Project 2025 Is Everywhere. Here's What It Means.

President Biden is telling people to Google it ( . Former president Donald J. Trump is distancing himself from it. Even the actress Taraji P. Henson talked about it onstage at the B.E.T. Awards.

Project 2025. It’s a blueprint for an incoming conservative president — presumably Donald Trump — spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation (…) , a conservative think tank.

And now it is everywhere in this tumultuous moment (…) of the 2024 presidential race.

But what is it? Is it a guide to a possible second Trump administration? And why are Democrats seizing on it now, as Mr. Biden struggles to quiet doubts about his ability to defeat Mr. Trump? This week, we’re working through those questions.


On today’s episode

Jonathan Swan ( , who covers politics and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for The New York Times.

Representative Ro Khanna, Democrat of California.

コメント (21)
  • @lamina566
    Focusing on "Project 2025" must be done to understand history. At the beginning of the Reagan Administration in 1981, a number of policy changes were initiated which seemed to come out of thin air. For example - "Trickle Down Economics" was used to change tax polities which resulted in the redistribution of wealth in this country from the middle class and the poor to the wealthy because it would supposedly drive economic growth. The result was the concentration of wealth into the top .1% of people in the US and the creation of the billionaire "Oligarchic Class". Where did "Trickle Down Economics" come from? The "Heritage Foundation" worked its magic in the dark 40 years ago and look at what happened. The Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" represents what this organization did over 40 years ago and its impact. The Heritage Foundation is the "boogie man" and people here in the US should be aware of what is going on.
  • And according to Kavanaugh- Roe was settled law. Don’t believe that he has nothing to do with it.
  • @mikeb5664
    Watching from Canada, and can't help but notice that this is the first time in my 58 years that I've seen an example of why the 2nd amendment may have been written.
  • Biden is the right man for this time, considering what is happening around the world. His age is an asset and his experience is irreplaceable! He has my support! His proven record speaks volumes for his abilities! We need Biden more than ever right NOW!!! And the next four years!!
  • There is a reason you don't write down your crimes.
  • Trump: "I disagree with that thing that I know nothing about but I wish them luck." Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. So he knows nothing about something that has him as the front man of a new conservative—like a blast from the past—"A New World Order." This isn't anything new exactly. But it is something far worse than previous projects/agendas.
  • Trump, Maga, Fox …… = the degree of ethical ROT is unbelievable 😴😴😴
  • He didn't know who E. Jean Carroll was either :p
  • Fascists always telegraph their moves. Don't fail to take it seriously and stand against it before it's too late.
  • There's no reason to think this man and those around wouldn't take full advantage of this document. Tom Cotton is my senator. I don't feel like finding out.
  • How on earth Trump has tried to deny this is hilarious - pathological lier
  • If Trump gets in, we loose our rights…bye bye rights.
  • Where is trumps records about his health during the time that he was the president?
  • 2024: Liberals first discovered that the Heritage Foundation opposes abortion
  • As a person who paid attention to it since early 2023, it was frustrating how only a handful of lefties ever talked about it...
  • @joes1st
    My concern is that since I'm an older female I'll lose EVERYTHING. My dad has passed. My husband has passed. I've never had any brothers and I have no sons. I graduated in the early seventies. About that time women were allowed to have a bank account and credit card in their own name without a dominant male to sign for them. Since, for the most part, women have lost the Right to their own bodies, I worry too about losing my home. If I can't have a bank account how do I pay my utility bills for my paid for house?!! "Take America Back" should take on a whole new meaning for many people.