Arcane Is a Masterpiece and Here’s Why

Published 2021-11-26
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ending theme:
Artist: Causmic
Title: Much Higher
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Twitter: @ChorusSarcastic

All Comments (21)
  • @SarcasticChorus
    Thanks for watching, in this video I will share with you guys DemoCreator -- help present your stories worldwide, welcome to leave a comment with a tag #DemoCreatot, they will pick 3 best comments to give them a 3-month license. Hope you enjoy it.
  • @atticusv668
    The only major issue with Arcane is that it may convince people start playing League of Legends which should honestly be illegal
  • @phoeberoman7607
    Silco was the father that Jinx wanted; someone who loves her unconditionally and validates everything she does. But, he wasn't the father that Jinx NEEDED; someone who criticizes her when she fucks up, teaches her healthy coping mechanisms for her trauma, and not gaslight and project his problems onto her, because HE can't move on. I love Silco's and Jinx's dynamic, it was truly bittersweet. But, I feel like some people forget how truly messed up their relationship is.
  • @patch1752
    I went into this show 100% blind, never played the game and only heard people saying the show was great with no real details. I don’t think I could have had a better experience. Spectacular, just spectacular.
  • I swear to god, if you don't cry at the "did you see!? My monkey bomb FINALLY worked!" scene, you have no soul. It breaks me every time, because everybody can relate to doing your absolute best for the right reasons, only to find out that it ruined something else and everybody blames you.
  • @beyondviolet
    Harley Quinn: “who’re you?” Jinx: “I’m you, but realistic and way more compelling”
  • Did Silco love Jinx? Yes. Did he care for her like his own daughter? Absolutely. Would he move heaven and earth to keep her safe and happy? Definitely. But was he responsible and wise enough to help her with the literal mountain of trauma she's been experiencing over the past nine episodes? Absolutely not. Silco wasn't the BEST dad, but he was certainly a (somewhat) well-intentioned dad.
  • @socriabbas454
    "In persuit for greatness we failed to do good" This quote alone struck me hard. Some people get blinded by their own ambition that they forget to be human.
  • @GhostStealth590
    I personally love the music scenes. Even with Imagine Dragons making their animated cameo, it's such a well composed scene. The part with Milo and Claggor's ghosts next to Jinx literally made me almost cry, as she's so mentally damaged and the guilt of her killing them still follows her. I felt it was a great visual shot.
  • @MazorKuziaki
    HARD disagree on the Ekko take. He was cornerstone level important, even with such little screentime. If you study the themes of the show, you can see how he acts as a foil for Vi and Powder, he represents an aspect of duality, he shows another path that the friends from Act 1 went down, and he represents one of the only people from Powder's past that has a chance of actually reaching her. In fact, he DID reach her during the bridge scene - that's why she tried to end it with the grenade. She wanted to go out as Powder, with a friend. He was so incredibly important.
  • @josetapia9714
    Since everybody in the comments seems to love this Father-Daughter tragedy, here is a little detail to make this experience better: Jinx's rocket launcher is a shark with a black, scar-like detail on its left eye. It's called fishbone Silco has a black scar on his left eye. Silco loved sea monsters and Jinx wanted to make something Silco really liked, so Jinx made a sea monster inspired weapon based on Silco (like the coffee mug she had made for him). Jinx used the "Fishbone the black eyed Sea monster" weapon to kill the council because she thought that is what Silco would have wanted. In the game she banters with "Fishbone" like it were parent-child conversation. "We will show them. We will show them all" You are welcome.
  • @elderberry851
    Ugh and the ending song is SO PERFECT—“What could’ve been”. Like you said, so many tiny tiny decisions could’ve changed the direction of the entire show, but yet, that’s how it all ended up. So well done, I loved it all
  • @chidivids2005
    I'm a bit disappointed you saw Ekko as underutilised because I saw him as the perfect foil character. He's a perfect representation of the path the Zaun characters could've gone down if they'd let go of the past. Jinx looks to the past and Vi looks to the future, but he looks to the present, giving his people what they need NOW and looking to their best interest NOW. He even has a wall as a physical representation of where he leaves his past mistakes and losses
  • Did Silco love Jinx? Yes, yes he did Does that make him a good father? Absolutely not, hell no
  • @itsjustme6334
    I was so afraid that Silco was grooming Jinx after that first scene, the alarm bells were going off. 🚨 It was a huge relief when the writers did not go there.
  • Silco WANTED to be a good father, but he didn't know how. Jinx needed a therapist more than she needed a parent. Edit: One of my favorite character interactions ever is after the Shimmer factory fight when Vi tells Jayce, "You've always been a part of this, you just never had to look it in the eye." That line hit right where it needed to.
  • @wut-dah_7212
    Silco was an enabler. Feeding Jinx’s incessant need for validation and affection without the added balance of making her take accountability for anything, or addressing the severity of her trauma (that he was largely responsible for to begin with). There’s no saying he didn’t genuinely love her, which is refreshing. But the dynamic between the two was still toxic. Him calling her perfect was the nail in the coffin a lot of people don’t see it as.
  • @slashercat8649
    silco trying to help jinx get over her trauma was like the blind leading the blind
  • @bluebay1031
    I think the main thing on the “Silco was a good father” bit is that most people don’t understand that you don’t need to be abusive or eagerly manipulative to be a bad parent. Silco tried, like most parents do, and like a good number of parents he didn’t know shit about what he was doing and his choices contributed to fucking up his kid. Being a bad parent isn’t always deliberate. Silco’s goal wasn’t to destroy Jinx, he did love her, but he was not a good father.
  • Honestly, I liked the way echo was themed on this season, and it actually plays well with how little time the show gives him. He's presented as the 'other', the third option, arguably the best one, a reminder that you can solve your problems without having to choose the lesser evil or compromise your morals, just to get subsequently ignored by all the other characters and the plot at large, the same way this always happens in real life. I think that this feeling that echo is an 'outsider' was very intentionally crafted by the writers, especially if you take into consideration his cold opening song. The only character that pays attention to him is the former counciler rethinking his life choices, and that's by design. The solution echo offers to the conflict between zaun and piltover, that is, focusing only on how to improve people's lives right now and with whatever you have in hand, not some future prospect, is basically what every character should do to make the entire main conflict disappear out of thin air.