Getting off Suboxone Part 2 & a response to a negative comment.

Published 2017-06-21

All Comments (21)
  • @lucyselleck6425
    Hey there - I am a doctor and completely agree with tapering! You don't have to be a doctor to work this out. This med helps people for a short time, but then they are stuck with needing to stick to their pharmacy, it constipates people, keeps them up when they take it, sleep without it, up and down when their life may be stable and ready to leave opiates behind. It's a pity they don't sell suboxone in the tablet form easily that are tiny doses of 0.4mg. Now more doctors in Australia can prescribe because it's fairly hard to overdose, like you said , over a certain dose you just saturate the brain, but they don't all like taking on addicts. Anyway keep up the good work, I think it's fine to taper every few weeks. Just keep halving.
  • I am new to your channel! Hi! great videos and thoughts, thank you so much for sharing. I am three years into recovery, on Subs. my Doctor has been zero help with my tapering. zero. I am down to two mg a day now because I got myself here, I could go tell my doctor I need 8mg a day tomorrow and he would give it to me. I realized I needed to do some research and help myself a long time ago. my doc has no clue an what tapering is really like or how it should be done. everything I have learned is from YouTube videos of people who have been through it already. I learned it has to be taken slowly. I learned that it CAN be done. I learned what to expect and how to get through it. Because of people like you making these videos. thank you!
  • @uranerd8872
    Thank you for your inspiration. You give me strength. When I'm head tripping. I hear your voice and I calm down. So thank you soooooo much. You have saved my life
  • You are an awsome person Nick! Thank you for all your advice! You are helping a lot of people, not hurting them. I'm trying to now. I've been dealing with the struggle for a while now. So thank you!
  • Please keep posting, outside of NA, YOU ARE MOTIVATING, AND MUCH NEEDED by GIVING US HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT! God Bless and THANK YOU from the friggin bottom of my heart! Awesome testimony!!!
  • @lisakain1517
    I just found your videos. I am a mom of 4 and I so needed the positive videos that you make. Thank you!
  • @253Jeanine253
    Thankful for your videos, I almost relapsed trying to stop cold turkey. I think your taper plan is the absolute best option for people on suboxone, thank you!!
  • Your eyes are so dreamy.... You look peaceful, definitely spreading hope! Thank you!!
  • Keep up the good work bro ,you aint hurting noone.Ive been an opiate addict for 15 plus years and am currently tapering of subutex and its hard.Your videos are an inspiration.Thank you for doing what your doing.
  • @reece680
    Love listening to you. You're a great speaker
  • @normareifer4786
    OMG! you 2:40!!! I'm the mother of 3 who cares! thank you! I believe if you wanna get off this stuff you HAVE to put in the work while you're on it and find your purpose... use the suboxone as a bridge to help you get where you're going....and keeping you out of the muddy water of addiction, and the ppl that come with it. That all brings you down and if you are still around it when you get off it, you WILL be right back to it once a bad day happens. but I have worked so hard at a year i bought 2 cars, got a job, got in my house that i am waiting to sign the mortgage papers...furnished most of my house, (i lost everything i owned Nov 2016....everything i owned for myself, my kids, my honey, my childhood home videos, pictures....Everything..while having 2 young boys and a baby girl. ) I did all this in 1 year. 1 year of always making the right decision. I set short term goals and i set long term. and i fucking mowed them down one by one like my life depended on it....because it did...and BOOM! In the mix of all that, as a family, we hiked and or biked 279 miles of trail last year. And we track it on a big map of the states on our family room wall. my kids are healthy and happy, their mom and dad are healthy and happy and our relationship reaches new heights weekly. We are finally on our feet together.... We never left each other..we did it together....and i'm so excited to see what 2018 brings. it started with a 9,000 dollar income tax check. hollllllar!!! #FamilyStrong #BridgeTheGap #MakeYourLife
  • Did it...tapered down till nothing really left to mess with withdrawals were lightheaded and weak legged at times..sneezing and restless at night. Gabapenton and ibuprofen 800. I'm finally free. Feeling like me again.
  • @aprilf7095
    I’ve watched many videos and you have made the most sense to me! Thank you!
  • @R0ckerM0mm4
    You're an amazing person Nick! You're helping people for sure. There will always be trolls bringing negativity to your table. That's a problem with them, not with you. You rock Nick! =)
  • @kimbrly43
    You are right!! Your speaking from experience and the industry is makin a killin off addicts right now!! It's all overpriced. Get off as soon as you can from someone you knows!! Bring on the videos!!
  • @toryaustin9055
    Thankful i found your video been tapering for a tired of being a slave to this..Keep helping! YOUR videos are the realist,onpoint, ive found in over a yr 😁
  • @AshkanKord
    Hey man, I am so glad I listened to you; for sure, you are doing good to people. I wish I could ask you some questions.
  • @AshkanKord
    Man, all I can say is you got a big heart; keep doing what you are doing; I wish you the best of luck in your life. I am serious!
  • @SounDiZLife
    I'm going to be totally honest with you I've been contemplating on getting off this crap for so long, watching this video actually push me to the point where I'm going to start doing this, thanks bro
  • @tonecapone6021
    Thank you for your time on these vids.. you've helped me open my eyes to a taper, I've always tried cold turkey or fast week long taper and always fail..I'm a cook and work is stressful so I always use that as an excuse to say fuck it.. starting today I'm doing 4 mg for a week then I'll go down 1 mg a week then start skipping days on my last week..slow n steady always wins, thanks bro.