Jumping Off Suboxone At 16MG Cold Turkey Withdrawl?!?

Published 2022-01-28
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All Comments (21)
  • Great video I’m on day 7 since jumping off at 4mg been rough the first 5 days but can tell I’m getting better! Well besides the mild fever and diarrhea hopefully that stops soon! Was on it 4-1/2 years
  • I was addicted to opioids for 2 years got on saboxone for 4 then I fell back in the rabbit hole for 4 months. I manage to decide to move away out of my home town/province I was given just enough saboxone for my travels. When I arrived I went straight to work been working ever since it's been 3 months now only issue I seem to be having now is with my bowels. It wasn't easy specially not having anyone to talk to about it but I do believe in god and feel so much better. Everything happens for a reason. If anyone that is going through or wanting to get better. Please keep going 🤗 you deserve nothing but the best and to have the purest form of happiness. Much love. To my brother and sisters. Don't let time passed or present dim your light. Pray for forgiveness the rest will come.
  • @kickinaddiction
    I didn’t mean to say that the full 16 mg is still in her system, just meant that there is likely some still in her system from that dose. Meaning the withdrawals haven’t fully kicked in yet.
  • @TheMannue69
    Nice to hear you reference Rockin’ Robin, I follow her watch all her videos and quite a number of others as well. I’m 8 mg/day for couple years, still hard to stay steady every month so jumping , as much as I’d love to , is something I’ve learned I’m not ready just yet.
  • @Nitroat-xo4tj
    I have a Question: do you spit out the spit-resodue? I heard it helps because most of the problems are from the resodue, that does nothing but bad in your stomach. I have a lot of problems with the constipation, headache etc.. Spit it out helps massive. Did you hear that elsewhere?
  • @ethancowart6765
    I’m down to .35 mg a day now ! I have some great tips for tapering and experiencing minimum withdrawal. Maybe everyone will be interested next Wednesday. !
  • @wesbauer3184
    I am planning on quitting subutex cold turkey this Wed. Im a "rip the band aid off!!" guy and besides, if not now, then when ya know? Anyways...What OTC meds/vitamins would you recommend to help with the withdrawal symptoms and if there is any food and/or drinks you would prefer as well. Any advice is much appreciated and always, thank you for what you do, what you were meant to do.
  • @Jmthompson1027
    I’m on day 7 from 16mg, cold Turkey. I feel so much better! I was on it for 2 years. I am still withdrawing but it’s very minimal. I have always been in pain my whole life so I think that’s what kind of helped me. I’m just sneezing and body aches. I’ve been able to sleep every night and not had the diarrhea at all thank God
  • @tommyexler6955
    I'm glad u brought that up bro.....I lasted on 2mgs for 3 days before ANY wd's started to kick in at all....YA u can't do 16mgs a day for 5 years then take 2mg for a day and say ur walking off 2mg. Lol....I'm only laughing cuz only if it was was that easy.....I was the type that NEVER GOT ANYTHING OFF SUBS. NO BUZZ, ENERGY, LIKE OTHERS got so I never went higher than 4mg a day. I did for a min. But the damn side effects for me were worse than withdrawals. I'd be sitting in the barbers chair in full A/C. Prob 68-69 degrees with sweat POURING off me like I just got out of the shower. Embarrassing to say the least. For me less was def better. Always kept it under 4 mgs a day and walked off it as I mentioned at 2mg every other day. I take care of my 90 year old dad with Altheimers (that still drinks) & work in Corrections in Pittsburgh. So ya the stress is the first thing that hits me. Id love to kick back & relax.....So I took Klonopin 1mg and catapress the first week to sleep. Worked good. And here's an old school anti-depressan that workes GREAT SHORT TERM AFTER THE 1 WEEK OF KLONOPIN.'....ITS CALLED "DOXEPIN" JUST FOR ANOTHER WEEK.....I WAS ALSO placed on a beta-blocker (Atenelol), cuz the subs had my heart racing for no reason. (Like the sweats)....THE BEST WAY TO DETOX OFF METHADONE OR SUBOXONE (NO MATTER UR DOSE) IS RAPID DETOX. UR UNDER ANASTESIA FOR HOURS (THEY RECORD IT SO U SEE URSELF GOING THRU A MONTH IN 2 HRS)....I WENT TO THE WAISMAN METHOD (NICE WEBSITE). CHECK IT OUT. FLEW TO CALI. YA SUPER EXPENSIVE BUT U FEEL NONE OF IT. INSURANCES DONT PAY BUT IF U HAVE THE MEANS I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. I HAD SHOULER SURGERY AND WRECKED MY BIKE. ENDED UP BACK ON SUBS. SMH.....OLDER, WISER & CLEAN AND SOBER NOW. HOLLER AT ME IF U HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.
