Sequels That Aren't Sequels

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Hollywood makes a lot of decisions predicated on the notion that everyone in the world is an idiot, but there's almost nothing more insulting than when they try to pass off a movie as a sequel when it has literally no connection to its "predecessor" other than the fact that they are both movies. And that really grinds my gear (I only have one).

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Kindergarten Cop? More like Kindergarten STOP lmao.

コメント (21)
  • "I am Super Hot Mom" "I am Smoking Hot Mom" "And we are not the same person"
  • i literally cannot figure out what the age demographic of this movie is supposed to be.
  • as the son of a preschool teacher, you'd be surprised at the stuff parents send for their kids' lunch. two pieces of plain tofu is extremely accurate
  • Her: "Most guys wanna meet up for drinks then have sex." Him: Pours the wine for her
  • This is the 60-year-old white man equivalent of a self-insert Wattpad fic
  • I like how Danny speaks so highly of La Croix and Drew’s slogan for it is “Just don’t drink it” Ive found the difference between Drew and Danny
  • I love how Dolph Lundgren went from an engineer in Sweden with a Master’s degree in Australia, to a European karate champion, to a scholar at MIT with a Fulbright scholarship, to the star of Rocky IV, to the star of Kindergarten Cop 2. He really peaked in 2016.
  • "Super Hot Mom and Smokin' Hot Mom - don't get them confused, they're two different people." So, which one is you and which one is Danny?
  • @gloosey_
    Just realised that the main guy looks like an ancient Jake Paul mixed with a squished Gordon Ramsey.
  • As someone who’s deathly allergic to both tree nuts and peanuts, the screaming thing is uncomfortably accurate. The amount of times I had to explain to my classmates it’s only dangerous if I come in contact with the nut is insane
  • The Kindergarten kids are closer in age to the teacher love interest than the main character...
  • The love interest could have acted as a kid in the first one lmao
  • As a collector that scene where he broke his toys and everyone smiled hurt me to my very core.
  • Fun fact: Dolph was a guest on the first episode of the Eric Andre Show. And Arnold Schwarzenegger was on the third.
  • okay but imagine being listed as 'hot mom' in the credits and feeling honored and then realizing that someone else got listed as 'super hot mom'
  • One thing I will defend in the Kc2, When the female teacher claps and they all sit, that totally happens when kids fear the authority of a teacher. I helped at my step moms S.E. preschool class. She stepped aside to use the restroom so of course they all decided to act out to test me and my sign language skills heh. She walked into the room and did some rhyme they all knew and boom they're all sitting in a circle lol. I still know the sign language for "sit and listen or no playing on the orange slide" by heart, I had a little guy that didn't need sugar to act out haha.
  • It's almost like the FBI doesn't hire people from diverse backgrounds and totally has no capable agents with a background in education. I want a Kindergarten Cop reboot where it's the opposite situation: a kindergarten teacher needs to save the day and becomes an FBI agent and is played by Idris Elba.