Lady with orcas paddle boarding Baja California

Woman with Orcas. Paddle Boarding with Orcas. In Baja California orcas have been visiting this area below San Felipe for past 5 years. If you look closely there are two adult females teaching their young how to harvest cownose rays. Look for white patch in the mouth. The woman in the video has lived on this beach for over 12 years and has heard stories of these rogue orcas playing with boats. She respected their space. At the end of the video you can see the large orca still wanted to share the sting ray with her as it followed the paddleboarder to the beach. Please subscribe to our channel. More videos soon.

コメント (21)
  • You could literally see their excitement as they saw her approaching. This wasn’t their first interaction with her. Amazing how gentle they were approaching her closely but never bumping into to her paddle board. Such intelligent and majestic creatures!!
  • That's the live orca show to watch, in their natural habitat and not in a tank. I liked that she respected their space and removed her paddle when they were near. I think these beautiful creatures appreciated it as well and gave her a private little show. Loved it. 😊
  • Makes me smile for a lot of reasons, the gentleness of these giants, the woman getting her exercise on a sunny day, the responsible drone flying that made sure to stay clear of her in case of mechanical failure, and of course the amazing footage. Thanks for sharing it.
  • @CateB66
    That’s was truly beautiful. She respected them in their home, posing no threat at all so they gently reciprocated. Beautiful
  • I love this lady. She is not screaming like 5 years old. She is very calm and enjoying and exploring the orcas. What an amazing woman!
  • It’s amazing how they make sure there fins never touch the board. They know precisely where every part of there body is as they glide by.
  • First of all this lady is the bravest ever!! 2nd of all - absolutely amazing moment caught on camera. I’ve watched it like 3 times because I am in disbelief at how they never even send a ripple of water her way. They know to be gentle! I love Orcas. They’re so smart and emotionally intelligent. Love seeing them in the wild where they truly belong. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • And then there's the video of a massive orca tail flipping a seal 100 feet up in the air. These creatures are incredibly intelligent.
  • She reacted perfectly. Don't hit the with paddles or freak out. Just enjoy their company and relax. Let them pass.
  • Amazing how they glide on their sides and try to not hit the paddle board, it baffles me! Such intelligent creatures! They know a slight bump would capsize the paddle board, wow!
  • That is one brave lady! To be in that much water without a life jacket, and then to be so nonchalant about animals that big swimming around you when you're on a paddle board,amazing!
  • I wonder if they sense how delicate we are. They always seem very gentle w/ humans, in other videos I've seen where people are "playing" w/ wild Orcas. They never seem to get rough, as if they know they could hurt us very easily.
  • Sometimes I'm in awe of how animals treat humans. We don't deserve it ... Beautifully captured moment. Thank you ❣️
  • Gotta love how carefully the Orcas were not to touch or shove her. 💕 She was just as careful with her paddle. I would have gone to my knees as soon as I saw them.
  • @user-bz4oj5wu1u
    It’s amazing how much spatial awareness they have… not touching the board not even a little!! They are truly majestic creatures… beautiful, calm & graceful exploring their own world and allowing the paddle boarder to be a part of it too… a real wonder!!
  • 2:28 The way that orca glides right underneath the board without causing the slightest ripple or wobble is indicative of how sensitive and mindful they are of our fragility it's incredible. That said, if you were to start this clip at 3:51 you'd be forgiven for thinking they just took a chunk out of that board and she's paddling for her life back to shore.
  • When having a bad day or just feeling sad. This is the perfect video to make any noise in your head go away! Simply beautiful ❤️
  • @olgap5981
    Какую же хрупкость и мужество дал Господь людям! Как эффектно выглядела маленькая смелая женщина среди моря и играющих китов!!!!!!!