【#麻煩哥】😋 蕃茄 燴牛尾 Briased Oxtail in Rich Tomato Sauce | (中文字幕/Eng Sub.) 牛尾以#特濃蕃茄湯😈燴成 / 「#一湯兩食」有餸有湯 極好味

Published 2023-03-03
Hello 大家好!喺今集,我會同大家做一個有少少麻煩,但味道極濃嘅「蕃茄燴牛尾」。如果你純睇外觀,或者你會以為咪又係煮一般嘅羅宋湯。但如果喺個湯度,加返少少東南亞嘅元素,成碟餸做出來嘅味道,可以話有另一番風味架。

想知點做?快快 Click 入去👉   • 【#麻煩哥】😋 蕃茄 燴牛尾 Briased Oxtail in Rich...   睇睇啦!


食材 Ingredients
牛尾1000克 / 1000g Oxtail

調味 Seasoning
魚露3湯匙 / 3 tbsp Fish Sauce
茄膏50克 / 50g Eggplant Paste
茄汁250毫升 / 250ml Tomato Sauce

配料 Ingredients
洋蔥2個 / 2 Onions
蒜頭6瓣 / 6 cloves of Garlic
香茅4支 / 4 sticks Lemongrass
西芹40克 / 40g Celery
指天椒3隻 / 3 Chili Pepper
黑椒碎2茶匙 / 2 tsp crushed Black Pepper
香葉4片 / 4 Bay Leaves
甘筍1條 / 1 Carrot
蔥白6條 / 6 Scallions

如鐘意麻煩哥嘅煮食影片,比個 Like 同訂閱我嘅頻道啦,謝謝 !
   / @mafangor  

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All Comments (21)
  • @IreneLau-se9ip
    I cooked it today. It’s super delicious! I do have a couple of tips to share from my experience today: - if you prefer softer texture carrots in your soup, I suggest putting them in at the beginning rather than after the first hour of cooking - add fresh basil or other herbs when serving, will give the soup a really nice aroma.
  • 這樣真的很正用料實在太好了一定好好👍味非常喜歡😘👍👍💪💪🙏🙏🌈🉐️
  • @mingchan602
    色香味俱全,正😍 就算我唔食🐂都撐你!💪💪💪💪
  • @chiuisaac8817
  • @marchwu2109
    好特別的菜譜 材料又容易搵 即收藏
  • @mspearlli7234
  • 牛尾係我至愛菜式,今次又學到用香茅同洋蔥打成醬,之後加魚露又將美味提升 多將麻煩gor,想食美食完全吾覺麻煩👍😋
  • @user-kq8ng1cn1l
  • @jackl6390
    What a way to cook ox tail. but is it a dish or a soup? Either way, I will love it.
  • @zanef28
    好正! 究竟及幾時煎及幾時飛水呢?
  • @sukychow7091
  • @alanliew2346
    好可惜,我只有睇个份, 因为急冻牛尾1000克,我呢度 要港纸 400蚊🦟至买得到😂 Anyway都要为你点5个赞👍👍👍👍👍
  • @waikam2377