Meet the cat ISU vets outfitted with very rare prosthetic legs

Published 2015-12-02
Cindy Jones first laid eyes on Vincent the cat when he was just a month old. The tiny kitten was brought into the Story County Animal Shelter with injured hind legs, but Jones immediately fell in love. That love led her to the Iowa State veterinary hospital, where Dr. Mary Sarah Bergh, and veterinary orthopedics company BioMedtrix, had the idea to design implants that could be inserted into the femur bones of Vincent's legs and come out through the skin. The procedure is so rare, Bergh estimates fewer than 25 animals in the world have ever had a similar surgery. Vincent's recovery has been long, but his future looks bright. He already walks around very well, and his hind legs will continue to be lengthened until they are as long as his front legs. Dr. Bergh says he will even be jumping and doing other normal cat activities soon. For more information, visit

All Comments (21)
  • @ISUNewsService
    To all those concerned about the length of Vincent's prosthetic legs: The legs are in the process of being lengthened, as Dr. Bergh talks about in the video. In fact, they are already longer than the were immediately after surgery. And they will be lengthened at least 2 more times, until they are eventually the same length as his front legs. The reason for the delay is because Vincent, and his bones, need time to adjust to the length and weight of the prostheses. Making them too long, too soon, would be too much stress on the bones, and would make it more difficult to learn how to walk with no acclimation period.
  • @shelbyonehalf
    This lady is a true cat lover. That kitty will only repay her with pure love. This world needs more people like her.
  • I feel really bad for this poor kitty. I hope he has a good life. To all cats, I hope they all have a good life! Cats are awesome!
  • @eclipsa3364
    I laughed so hard when he walked. He's just too fricking adorable. I'm seriously in love with this kitty cat. I hope he'll get used to them soon and enjoy his life even more. <3
  • @DennyVlogs
    My thoughts while watching this: "Yarrrr. I'm ey pirrate!"
  • What a wonderful thing you have done for this lovely cat.  I am amazed at what can be done these days.
  • @RinaDreftscott
    Poor little boy! So sad he has malformation, but I'm glad he found a good and loving family. Hope his prosthetics gonna help him to have a good cat life :)
  • Ayudar a un ser vivo a caminar es maravilloso. Gracias y felicitaciones.
  • @Guitarraeficaz1
    This is heart melting even for non cat lovers. (I am a cat lover)
  • @Maniacguy2777
    These doctors are real heroes they should be awarded.
  • @Khris0221
    Good luck to Mr. Vincent - I hope they keep updating us on his progress! <3
  • @zombywoof3308
    Congratulations Vincent, Cindy and Dr. Bergh. Well done!
  • @arktana
    thank u so much for saving him!
  • @isufan6
    Iowa State vets are outstanding!
  • @cmonpeople
    His tail swaying side to side meaning he is happy, excited and curious
  • @kathaiti
    Praise God for creating people like Dr. Mary Sarah Bergh!