LA Noire - What Happened?

Published 2019-07-21

All Comments (21)
  • @zzxp1
    McNamara: "My only regret is that humans have to sleep and eat, they are such low life forms, the robot revolution can't come soon enough"
  • @RyouKaguraTV
    Bless the soul of the animator who did everything apart from the fluid cutscenes. He didn’t deserve that much work
  • Unsurprising that McNamara didn't learn anything. Guys like him, who demand to be in charge of everything, never do. They are narcissists. They believe they know best, at all times, and that if people don't live up to their expectations or quit, then it just means they weren't as smart/talented/devoted/couldn't see the "big picture"/whatever.
  • @billyweed835
    I'm not sure what's worse: The idea that Brendan McNamara is lying about everything and just wanted to have control...Or that's he telling the truth, and GENUINELY BELIEVES these working conditions are "necessary".
  • @facsimileq1906
    McNamara: My only regret was sending my workers home on christmas day, and not invoking the right of prima nochta with junior graduate associates. Thats how passionate i am about making the best game possible.
  • "So Mr. McNamara, what do you have to say about the deplorable working conditions you put your employees through?" McNamara: "...Sorry, sometimes you got to shake the employees to see what game falls out."
  • 4:53 in all fairness to Capcom, the only reason Red Dead became so successful WAS because Rockstar acquired it and made it like one of their own IPs. It wouldn't have been half as successful as it has been if Capcom had kept it.
  • LA Noire - What happened? Me before the video: Tf you mean they made a good game Me after the video: oh
  • @bramweenink7697
    Wow McNamara should apply to EA. They'd hire him in a heartbeat
  • @GenerationWest
    I honestly didn't know that the behind the scenes WAS THAT BAD! Like, heard some bad stuff, but those 7 years made Duke Nukem Forever's development look mild.
  • @casbinwat
    "I went through it and I ended up fine" This is what abusers say when they try to justify their abusive behaviour. No, you didn't end up fine. If you did you would see how disgusting your actions are.
  • @ElOctopodo
    8:20 On this note, let me point out that George Broussard's problem in Duke Nukem Forever was the reverse opposite to McNamara, as his employees said at the time he was "so nice and understanding nobody had the heart to tell him no" on wrong-headed decisions.
  • You know your extravagant development cycle went really out of hand when even Rockstar doesn't want anything to do with it.
  • @averagejoe455
    "Rockstar was slack-jawed to find the programmer was doing the job of four people." Presses X to Doubt
  • @DaisyMaisy02
    I'm currently completing my animation degree in Sydney where I've grown up, and I used to think I'd love to be involved in the games industry. Before I started my degree I went to an open day at a different university where as a special treat for all the visiting potential students they brought in a member from Australia's branch of Bethesda. He was answering questions and since the abuse of employees at Team Bondi had been going around in the news at the time I asked him how he recommended avoiding being exploited and forced into crunch in the games industry. He seemed kinda baffled by the question and then said that in his experience most employees have their best memories during crunch, cos it really ~brings the team together~ and ~shows their passion to getting a project done~. I don't really want to work in games anymore, but hey thanks to McNamara I don't really have many options in my own country anymore so I guess that problem solves itself.
  • @randomtissue
    I couldn't stop staring at McNamara's hairy arms.
  • @ominemon
    As always fantastic work Matt, more importantly thought I wanted to say thank you for bringing this to light on Wha Happun. As a resident drop bear roommate with my hand in local game development the horror stories of this prick are well earned and should be spread to anyone and everyone with a dream of making games Keep doing you and thanks again!
  • @elle2104
    Wow no wonder there was so much Anti-Union dialogue in the game lol
  • Not gonna lie I’m legitimately surprised nobody got violent on the team. If the climax of this story was someone coming to the workplace with a knife it wouldn’t seem out of place.