29 Minecraft Things You (Might) Do Wrong Every Day

Published 2021-01-18
29 Minecraft Things You (Might) Do Wrong Every Day! Minecraft let’s you do almost anything, which means sometimes you might be doing something inefficiently and not even know it. To fix that, let’s look over some everyday Minecraft things that you’re possibly doing wrong. From smelting with coal, to brewing potions, and building redstone machines - these are the common minecraft things and activities you could be doing wrong, and how to fix that. Let’s learn how to fix all these mistakes, big to small, in this Skip the Tutorial list!

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Research and map by Jonah Walters
Footage collected in part by Frankie Mundo
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at youtube.com/user/Mewmore
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All Comments (21)
  • @32deej
    My favorite tip my friend gave me when I started: When caving, always place torches on the left. Then when you go to leave, if the torches are on the right, you are going to 'right' way to get out.
  • @felixdub9733
    Me: uses barrels The villager on my house: and I took that profession.
  • @mrmax86
    You can use barrels, unless you want to have a villager farm nearby, in which case you will be VERY frustrated that all your villagers turn into fishermen.
  • @jeffreyblack666
    It isn't just a bow. It is an enchanted bow where you had to also put in the effort to get those enchants, and the levels to apply them. Conversely, arrows are cheap, especially with a fletcher or a mob farm. So mending can be much better than infinity. It also means you can use other arrows without worrying about wasting them.
  • @logged-out
    I'll never understand people who craft the entire wooden weapons set when starting a new world just make a wooden pickaxe, mine some stone and wham, you've saved 30 minutes lol
  • @PliskinYT
    "If you're using wood logs you're doing it wrong turn it into planks" Charcoal: "Am I a joke to you?"
  • @JMulvy
    In Bedrock, Barrels are more efficient to make instead of Chests because they only require 2 wooden slabs and 6 sticks. I like them because of their smaller inventory space which keeps early game easy to organize and move around. If possible, I hold onto my wooden pick axe and it is usually the ONLY wooden item I need to make in a new world. Then I frame it. It is the equivalent of framing your first dollar your business ever made. I always place torches on the left wall so when I need to follow them to get out of a cave, I know I am on the "right" track. Some people still do not realize that the stone cutter is a 1:1 output or in the case of slabs 1:2. I just wish we could use it as a wood cutter too.
  • @plynix7937
    For anyone that is enchanting (I believe this still works) when you enchant something in an anvil, always rename it at the same time Because it makes it so it will never be "Too Expensive"
  • @ThatOneDude248
    9:10 “If you keep stripping the logs on your doorway, just don’t carry an axe in your hand!!!” I never would’ve figured that out guys
  • @BigMastah79
    “Clicking things with your axe? Don’t hold your axe!” Why haven’t I thought of that? Wow!
  • @smith806
    as for the chests vs barrels ones, I prefer chests for certain things because two can merge to one and provide better organization
  • @Ichengo42
    As someone who's been playing since before the stone cutter, it definitely feels "silly" or "primitive" to use that over an easier-to-obtain crafting table but I guess in the long run it's definitely more efficient.
  • @Sexy_Nero1313
    Tips on this list: "Do you hate missing clicks with the axe and carving all the wood into fine shaped wood? Well just don't hold the axe in your hand anymore."
  • @TizonaAmanthia
    creeper holes are a pain; for sure, only use one layer of dirt though, use cobble below that, so if they blow the same spot again, it's far less damage to clean up going forward.
  • @luvluh
    11:23 mending > infinity considering your infinity bow is fully enchanted with power v, flame, and more, using mending to save that bow is worth a few arrows. especially if you have an arrow farm yes, you can fix your infinity bow in an anvil, but if we're looking long term here, it will get more and more expensive every time you fix it, and will eventually be too expensive to fix
  • @boatzedit15
    It is used for Smelting as Slabs for Smelting as one Wood Log gives 4 Planks and 3 Planks gives 6 Slabs and 1 Wooden Plank.
  • @-sugar-5333
    “Use silk touch on this ore” Speedrunners: We don’t have the time for that
  • @creatorcuber
    2:40 you can then turn 3 planks into 6 wood slabs, which each have the smelting power of a full plank
  • @jplabs456
    #13: Alternatively, make the toolkit a part of the build. I’ve built two floating-island-type bases now, both of which had a simple ship moored next to them. Seems like nice decoration at first glance, but I actually built that ship first, using it as a self-sustaining jumping-off point for the larger build.