Prisma Reyes Quick Analysis - New Footage Released

Published 2022-04-22


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All Comments (21)
    I've done door dash in several apartment complexes like this here in the Dallas area. I have always had trouble trying to get in to the buildings in order to deliver the food because you usually need some sort of key fob/badge to get into the building and sometimes to use the elevator as well. The layout of these apartments area are usually confusing and never make any sense as far as the apartment numbers go, they usually out of order in a weird pattern but its confusing because all of the hallways and doors look the same. I think they do it so people aren't accidentally mistaking their apartment for someone else's. And every parking level in the garage(except the first level) look the same as well. I remember one time crying because I was lost and couldn't find the right the apartment at first, that I needed to deliver food too.  Because everything literally looked the same and then I couldn't remember what level I parked on or find my way out of the building to get the parking lot because all of the doors were the same color..the hallways are narrow, it was quiet, I felt scared as well because I didn't see a lot of people. anyways I needed up running to a guy who lived there and helped me find my way out and helped me find my car. Anyways when I did deliver at private apartments or any place that required a key fob I would usually look for someone going into the same building so I can go in with them. And maybe thats what Prisma did the she tried to get on the elevator or in the building but she followed the wrong person who noticed that she was drunk and easy to take advantage of. The cars that went into the parking garage at the same time she ran in should be looked at in my opinion because they arrived at the same time she did. Maybe they heard or saw something as they were also getting off of their vehicles to go inside of the building. This story has always bothered me since it occurred. Its one of the reasons I stopped doing door dash because there has been many times I have been scared delivering.
  • She goes to work and purposely parks in someone else’s parking space resulting in a verbal confrontation between the two co-workers . She decides to call her ex boyfriend for a lunch date near his apartment. He lives far away from her work, the round trip would make her late for work. I think she decided she was going to quit her job because of the parking space confrontation. She gets to the lunch/bar area and immediately starts drinking. Her date doesn’t seem to be happy to be there and leaves. She continues to drink until she’s cut off by the bartender. She’s intoxicated and recklessly drives her vehicle threw the parking lot, driving over a curb and almost hitting a runner 🏃‍♂️. She drives on the highway back towards work then turns around and drives back towards her ex boyfriend’s apartment. When she exits the highway she pulls a gun in a road rage confrontation. She then drives to her ex’s apartment building, parks in the path of a city street 😦. Jumps out of her vehicle, runs into the parking garage, stumbles around , calls a few people and disappears 😵‍💫 She was planning on picking up her child later ? 🤯. She was wasted drunk! I think she might be an alcoholic who regularly drinks and drives. I think she’s the type that regularly picks fights -sober and intoxicated. She’s a small girl , maybe she feels like she has to be aggressive. I think a creep saw her walking in a hallway and grabbed her dragging her into his apartment…. Or Someone in the garage snatched her and drove away with her. She would have to be unconscious, she seems like the type to fight for her life. Or She tried to break into her exes apartment … from the outside and fell into a trash dumpster. Sounds ridiculous but her entire day was outrageous.
  • @dmbdana
    Oh Arrin! Thank you! PLEASE do your deep dive on this case!
  • @LeeDee5
    Thank you Arrin. As a Mexican I see my family, my friends, etc in her. A very sad mystery all around and I don't have much to contribute. All I think is that she was way more than just intoxicated which is why she just parked randomly blocking a road. The open trunk is concerning. LE always wait and release bite sized crumbs of footage after years. Witness memories becoming foggier as the years pass by. It annoys me to no end.
  • @KayMed-1
    To me it doesn’t look like she’s talking on the phone, it looks like she’s looking around acting like she’s speaking on the phone. I think the reason she parked her car there was because she was running away from someone who was following her. I think she was running away from someone. Witnesses say she had an altercation on the road when she was on her way back to work. I think she made that u turn and flew to her ex’s place because she was fleeing from whoever was following her. You can clearly see she’s running inside the garage
  • @anon4765
    side note that i really enjoy how you add suspenseful music during the video footage because it subconsciously makes your senses more heightened and prone to seeing things you wouldn’t normally look for.
