53 year-old dad does event training and Strongman work out of the day

Did I do the Yoke and Dinnie Rings faster? Please let me know what you think.

Strongman WOD: Go as heavy as you can and enjoy and let me know how well y'all did:
Barbell Overhead Press: 4X8
Farmers Walk: 4 Rounds @ 50 feet
Suicide Run: 4 Rounds
Lat Pull Downs: 4X8
Dumb Bell Press: 4X8 (Each arm or both at the same time)

Here is the link for you to get a free sample packet of LMNT: elementallabs.refr.cc/ckhall1996

Ok so here is the break down between LMNT and Gatorade.

1 bottle of 28oz Gatorade is $2.99. 30 bottles would equal $89.70'
1 packet of LMNT is $1.50. A box of 30 packets would be $45.00 (non-subscription) or 1 packet of LMNT for $1.30. A box of 30 packets would be $39.00 (With a subscription)

No matter how you slice it or dice it and cut out the BS....LMNT is basically 1/2 the price, better for you, and will provide you the hydration recovery you need to get in the best workout possible.

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