I tried to profit at an arcade

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thanks to my friend cody for helping me out with this
follow him on twitch:

music in this video:
Super Mario Odyssey OST - Bubblaine
Galia Social - Rise
The Sims OST - Buy Mode
Runescape OST - Venture
Runescape OST - Miles Away
Runescape OST - Adventure
Ennio Mano - Flowery
The rest are various tracks from www.epidemicsound.com/


follow me:
twitter - www.twitter.com/drewisgooden
instagram - www.instagram.com/drewisgooden

コメント (21)
  • My friends and I cheesed the "Deal or No Deal" machine at an arcade once. At the beginning of the game, the screen shows you the values of all the cases, and then plays a scrambling animation. Turns out this animation is actually how they mix up the cases (it's not just randomized with number generation afterwards for some reason), so we pulled out our phones and recorded the scramble in slow-motion. Then one person would play the game, stalling as long as they could, while the recorder would scrub through the video, following the biggest case. We could win the maximum amount of tickets every time with this method.
  • That arcade worker must think Drew is the biggest incel on the planet coming in two days in the middle of the work day, absolutely killing it in a meaningless game, and then cashing out a hot dog toaster, man cave sign, and avengers mug.
  • I wonder if that free 30 minute play card could have been used to raise the jackpot by losing on purpose every time
  • As a dad, I do love the card system for efficiency purposes. But as an arcade lover it makes me said that my kids won't experience the rush of tickets spewing out of a machine.
  • i love how drews strayed from the format of "talk about bad content" and now he just fucks around
  • “I love you now” Never forget that this is Amanda’s world and we’re all just living in it
  • Two things from an arcade employee- 1. The reason the game counts the tickets so slowly is because the card reader has to communicate with the headquarters of the card company and then send the tickets back to the arcade. Where I work, it has to communicate from South Carolina to Missouri back to South Carolina. 2. Maximum payout is actually a very poorly worded anti-glitch mechanism. The machine stops giving out tickets at a certain point so it doesn't give out unlimited tickets. You just have to let an employee know, they swipe their card, and it overrides the maximum payout notification and gives you the rest of the tickets.
  • I worked as an "Arcade Manager" in college. Yes, you can profit! The secret is owning the machines. You're welcome 😊 🙏🏻
  • I cannot imagine the employees reaction to seeing this grown man come to the arcade three days in a row, to play the same game, to buy the weirdest prizes. I hope Drew is a story spread amongst the employees for years to come
  • Imagine being the arcade worker and having to watch the road work guy come in for three days straight, go apeshit on one single machine, buy the most obscure prizes, and never return again
  • @keepleft
    The decimal is there to make sure you never exactly use up all the points you bought. A very effective psychological tactic to entice you to re-up.
  • me and this girl went to an arcade for our first date and we bonded over your video and spent about an hour playing that stupid ball game. that girl is now my girlfriend. thank you, danny.
  • Imagine the main event employees watching him come in three days in a row and standing at the same machine for hours
  • The intro was actually very helpful for me. When I read the title I thought Drew had bought an entire arcade to renovate to see if he could sell it at a higher value.
  • I work at a Main Event and let’s just say, there is no profiting. There’s one dude who comes in around once a month and just plays a single game (milk jug toss, and he’s really good at it) as many times as he can and has accumulated 2 million points (what you use to redeem prizes) and even he tells me there is no profiting, he does it as a way to give back to the community by giving away all of the prizes he wins to little kids. Main Event is a children’s casino but the only thing you get as a reward of spending your hard earned money on is a Frozen Elsa sing along microphone that will probably break in 2-3 business days
  • @enolicannoli
    7:02 "theres just something about cubed meat that makes me feel like im being given my rations for the day" made me think about the video where him and amanda eat the squares
  • Tip from an arcade attendant: If you reach the maximum payout, get an employee to swipe their employee card on the machine, and the unawarded tickets will be put onto your card.
  • 'You can't put a price on dopamine. So technically, you always profit.' - The gambler's coping mechanism.
  • Even if Drew sold 7,000,000,000 (seven billion) Marvel mugs for 10$ USD each he STILL wouldn’t be in the top 10 of richest people in the world.