The Top 5 WEIRDEST Psychological Theories


コメント (21)
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  • I do find the idea what people in antiquity thought their inner monologue was spiritual, this might not even be a recent evolution thing, but rather a simple cultural shift of the perception of inner thoughts.
  • @uer-px1kd
    If your theory isnt insane, im not taking it seriously
  • @llex66
    Sisyphus yet again pushing up the Boulder of my curiosity
  • I like that they waited for the second person to jump off of a roof before stopping Lang's practice
  • "His theory of using cosmic orgasm energy to cure mental issues...has very little support". LOL.
  • @bibitta
    I’m gonna continues Laing’s research. I’ll put a bunch of schizophrenics in a house and then have some grad students actually live in the walls. Maybe then I’ll put people with ocd in a house and using surveillance cameras, see if they do stuff like only touch a door handle with one hand and if they do then make something bad happen. I’m sure that has to prove something!
  • The more I learn about psychology, the more I’m forced to realize how.. weirdly horny it is. In this video alone, there are three theories that pertain to sexuality.
  • Fun fact: the Kate Bush song cloudbusting is about Wilhelm Reich's crazy theories and his relationship with his son
  • Thank you for talking about the Stoned Ape Theory, Terence has another theory that mushrooms are alien technology- might be fun to check out
  • I was listening to the video, and heard “Artie Lang” instead of “RD Laing” at first. And then what RD Laing said also made sense about Artie Lang’s philosophy, the comedian. Mad world indeed. I saw Paul Stamets talk about Terrace McKenna’s theory in person before. Pretty fascinating ideas, even if there isn’t much research backing it.
  • somebodys always gotta fuck things up by jumping off a roof
  • @moshi3274
    daily dose of depressed Sam o nella academy is here 😻😻
  • Sees a guy with weird looking hair shooting at flying saucers Is this going to be about Wilhelm Reich? is about Wilhelm Reich Oh...alright then.
  • There was a serious doctor who’s wife had an orgone energy accumulator and when he was asked “if you are a man of science why is this thing in your house?” And his answer was basically she can’t bother me when she is in it. The people who asked the question laughed, agreed and went on with their day
  • This is likely a unpopular opinion but I have very little respect for even the current metal health field. I’ve been in and out of therapy on different medications and have been to 3 official evaluations. All 3 have different results, 2 of which stated I was over reporting. I experience audio hallucinations and have a hard time integrating with people and feeling sympathy towards the common person. But philosophy and buddhism has taught me just how much power we have over our minds. A completely different state of thinking can not only change our perception of what is good and bad but can make us feel safer with our positive symptoms and heal our negative ones. Our perception and frame of mind can have power over how content we feel with living.
  • the best offshoot of the whole orgone stuff is the idea that subatomic particles are bound at the nucleus because really they're "frolicking" their merry ways there. What about the electron, you ask? It's orbiting around just to make sure no pesky photon comes crashing the party and disrupting the fun, of course.
  • @Jabjabs
    I love that it took TWO people to jump off RD Langs building to consider it a questionable idea.