How to separate Gold from black sand easily and get all the gold out

How to process black sand concentrates is a big deal and it frustrates many new prospectors and old ones as well. The goal is to get a clean gold placer that can be sold or melted down into a bar. Historic methods were toxic, but there are better alternatives now. Carefully selected magnets, used a little at a time, with weak magnets first and then stronger can do a great job of cleaning up your gold concentrates.
For those who want to learn more about Prospecting and finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. It’s available on from High Plains Prospectors. (Affiliate) You can find it at:…
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コメント (21)
  • in Philippines we are using magnet since 1980 but we wrapped it cellophane so that we can clean the magnet easy
  • @tiff1728
    Me and my mom watched you for the first time and I just have to say, Thank you ! This video is so informative. We are now going to binge watch the rest of your videos !
  • @DaleDuffy
    Absolutely best prospecting videos on the interweb. The XL ORX arrived today, will be putting it to work in the Bradshaw mountains this weekend with much of the learned advice I've received here.....thanks Chris...!
  • Just realized a very important aspect that I didn’t realize or understand. Using your fingers to aid in separating black sand from the gold as well as the different strengths of the magnets and how to use them. That is amazing. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
  • The notion of using 3 magnets with different strengths, and starting with the weakest one is brilliant. I really appreciate learning about all the different possible components of black sand since I thought it was just magnetite. Here in Maine the red garnets are the bane of my existence and more prevalent than the black sands.
  • I am going metal detecting tomorrow in the mountains in northeast Colorado. I talked with a guy at the Forest Service today and he said it was OK to go and detect in the forest, just watch out for any claims (that should be posted). New to your channel but have already learned by watching a couple of your videos! Thanks
  • Really useful video. You answered so many questions I had in the past thank you
  • #1 on youtube! Everyone else dose not take the time to explain in mass details Only pro i am following Thanks man
  • Well Chris, i wish you luck with the blue bowl. Make sure to pan "your way" when the done with the cons. Looking forward to the next video!
  • I'm new but as a thought if you put the magnet into a ziploc or similar the sands will stick through the bag then when you want to clean it just pull the magnet out of the bag to release the sand.
  • Hi ralph ,please do share information about gold detecting and surveying ,also the reputable brands of detecting machines.You really enlightening our prospecting expertise. regards
  • my wife and i have a claim on libby creek in montana we usually do our clean out the old fashioned way we pan the black sand down at home its slow and time consumming but we get even the flower gold out but i may have to give your method a try.
  • Such a helpful and informative video .keep making more informative videos about gold.Thanks a lot
  • thx Chris for the info n demo me thinks its appreciated by may. one question how does mustard gold go?
  • @richieboy67
    I have learned soooo much from your videos. Thank you keep up the good work
  • @SunTzuLao
    Looking forward to the beach gold video too. I've found all sorts of stuff in terminal moraine deposits in NY, but mostly most black sand. Thinking about running it through a centrifuge, not sure if it'll work but I'll find out LOL