank you❤❤