8 Things Men Do When They’re Playing with A Woman’s Heart

Published 2022-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • My brother told me once “A lot of guys just want a girlfriend so they have someone to sleep with or serve them, they’re not seeking true love.”
  • I got in touch with my bfs ex via Facebook. She is lovely and didn’t abandon their children like he stated. Abusive narcissist and liar. Dumped him! And now great friends with the ex wife! 😂
  • It's tiring, frustrating and wasting....when we pick the wrong person.
  • Red Flags: unmatching behaviors, no availability, eye rolling 😂, no respect, lot of compliments, trying to distance you from friend's and family, starts to put you down by eroding your self esteem, blaming you for all the problems, not nice to the waitress.
  • Actually another red flag is when he over tips and is extremely nice to servers, cashiers, people you have just met, when you introduce your friends. But when he's with you he's disrespectful and rude. It's all about the surface with some of these guys.
  • All of them are spot on but the red flag that I got to see in all the wrong guys was the last one: hitting on you while he's in a relationship with another woman.
  • @Jessica-lc1ce
    It's a red flags! 1. If your boyfriend is liking inappropriate pictures on social media e.g girls in bikinis 2. Has a wandering eye 3. In contact with his ex-girlfriend 4. Not posting you on social media if he's active on it.
  • @BluieBeth
    I prayed for this one. I was careful. I did exactly what I thought I needed to do. And this man still fooled me. I give up. He was truly one who earned his way in...got me to drop my walls....then he decided I wasn't valuable. How do you ever trust again after that?smh.
  • @heidijay5902
    You just described every man I’ve ever dated, I’m getting really good at getting rid of them quickly now…
  • My best advice: Do his/her actions match their words? It‘s no use if he tells you that he respects you, but he‘s the one who makes the final decisions.
  • Or another veeery BIG red flag is when during an argument or a fight he says disrespectful, very mean things to you, he offends you, he uses agressive words to you like "fuck off", "shut up", "you are fucking crazy" or he calls you "stupid" basicaly he puts the blame on you in a fight and reacts in very agressive way, full of contempt... :/
  • @vikki8699
    Another red flag, all his ex's were crazy or nasty/appreciative of him and his "niceness".
  • @AZheatherrr
    Number eight is my exact situation now… I should’ve known better and I waited and was only friends with him until after he got out of that relationship – but now that I look back that was a huge red flag and I see it in his behavior today which has included lies and betrayal and yet I’m two years in and love him immensely. Take my advice ladies do not give him a chance if he’s flirting with you while he’s in a relationship, even if you’re waiting till after he’s out to except his advances
  • My "best" example was this guy who, after casually meeting at a festival, seemed quite nice, so I tried to talk to him and he only tried to kiss me. I suggested we should maybe get to know each other first, and he went: "Oh, don't worry, I'm not only trying to get you into my bed, I just like you as a person." And I: "How could you like me as a person, if you don't even know me?" He: "Then, who are you?" I: "You think I can tell you that in just one sentence?" He: "Yes." That was pretty much the end of it.
  • “Is that a new wrinkle….” Lmfao!! If any dude said that to me, I’d smack him upside his damn head!
  • Realisticly this works with men who you are NOT in love with but unfortunately not with men you are in love with bcos emotions can prevent you from seeing the red flags or you make excuses 4 their behaviour we are only human and sometimes we do fall for the wrong guys but this is helpful in spotting the wrong ones b4 you get too emotionally involved.
  • Thank you for mentioning the eyerolling, I was wondering why he does that sometimes in normal conversation. He was so disrepectful.
  • @susane945
    Hiirt, if every man was as funny, kind and respectful as you, we women would be so much happier!! Thank you for your RESPECT for women! In this increasingly dangerous world, where more and more men think it's ok to hurt women, you are a refreshing breath of fresh air. ❤🙏🙏🌸
  • @zimjun7
    There was always someone else behind the scenes. Too much competition from other women. Then as you get older, they wonder why you are not in a relationship or married. The last and RECENT was "We're both not young. I am going to wait and see what my doctor says about this thing growing on my.........." In 6 weeks he was engaged to a woman that was 17 years younger. I am now 71. and he, too. I'M in great health except emotionally. It's been a long stupid life! (he was a three timer) That was a first!