Published 2021-07-15

All Comments (21)
  • @bigjoseph1876
    Wilhelm Reich is the most German name I’ve ever heard
  • One of the things that turns me off to psychology is the way so many prominent theories seem like they describe the author not the broader population.
  • @ryrieee
    "fantasies he developed for his mother" well, i guess he wasn't too freaky for freud then
  • @Stefalef
    That horribly dangerous line between brilliance and insanity. Seems this man had one toe on the side of brilliance and nine on the other.
  • You're all laughing, this man and his son protected us from cigar UFOs and you're laughing!
  • @nof9395
    You’re telling me that Victorian era Vienna had one stop shops for therapy, political advice, and condoms? Why have we not brought this back???
  • @osaslol1343
    i learnt about this man from one of his books that i was reading for some homework. im not sure if his book was even supposed to be in that list for the students to choose for their thing. on the first half he talks about how much people surpress their sexual desires and some actualy coherent analysis then on the second half he talks about the life force and how the look of the galaxies somehow are similar to two people having sex. covid became a thing during that time so i never had to submit my homework
  • @JOSVPH22
    Trotsky and Mein Kampf are a wild combo
  • @MiamiMarkYT
    I love listening to these while I go out for errands and whatnot. They’re always just long enough to take up the whole trip, it’s perfect. Thank you for making the quiet moments of my day more interesting and enjoyable!
  • I remember reading a series of essays on psychological armouring by that guy. I came to the conclusion that you really need to be sceptical. He's like if Freud was having a manic episode every seventh paragraph: He'd have this knack for starting off making a completely coherent point, say analysing a patient or something, and you'd be nodding along like "ok, I can see that" and then apropos of nothing he'd be like "AND THAT MEANS THAT THE PATIENT WANTS TO RAVAGE THEIR FATHER'S ANAL CAVITY!" and you'd sit there like "What the fuck, where did that come from?"
  • @jg7085
    Omg... I thought his life was a trip but those last 3 minutes got weird.
  • @bilgtex
    His whole orgone energy thing also had some amount of influence in occult spaces as well, for better or for worse.
  • There Is also the anecdote of the FBI officer in the raid that admitted having bought an orgonmachine, he said he did know it was a lie but it made him happy because it made his wife stand in silence many hours a day. Ah the old time where people married people they hated !
  • @sageinit
    Kinda weird you didn't mention his book "The Mass Psychology of Fascism"
  • I knew it was going to be Willhelm Riech. My favorite song is called Cloudburst by Kate Bush it beautiful it’s about a book written by Willhelms son about his cloud busting machine he invented and how he was taken by the government.
  • @courier3389
    I used to be into Reich for what’s now called bioenergetics, basically breathing and stretching exercises to loosen chronic tension that affects your mind and personality. Our mind creates physical tensions which creates a feedback loop of negativity until you intervene through physical exercises. So, he had some really positive effects for many ppl. It’s sad to hear that he was like this tho. If I were alive then, I’d probably have a very bad impression of him.
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