Cameron Robbins Shark Attack Quick Analysis

Published 2023-06-08

All Comments (21)
  • I think he did what we all did at 18 or so, tried to impress some buddies or maybe a prospective partner or 3... And it's not fair that most of us got away with doing dumb stuff like that, and poor Cameron did not. If it was a predatory fish, and I think it was, he couldn't have suffered long. RIP Cameron. Condolences to all who knew him.
  • Cameron took one look at the "object" and quickly turned away from it. Waves don't make people do that, scary fish do.
  • @chelseamunroe
    honestly a BOOZE CRUISE with people under 21, in the dark in the ocean sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
  • @catfolan4065
    I am a marine biologist with 25+ years experience with a lot of experience with all types of Sharks including tagging and releasing sharks in the Cape Cod area with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, This definitely doesn't look like a wave 🌊 crest and his reaction indicates that he saw something alarming, It appears to me that is a Shark
  • Took him the exact same way as the guy who just got killed in Egypt. Shark pulled down on him and then you see the tail fin pop up as it pushes him further underwater and ripping him apart. Shark attack 100% and anybody saying anything else is either a fool or they are trying to cover it up.
  • @definedhemp964
    He was eaten! When swimming out in the ocean you're no longer at the top of the food ARE the food chain!!
  • I spoke to a friend of mine who is from Nassaue in the Bahamas. He said that to dive into the Bahamian waters at night is feeding yourself to the sharks. They feed in frenzies at that time. The locals never swim there at night, and only in the clear shallows by day.
  • if i pulled off a dare like this in front of my friends and boat load of hyped up people, i would turn and face them all expecting cheers etc, he doesn’t, he is in trouble straight away. He sees something which terrifies him, he doesn’t seem to care about the noise from boat, he is in life and death situation.
  • I have watched multiple videos of this. The one-person freeze framed it and enlarged it. He then tried to clean up the image. Right before the splash where some think a shark breeched and others say it was him splashing. You can see something under the water by his legs a second later the water turns red by his legs. I'm viewing this on a 65inch HDTV so I think my view is better than the small laptops and other moniters despite what people say. Also, everyone seems to ignore the woman in the background screaming there's a shark. He was ate by multiple sharks in my opinion.
  • @butchp568
    It was most certainly a shark. Been at sea as a USMC officer deployed on Navy ships. Sharks follow the ships and eat the sinkable trash dumped by the Navy. You can see the shark early on in the clip. You can see the air bubbles surrounding the sharks movement. He is injured but not from the jump, the height of the boat deck is not very high. His left arm is injured most likely from a shark bite and there is blood in the water at this point. He tries to swim with one arm and legs are below the water surface almost as if he were treading water. The shark comes from blow and behind his left leg and attacks his left leg. You can see the tail fin of the shark as the water around Cameron turns red. At this point the shark takes him under. My condolences to his family.
  • The images, his behaviours (i.e. swimming away from the ring, ) and the context (ie. night time, splashing, he was alone in water etc.) definitely support a shark attack.
  • What’s very odd to me is how after that thing appeared (whatever it is) he starts to swim away from it and the only thing that can save him. That’s what makes me think there was a shark and he seen it. It doesn’t look like the current took him, he intentionally turned around and swam the other way
  • Regardless of what happened, whoever dared him to jump has a lifetime of regret ahead.
  • @Lookup33
    Opinion: Cameron knows it was a shark, he looked dead at it then swam away. And the “bye bye” dude knew to. People’s eyes can sometimes pick up more context than camera footage.
  • @btcrazee1
    He appears to be looking right at something that he turns around, trying to swim away, and not to the ring thrown to him. My friend was there at the same time, was on a day fishing trip and said she would love to jump in, the water was so beautiful. The captain told her it was full of sharks and she would be eaten!
  • @travelwgigi
    That movement is the same as a shark’s. He’s looking at that direction and swimming away from it. As he’s swimming away, he’s also glancing back. There’s something in the water for sure. This is an unfortunate case and I’ve been thinking about it since.
  • the curvature of the object, and the tail fin (caudal fin) is clearly that of a shark. I lived in the Bahamas, because of the abundance of reefs, there are plenty of sharks. The boat wasn't moving, and if there were any waves from it bobbing up and down, there would have been more than one "splash" or "movement of water" (re people thinking that was a splash and not a shark). You can see by the life ring, and Cameron's swimming, that the water was relatively calm.
  • Just a minor nitpick- when Cameron swims away from the buoy, he is actually swimming toward the bow of the ship, not the back. This matters because there is NO reason for him to swim in that direction. The ladder would have been in the back.
  • One of Cameron’s hand was gone..there’s another video.. it test bites him when he sees the other shark and tries to swim away and TWO drag him down simultaneously from the front and back.