  • Hey what's up man, good video! I have the 2 mg strips now, they're awesome. One of them Last me near a week
  • @medali5878
    I've been on Suboxone for two years the highest my dose got up too is a 16 mg first-year in and then stayed at 16 the remainder of the time now I have moved provinces and my doctor who promised me he would send a one-month prescription to a pharmacy decided to change his mind I had to use the remainder of my script and cut my dose in half almost everyday for 45 days even though I did that and I was down to a six and the last dose was a 2 mg I would never recommend anyone to do this it is painful the restless legs the body aches the sweats the chills of the insomnia you need help taper off properly plan everything ahead make sure you're not around people that can help you relapse you can do it you are a strong person I'm on day 6 are really starting to feel everything now
  • I'm scared to go cold turkey I've been taking 20 mg a day for a year now and will be moving to Washington state with no medical insurance.
  • OK I had a similar idea. Which now I'm regretting... idk know how to get through. My body is overheating I feel like death. I had the same thoughts my Dr was cutting back and I thought I'm just going to stop myself. It took weeks for it to come out. I was on pp for 10 years from having lupus where they did 7 spinal taps. I just want to be normal but right now idk what to do.
  • @goodgameg9489
    Whoever did that is a true gangster at heart.. what an angel!
  • Day 30 off 16mg cold turkey and fuck day 3-14 were absolutely brutal but its getting better everyday. Tapering is smart but my addict mentality just wouldnt allow me.
  • @lindacarol5982
    I've been getting binding headaches and other issues that I believe it's this medicine for numerous years. And longhaulers usually get depression and anxiety. Also going every other day to dose than every 2, 3, 4 ect I don't think I'm going to be able to keep taking it because of side effects
  • @alexpratt99
    Yeah he’s right it takes a few weeks to accumulate in your system the right way so anything over 2-4 mg just builds up really if I take 16 mg 4-5 days ago I won’t be sick for at least 3-4 days it took me 4-5 days to get sick sick and I have a pretty high metabolism
  • @jenniferv618
    I'm in that exact situation right now. I've been on Suboxone for a total of 10 years & I was on Suboxone for 4yrs then switched to Subutex cuz it was cheaper but it instantly started making my legs & feet swell up. I knew it was that med change that did it cuz my mom also switched at the exact time & she has the same reaction. Well, I let it go because I was dealing with my dad with dementia & non verbal with a feeding tube & bed bound. Eventually a wound opened on my right foot due to the constant pressure. I also had small purplish dots on both feet from like blood vessels bursting. I eventually went back to Suboxone after being on Subutex for 3 years & my left leg/foot doesn't swell at all but my right still does & the wound is now massive that they are wanting to do skin graphs. They want me off of Suboxone immediately because that's what causes it to swell right after I take it & my leg/foot will never heal with the swelling. I've tapered before & got down to 1mg & jumped. I lasted 2 months. The extreme low energy & not wanting to move is what broke me. Now, I'm on 16mg & they want me to stop it. WTF AM I GOING TO DO?! If I thought the PAWS were bad @ 2mg wtf is it going to be like at 16mg?! I want my wound to heal but, I'm scared shitless & the doctors don't understand what coming off this med is really like. My sub Dr admitted to never wheening anyone down enough to quit the med before! Sorry for writing a damn book but I'm screwed...