Trump destroys the Republicans' chance of winning | Richard Schiff


コメント (21)
  • The GOP is DEAD to me. I will NEVER vote for GOP.
  • The Democrats have to pick up only 3 seats to flip the House! They are going to do that easily. They are expected to pick up around 20 seats! And if we hold I’m in the Senate then we can really do some good. Like adding 2 or even 4 Supreme Court seats.
  • VOTE Joe for the People. Brilliant numbers by any metric, across the board. These people who aren’t CERTAIN need to take a lane or grow a spine.
  • Thank you sir for speaking for the Americans. Most of us are with Ukraine and Europe.
  • @C.M.30337
    Need President Biden to stay in and we need to back him. If something happens to Biden, we already have a VP, so stop fretting. He's perfectly fine and capable and not dropping out. I'm Riden with Biden and a Vote for Joe is a Vote for Roe.
  • Corporate greed run rampant. Politicians not solving the problems of the country. Lobbyists pressure. Common man forgotten.
  • I agree with you totally.I hope everyone gets behind him and worry about his age later. This is our democracy we are talking about
  • @rossb6204
    how about you just elect Joe Biben, get Trump out and convict him for his crimes and worry about wether Mr Biden can keep doing his job later!
  • Stop it, pull up your socks and get to work, Biden and blue up and down the ballot, the voters have always not agreed with you all in the bubble.
  • This is to dangerous 😢we need to vote 💙💙 if we want to save our country and our democracy.
  • As an American, if you need motivation to get out and vote, read Project 2025. That will scare you to vote blue 💙
  • Pay attention to what Alan Lichtman says. We win with Biden or we will lose. We need to see the big picture & play the long game. Biden 2024
  • @bizygirl1
    Grow a backbone and stand up straight! Fight like your life depends on it. Call out the crazies and their lies. My god, encourage people to vote blue all the way down the ballot . We’re finally at the year where we can do something about the gridlock we’ve been in and the house and senate for the last 4 years. It was 1 night, Biden has a very competent administration behind him.
  • I believe it is a stunning act of patriotism for President Biden to run again at his age. He is running because he is the best candidate to beat Trump. All he has to do is get elected and sworn in.
  • @ludger05
    I'd vote for a ham sandwich over Trump, so I'll vote a old Biden for sure, plus Biden as a good team and that's what Im really voting for.