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Leszek Parczyk

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Leszek Parczykの説明

This channel is about martial arts mainly such as Wing Chun and Kyokushin Karate and generally what I learnt during my lifetime. At this point I would like to express my gratitude to Liu Wang, my Wing Chun teacher but first of all he was very good friend to me. We met for the first time in about 1992 and one day we decided to train together. I've always been impressed by his skills and although I was the owner of 1 kyu in Kyokushin Karate had no chance in the sparing fight with him. Besides, he was very decent man and never wanted to call him master or sifu. Over eight years passed as one day. Although later each of us went his own way, we are still friends. Several years ago Liu had an accident and does not train anymore. Finally, we decided to put all this stuff into internet so that, everything what we did would never die. If you find something useful I will be happy. Above all, I’d like to thank my wife Ewa for support and her work as a camera operator.

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