Ji Chang Wook Caught Smoking Indoors In Now-Deleted Video

Publicado 2024-02-11

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @WanWan-dx5dx
    How come the production crew did not scan out any unsuitable scene, the production house should send apologize instead
  • @nikiazia21
    Production fault. They released bts without thinking impact of their decision
  • Just leave him alone , he doesn’t don’t deserve to stay in a country like this. There should be rules in public smoking, but if others have no issues , people around him has no issues. What is wring with these so called media and haters. And he is amazing at what he does. Without knowing someone’s situation, people just start vomiting hate and toxicity. And don’t care about the person’s feelings and mental health. K netizens stop this . All support and love to JCW . Be strong and overcome this . Waiting for all your upcoming dramas.
  • I was wondering how long it would take for you to find something against ji chang wook. Those who are doing that I hope some pictures come back on you. Just like what happened in “ Welcome to Samdalri”. Leave him alone. Nobody is perfect
  • @niamufidah2301
    He"s just a human sometimes out controller can be make fault.
  • @woshengsuk1703
    A rule is a rule to follow if we don't obey there is a consequence on it. Apology is appreciated.
  • My goodness! This k netizens and their "self righteous" behavior. Let your celebrities breath for all I care. Do ya'll know how many non-k netizens really don't care about his smoking habits? Ya'll are forcing your celebrities to live a pretencious lifestyle.
  • If the people with didn't say anything who are you people to make the drama, and let him apologize for you and you weren't there there. Evryone was laughing and happy. The question why you didn't complain about the actors and staff and director bcz of not saying to him do not smoke here, it means they don't care about the law and with that cigarette no smell is coming.
  • Je ne suis vraiment pas partisante de la cigarette, je déteste ça ! je sais, qu'ayant des repères occidentaux, je n'ai pas le même regard ni les mêmes règles de bienséance face à cette situation, je peux comprendre certaines réactions... mais, j'ai une question: où est l'empathie dans tous les jugements négatifs que j'ai pu lire sur les réseaux sociaux? Il me semble que c'est un sentiment universel ? La vie que mène Mr Ji Chang Wook est certainement Stressante avec peu de sommeil, un train de vie quelquefois insoutenable, des conditions de tournage pas toujours faciles, de grandes responsabilités, une vie scrutée, critiquée, décortiquée et j'en passe...Il a certainement besoin à un moment d'un échappatoire (peut être qu'il n'a trouvé que ce moyen, prenez soin de vous Mr Ji Chang Wook)... J'entends déjà les réponses du type il doit montrer l'exemple (ce n'est pas Dieu, c'est un être humain avec ses forces et ses faiblesses) , il a choisi cette vie, oui bien sûr et donc ??.... Message aux moralisateurs, aux personnes qui ont soulevé ce "problème qu'ils trouvent impardonable": pourquoi ne pas accompagner tous les artistes, peu importe qui ils sont, ce qu'ils sont, dans la bienveillance, le soutien, la compréhension, vous verrez que votre vie en sera d'autant plus agréable et légère à vivre😉
  • @bettyochoa7493
    Leave him the fuck alone. He did not need to apologize he did nothing wrong.
  • @kdfrk247
    K netizens are perfect of course. Leave him alone! 😑
  • @user-dt7zc8hb7d
    Que tontera todos fuman a escondidas..se estresan demasiado..las agencias los presionan demasiado...un mejor ejemplo seria no beber tan excesivamente hasta perder la voluntad..eso si es peligroso...
  • @user-qw9yp7sy9x
    Критикуют это нормально , курит и что же Ким Те Хён тоже курил по сравнению с этим Ким Те Хён чуть не съели . Айдолы знают что в каждом углу камера жизнь под камерой и кто виноват ? Каждый выполняет свою работу .
  • I love the Best Actor from World and when he will Smoking he is him and not for andere pepol I love him for ever my Angel ❤❤❤❤❤Sylvia from Vienna
  • @BK-mk3vi
    So unnecessary. Let the man live his life.
  • @natalina39
    Перестаньте травить великого актёра,за немыслемую чепуху.Займитесь своей жизнью.
  • @PositiveWorld28
    they're not a kid and that's not a crime I understand if he committed a crime but that's a normal doing of a normal person for not smoker you don't understand sometimes cigarette help to relieve stress anxiety etc. just enjoy their drama if you don't want don't watch easy as that the world is full of toxicity don't add more. Knetz is full of jealousy and hatred etc. try to be more happy and positive XD.
  • @popsicabrera8321
    Porque juzgan cómo algo fuera de serie, el que se fume un cigarro electronico? El ritmo detrabajo de JCW es muy fuerte, dónde está el problema? Esto lo están haciendo para perjudicar la imagen del actor, alguien filtró ese video para dañarlo, ya que JCW es el mejor artista del momento y tiene mucho peso en el medio artistico..Porque los internautas toxicos, que son el cancer de la sociedad coreana, no critican el alto consumo de alcohol, que lo hacen a la hora que ellos quieren, en cualquier momento y espacios, eso si es dañino, no un simple vaper, que yo tambien lo utilizo, para calmar mi ansiedad..Que gente mas patética, son la escoria de todo Corea, no les envidio nada..JCW America Latina te apoya, te ama y admiran, no tienes porque disculparte, no hiciste nada que pueda dañar a otros, se tu mismo, no cambies❤❤❤