Rings of Power is Not Very Good: Breakdown and Analysis - Part 2: Adrift

Publicado 2022-09-17
Rings of Power Episode 2 was better than Episode 1, but it is still bad. Tune in to find out why.

00:00 - Galadriel in the Ocean
00:26 - Nori and the Stranger
06:59 - Hordern
09:11 - Eregion
11:16 - Arrival at Khazad-Dum
16:56 - Nori and the Stranger pt. 2
19:30 - Galadriel is Rescued
22:34 - Elrond and Durin
28:29 - Galadriel and Halbrand
34:15 - Bronwyn vs the Orc
37:48 - The Storm
38:29 - Nori and the Stranger pt. 3
39:18 - Durin and the King
38:58 - Galadriel is Rescued, Again
40:13 - Galadriel's Plot Analysed
42:12 - Arondir/Bronwyn's Plot Analysed
46:17 - Nori's Plot Analysed
47:41 - Elrond's Plot Analysed
49:34 - Conclusion
50:27 - Outro

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @outrider44
    If any elf were oblivious to the passage of time for mortals, it most definitely should NOT be Elrond, who himself was half-elven; who was, with his brother and parents, left with the choice of mortality vs immortality. His brother Elros chose to be mortal and became the first king of Numenor. Elrond should be keenly aware of how time affects mortals.
  • Elrond and Celebrimbor did not just "travel" to Khazaddum, they took a leisurely stroll through the woods in their morning gowns.
  • @poneill65
    Bronwyn must be a Queen,... because she's the only villager that hasn't got shit all over her (including the perennially shirtless Innkeeper,).
  • @brianensign7638
    I hate the way the show pretends like Galadriel is the only elf who was ever traumatized by war. Don’t you think Elrond, Gilgalad, and everyone else also lost friends and family? She should be surrounded by people who have “seen what she has seen.” She should be learning from them how to heal and recover from the horrors of war, since she is apparently the only person in middle earth who has not yet figured out how to do so. Was this show written by a woman who’s been told her entire life that she’s a self-centered bitch, so she’s using Galadriel as a projection to explain why her bitchiness is justified? That can’t be it, surely.
  • @rickjohnson9558
    Noori is such a rebel that she stands right next to the dinner table and sings, despite the fact that her mother tells her repeatedly that there is NO singing at the dinner table. That girl is simply out of control! What will she do next?
  • Halbrand's character description being "totally not evil" is 100% the only trait I could pinpoint
  • @mrdavman13
    Gandalf came on a boat. And knew everything from before. He was olorin before, but given the name mithrandir by the elves when he landed. And Cirdan gave him naria a ring of power
  • @poneill65
    To add to the absurd,.. because fuckit, why not. Durin expects Elrond to be clairvoyant as he clearly didn't send any invites to weddings/births. Theo lifts the orc 2-3 times his size into the air using his own body weight. Galadriel is dragged down into the depths by a WOODEN mast and a WOODEN pulley block. Wood Floats (Like Ducks,.. Very small rocks,... churches,...and Witches!)
  • @Angrenost02
    31:19 As someone already said, in the lore Galadriel was born before the sun existed, but when Finrod died the sun did exist, so it doesn't really work. This is the show trying to hint at the deep lore but failing because in the end it's still wrong. This happens quite a lot, believe me. It's weird too because the show keeps hinting to parts of the lore that only people who have read at least both the trilogy and the Silmarillion (so pretty hardcore fans) would know, but in the same time they change so much of the story and characters that for most of these fans (like me) it's clearly not Tolkien's Middle-Earth. Anyway, great work friend, I'm glad you decided to do this.
  • @Tar-Elenion
    Just want to note that the 'hundreds of miles from the shore' (that *Galadriel wants to get to) is a couple thousand miles...
  • @40X70N
    The sun thing is technically true because those trees from E1 used to basically act like the sun/moon and after they were destroyed, we got the sun and moon. Though, this implies she's been hunting Sauron since, IIRC, before anyone knew he was a baddie.
  • @5ema55unto
    The reason leading a character to a location is NEVER the reason why he/she stays there: Help on a building -> Get Mithril Wants a ship to leave numenor -> Persuade the Queen about going to war. The symbol is sauron's mark and relates to magic ->It's a map. Hallbrand wants to be a blacksmith -> Goes to war being the 'reluctant king' . Like they have bullet points regarding the narrative... but they don't how to get there.
  • @AliciatheCho
    Yeahhhh Galdriel jumping into the seas….she was literally suicidal. She even told Miriel that Elendil saved her life. Weirdly the show doesn’t highlight that because it would make her behavior sympathetic — if not exclusable My bestie and I watched this together. She’s a psychiatrist and offered that Galadriel had anxiety and agitated depression. That Galadriel’s behavior in the frozen north being an example of risk-taking behavior of some suicidal people. Yet the actress that plays her claims Galadriel is “very hopeful.” There is a huge disconnect between what the cast thinks they filmed versus what audiences saw
  • @andrewalt6060
    Arondir has like one expression on his face the entire time, he makes Vulcans seem laid back by comparison.
  • where Galadriel jumps of the boat is literally as far away from middle earth as she could be without entering Valinor. not to mention the ocean there is literally impossible to navigate cause it has no light and no stars, the greatest mariner ever (Elrond's father) needed a silmaril to find his way. a big problem with the show is Galadriel has lost tons of people to Morgoth and Sauron but because they don't have the legal rights to explain it what she says just doesn't make sense.
  • @sharksbreath7
    Usually when a show treats it's viewers like idiots that's a bad thing, but in this case it makes sense. That has to be their target audience.
  • @reaemishi2278
    I always thought the jumping into the ocean scene could actually work. The god of water is the only god in Tolkien who takes direct action in the well being of the world on a regular basis. Like how it protected Frodo and Arowen from the 9 in fellow ship just for the asking. If she jumped in the water and then asked for his help and then found the shipwreck and was rescued by sailors we could all just go, right, god of water helped them out cause he hates Morgoth and his creations. Heck it would even make sense why Saurons ship is attacked and why Galadriel is delivered to him, the one they both want to kill. It would also make sense that when she joined with him there was instantly a typhoon.
  • @saddlerrye6725
    I laughed so hard at the Feanor thing. They leave him out of the prologue, when it was actually him who led the elves back to Middle Earth... Then they mention him, the Silmarillion, and Morgoth just for funsies?? What does that have to do with the series???? Morgoth ain't get any deader, Feanor ain't get any deader, and the shinies are either lost or not in Middle Earth. So what was the point? Also, thanks for the analysis, it's fun to hear it from a purely movie-fan standpoint.
  • the story of:"evol place make fire cold" makes -1.000.000 sense on account of the fact that we see isildur, elrond, frodo and sam sweating like mfs when inside the volcano, inside of mordor... this is an obbious reference to the scene where gandalf throws the one ring in frodos fireplace, yet when frodo touches it, its still cold... too bad that its not because the ring made the fire cold, by that logic the entire baggins house was evil... which it wasnt, the ring could ONLY be destroyed inside of mount doom, by its fire and magma, so a pathetic little fire like the one in frodos house had no effect on the ring whatsoever, the ring that didnt absorb heat at all is what i am saying.
  • "The only reason the king walked over to the box and looked inside was to provide a visual cliffhanger for those members of the audience who periodically leave the room to lick some windows." Wow. Just wow.