Getting off Suboxone

Published 2017-08-09

All Comments (21)
  • Your video helped me. It motivated me. I'm sick of paying 100 dollars a week. Its so day I'm fine then I just lose it.I'm ashamed really but it's better than pill hunting.your right when you say it's mental. Don't stop sharing your story.
  • @jonathonwood875
    Real talk right there, your views of life is correct my friend easy easy is what everyone wants and getting off pain killers ain't no easy task and everyone in America wants fast an easy.... Good true advice bro
  • Keep posting’re a fking Warrior and we all have a story... it’s all real, and you have a strategy that seems valid... when you hit bottom, no where to go but up... just a huge THANK YOU! Lol-Just fking stop-“ Got IT💪🏽
  • @jascatt3341
    Brother, you’re 100% right slow taper is the best way and I am tired of seeing doctors telling you how to get off at and what it’s like when they’ve never even taken anything like that. I was never subscribed Suboxone. I was prescribed something else similar thanks for making the video.
  • @sunnys5150
    To wassup Nick. I want to first say that u have been an inspiration brutha. So I have SLOWLY tapered from 4 to 2 to 1. I am now at DEF LESS than 1 Mg I think. No I'll effects when I was doing this except for some psychological adjusting/stabilizing, depression etc. Never let it bog me down tho. I'm strong willed jus like u bro. Anyways, now is the point im little scared cuz aside from u and a few others, everyone else seems to say that the WDs were still very bad. My assumption is that they didn't drag their tapers long enough and stay on the lower dose long enough and were in a rush to decrease. Whatcha think bro?? I'm actually shocked how easy it's been once I put my mind to a determined plan. It doesn't get u high so why the F take more??!! Hope all is well brother and thanks again for all ur insight. It really isn't as hard as people make it out to be, at least for me. Peace!
  • @shyashamed8523
    To nick,i posted a comment on 1 of your other videos which was my 1st ever social media post..Im shy& idk but my name is Michelle,been on suboxone 9 long yrs,just wana say thanx to your motivation, after many failed attempts,ive tapered down to my lowest dose ever.. .375mg! ....ive watched hundereds of videos,but your like the only person who actually gave me hope...i plan on jumping@ low low dose cuz wd get the best of me& im a worrier. Ty,your an angel! Ile never go back!
  • I now get the 2 mg strips instead of the 8 mg strips and that definitely makes tapering much easier. Also once you go under 2 mg its best to only cut your dose by .5 mg because you will feel the withdrawals. 2 weeks of withdrawals and it took me about 30 days to level out. I marked each day on my calendar and did not go back. Once I went from 2 mg to 1.5 mg I stuck with it. It would have been easy to just take more to feel better but I refused to go backwards. I am ready now to cut down to 1 mg. Yeah the higher doses were easy to cut in half no withdrawal cutting from 8 to 4. Or even 4 to 2.
  • @Paul-th9es
    The weening process lengthens if youve been on it for say 3 years, so ive been withdrawing, feeling it, its a exact process based on feeling too. If you take too much your going backwards, if you take too little your going backwards, the goal is being sober, i like feeling like crap as long as I can then taking 1mg tops, or till I feel a normal, not loaded or dope sick. Also, dental and injury can be set backs, my teeth hurt at my low doses so its just pain. But I know I will be free of it all, I promised God id never use a opiod agian I mean it!
  • @rawvizion4125
    I went cold turkey off 16ml bruponorphen daily to nothing a day. To anybody contemplating this move don't do it. Tapper off sloly. It's day 28 for me today still feel like I'm dying. No sleep no food no suport will cripple you I promise you this. Good luck to everybody
  • @JaniceTrades777
    I been supplementing a kratom capsule for the usual sub far haven't had any withdrawels. So im going to keep doing it. I took one kratom yesterday morning instead of my 2 mg of sub. Then night came and i took my 2 mg sub dose. Well i woke up and took kratom again instead of sub dose of usual 2 mg then i didn't withdrawel at all until 4 I took another 1 kratom capsule, all good again. No withdrawels. If I knew this would work like this Id have jumped 6 months ago. Not suffering..because kratom takes it all away. So just maintain the timing right..for instance tonight instead of usual 2 mg at night of sub, Im doing 1 kratom capsule. It wears off maybe 6 hours later so just get your timing right of when it wears off. I am taking red vein meaung da and the bottle says 36 grams capsules. I weighed a capsule and it said...0.6 grams. saying..i only take 1 capsule and its working. I might need about 3-4 capsules throughout the day to make it totally without symptoms but I feel great and have not had...ANY symptoms. Finally something works you know. Look I turned this guys video off when he started bashing people who pray because guess who told me about doing this with the natural herb of Kratom. God! Yep. He's a good God. Jesus is real yall. Be careful what you say. All is being recorded. Hes about to come back so prepare yourself. Repent and all that. Read your bibles. K. Hope y'all got helped. God bless y'all. & prayer works.. You just need faith. And there's more to it when someone didn't get healed. Ive tried to pray over someone and the Lord wanted them to repent. Js.
  • @MudGod1969
    I rock the stoffers lasagna on the regular!.. Ive been on sub's for two years..16 meg. Down to less than a half of a 8 every morning... Im legit clean besides that...ive been thinking about stopping..but i still do feel like I depend on it,, ya know.. The energy is helped and the anxious feeling is better with it.. .
  • This is the first video that has officially kicked me on my ass. I needed someone to tell me the TRUTH. I've been on suboxone for 5 years. "You got yourself in this situation and you have to be the one to get yourself out." The only way out is to STOP. There is no easy fix. I currently have Covid. I'm at the end of the sickness. Once I feel better, I am going to start cutting it. I am so done with this shit. I'm tired of wasting money, I'm tired of the hassle. I am currently on 8 MG and I have cut myself down to 1 MG with NO SYMPTOMS. Why did I go back? This video smacks truth in your face. Wish me luck guys. I'm working towards my goals. I want to be off of this shit within the next few months.
  • @ryano3959
    "10 min soffers lasagna". Haha it's true.