  • @bamadogmom7080
    Looks like she suddenly stops her Jeep when she sees the gate is open for cars going in. She jumps out and runs to make it through the gate before it closes. Barely hanging onto her purse by one handle. So was she showing up unexpected?
  • @Blndbtch87
    So there has to be more footage with all those cameras. If she stumbled under that other camera.. then what? She had to have either went down the ramp, back then way she came, or out a door or into a car in that corner. If they never see her again they have to be able to see what cars came in and out of that area… it just doesn’t make sense. There has to be more footage they are holding back or something. It’s like Brian Schaffer.
  • @BarbaraT.
    If you hadn't told me yourself and hadn't cropped the footage, I would have thought she was disappearing behind the car. And that's because the police cut off the footage too soon, imo. The feeling I get is that of Prisma running away from someone/something. Yes, she's intoxicated but it seems to me an "urgent" run. I'm rather annoyed that the police decided to release just this bit of footage. Wouldn't a few more seconds be more helpful? Great job as always, Arrin!
  • @mccnt9918
    I really think she was drunk or drugged in the first surveillance video by the elevator.
  • @gamebred88
    After seeing this new footage she was drunk and or high. Went to go see her ex. He wasn’t bout it. Someone took her. Smfh. Makes me sick
  • Are you familiar with the Mekayla Bali missing persons case in Canada? There's a lot of surveillance in it.
  • @1truthse3ker
    Thank you for this update on Prisma Reyes case,.. very disappointed that this has not been solved and there has been very little coverage. I agree, it looks as though she is walking very swiftly as if she was trying to get away from someone. Also it looks as though she falls in front of that vehicle! I wish the two witnesses that had seen her upset would have taken the time to get her help that day, making sure that she was safe and okay! She was obviously very impaired and in need of assistance!
  • @mccnt9918
    What if she's still in that building somewhere? Maybe because she was drunk or whatever there was an accident, like she fell down an elevator shaft or something, and no one has found her yet? Wasn't her ex that lived there out of town so he was cleared?
  • @saltfork4184
    For all we know, the “silver car trunk open” statement could easily be a diversion by the suspect or suspects themselves
  • @casiataylor2976
    Hey Arrin, this is Cece thank you for analyzing this case. There were a lot of things that you pointed out that I didn't even notice. There were a lot of odd things happening up to her disappearance, she had failed to pick up her son that day and she was involved in a road rage incident before she arrived at the apartment complex, while being intoxicated. Some say there was a full clip of her entering the elevator and there was a man or someone you can see in the elevator when she gets on. She was also seen entering the building, but was her stumbling out video of her exiting? Or was she never seen leaving? Because I don't think her Jeep ever left the spot she had illegally parked at. Also it seemed like she was in a rush or being chased or something, and she had parked her car and ran as if she were coming right back out or hiding from someone, because she didn't park inside the garage which seemed pretty odd to me. Will you be doing anymore updates about this case in the near future? Justice 4 Prisma
  • @mannysd6191
    There are so many things that happened that day in regards to Prisma. She started a new job (had an incident with coworker) , she was seen pointing a gun while driving at another driver, spoke to the baby sitter during the bar stay, and she left the Jeep abandoned at that street. I think she could've had a nervous breakdown and someone took advantage of her vulnerability. Allegedly the Jeep was given to her by a current boyfriend, not the one she went to visit. I think she was waiting for a ride because she was paranoid. Who picked her up? It could have been the ex or the current bf. But police seem to not think they are the ones responsible.. Thank you for covering this case. I feel it needs more coverage since none of those guys have shown their faces and seem suspicious, I hope there is Justice for Prisma Reyes 🙏🙏
  • @josephdale69
    This case has always intrigued me. Thanks for covering it.
  • @saltfork4184
    Her running like that, “seems to me” is that someone had told her to hurry up and she was running to there car or wherever they were at in that garage.