DIDDY SPEAKS OUT ... and it's horrible

Published 2024-05-20

All Comments (21)
  • @gabifgt
    not one single word to the actual victim. he only talks about himself and how HE was struggling. this man is VILE. an apology isn't gonna do anything. it's jail time.
  • @boxxboyy3879
    This just made him look even worse. He only sorry that he was caught. The fact that he wanted to do this speaks to his narcissism and his belief that he is untouchable.
  • @calihhan4706
    Not a single word about what he did to HER. There's nothing more I have to hear. What a disgusting person
  • @Dij7897
    As someone who was in a DV relationship, I hope this man never sees the light of day again. Being unalive is too easy of a punishment for a thing like him 😤 My ex tried using the “I wasn’t in control of myself. I was in a dark place/mindset. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ll never do it again.” BS that Diddy was using and it makes my skin crawl. I can smell the bull shit through the screen 🤮
  • @Eviemwrites
    I hope Cassie felt amazing when she was validated with this horrible footage. The truth always wins!
  • There is literally NOTHING you can say that would EVER justify what we saw in that video. This man doesn't deserve to be in a jail, he deserves to be UNDER the jail. Still alive at that.
  • @anonymouse9833
    "Why don't women just leave if the guy is so bad??" Because many times, this is what happens when you try.
  • @bettheover
    this is why his sons act like this too, they learned from this man
  • @PurpleFavorite1
    He should've just not apologized. He tried to make her look crazy, saying she was looking for a payday, denied EVERYTHING, and acted as if he was completely in the right. His apology means nothing.
  • @trusha_tungare
    The Audacity to play the victim here! " I f-ed up, I hit rock bottom, I got Tharepy and rehab, I asked God for mercy! " WTF! N now he's sorry! 😒😒😒 Put him in jail already!!!!!
  • @Jencogneeto
    He seemingly only spoke out after it was announced that he couldn't be prosecuted for it because of statute of limitations. 🙄
  • That is a bunch of BS. There should NEVER be a statute of limitations on assault ever!!
  • Cassie's attorney really said it best. And whoever finally released that footage in the first place deserves a huge raise
  • "Id hit rock bottom" no, your ex partner. You hit your ex partner. This isnt about you and how bad your bottom feels, SHE deserves a damn apology
  • @trusha_tungare
    People ARE DEFENDING HIM! oh what world we live in!!! SMH 🤦‍♂
  • @WithBailey
    No one is talking about how he tweeted about the video and deleted it right away. Basically saying it's not like ya'll's BDs don't do it too (baby's daddys.) His son King tweeted too saying why bring it up now when it was settled. Ms. Lowdown posted a video showing the tweets. This apology video is nothing but bs. The statute of limitations for kidnapping is 10 years; she was trying to escape and held against her will.
  • @dacure4171988
    For men defending him should understand this is why women are usually never believed/report about getting hurts by men like this. It takes such courage and evidence to prove what he did yet he was able to get away with it with guilt or power. R. Kelly did the same thing when the alleged video came out of him with a minor and sadly, he was able to prolong the case that made the victim looked older and the fact her and her family were harassed to not go to court helped him get away with it. We need to help all people accountable for their actions so we can stop them creating more victims.
  • @katigrace25
    Even his “apology” in the Instagram video he posted is BS. He wasn’t apologizing to Cassie, he was just stating “I’m sorry.” He’s sorry that he was caught on video doing the things she has accused him of.
  • @JullyBOT
    He’s sorry…. He got caught. Bye. You’re so done.
  • @bihko4928
    He's definitely lying. He is only sorry after being caught. Such a disgusting human being. I hope he gets what he deserves.