Woman gets stolen truck back, shocked to find what's inside

Woman gets stolen truck back, shocked to find what's inside

コメント (21)
  • And you wonder why YouTubers can find missing people before the police
  • I'mma a cop.....And what she went through initially when reporting what she found......BURNS THE HELL OUTTA ME !!! Lady, I'm sorry you went through that.....
  • My husband just went through a similar situation. My husband is a locksmith and he was called to a tow yard to unlock a car and whenever he popped the trunk he found a bag with 17 to 20 driver's licenses of women. He called the police. They came, barely took a report, and didn't even ask my husband for identification or to fill an affidavit. We didn't hear anything else about it until an FBI agent was at a car dealership that's an account of my husband's and he overheard two salesman talking about what my husband had found in a car trunk. He had been investigating it and the local police never even handed it over to him and it was a huge part of evidence.. the FBI agent was fuming mad to say the least. I mean that's a huge thing in an investigation and the local police just didn't GAF come to find out they verified that at least half of the women were missing from States up and down the East Coast SMH it really boggles my mind the people that they hire to protect and serve society because clearly they can't be bothered when it comes to actual work. Look at how many women have gone missing and have been murdered and the police refuse to investigate it because of a certain lifestyle that they had. Who are the cops to say who's important in this world and who isn't? How would they feel if it was one of their family members that were missing/ murdered and nobody wanted to investigate it. It can happen to anybody. I think that police need to reevaluate themselves and start protecting EVERYONE. Not just who they feel is more important because we are all human beings and we all bleed red🙏🏼💔
  • The fact that there is the social security card of a sex trafficker and then missing drivers lisense of women should make even a child process the link, yet the police did nothing, unbelievable.
  • That's crazy how they didn't want to get involved until the news were interested in the story. So the message of the day is, "Call the News first before you call the cops!" 🙄
  • That's great the lady care's about other people and not just herself we need more people like her in the world especially these days!
  • @aking3624
    Holy crap!! Can you imagine being a parent & someone possibly holding the keys to your childs whereabouts? 😳
  • The fact that the Government didn't secure the personal documents is ridiculous
  • Kudos to this lady and her husband. They cared more than the authorities.
  • Thank god this woman had brains, a heart, and persistence to push this through. Nothing about rejecting the stolen goods makes any sense!
  • That's extremely weird that they didn't want to at least look at them, especially knowing the guy's history.
  • @Kira36k
    This woman showed more civic duty than the police we pay to serve and protect our community.
  • That backpack DEFINATELY could belong to a child that's been kidnapped and forced into the trade. What is wrong w these police
  • @janiee7591
    Thank you for caring and getting this in the news! I cannot believe the officer nor the DA’s office were interested in this! What the world?!?! What if those 2 girls on the IDs were trafficked? They better start caring! If they don’t, we’ll know they are in on it!! They need highly invested!
  • @bf6159
    This lack of concern is why a lot of crimes go unsolved. Given whats been found, seems as though that truck is a crime scene for multiple things.
  • @danniej81
    Wow! She just opened up other investigations that could give answers to family members or hep find missing people, etc.. Hats off to her! 🙏🏽
  • Wow! Shelby County, TN and I live in Shelby County, KY. This lady deserves so much credit for standing up. What she did was incredible!!!