The Real Abraham Lincoln: His Story & Face Brought to Life with Motion and Color | Royalty Now

What was Abraham Lincoln really like? Lincoln is one of the most celebrated men in American History. But some of his more personal struggles are lost amidst the larger triumphs of his life: Ending slavery in America. Lincoln was a gentle, funny man, whose speeches amazed thousands. Unfortunately, there was no end to the many tragedies in his life, and he felt them deeply. Today we’ll talk about Lincoln’s fascinating life, and then of course reveal some re-creations, restorations & motion of the Great Emancipator to really bring him back to life.

Narration, Writing, Editing & Music Direction: Andre Segovia
Narration & Art: Becca Segovia

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This video creation and final image are ©Royalty Now.

0:00 Early Life
5:01 Early Political Career
11:28 Civil War Begins
14:13 Emancipation & Victory
16:30 Assassination
17:21 Legacy
18:18 Lincoln's Appearance
20:33 Re-Creations Revealed

コメント (21)
  • @cak8132
    I didn’t expect to be so moved by a video about Abraham Lincoln but I really was. The story about his stepmother was amazing and I felt the loss of his beloved sister Sarah Lincoln and Ann Rutledge who was probably the love of his life. But seeing Lincoln in color and smiling was the icing on the cake. We tend to think of so many historical figures as boring figures in an old and dusty history book when in fact they are anything but. They laughed and loved and cried just like the rest of us and this video truly brought that home. Thank you so much for this wonderful video about one of my favorite Presidents.
  • They never taught us his life in our school. I actually cried to know how sad his life was. Thank you for telling his story.
  • Such an emotional reveal of this man, his grief throughout his life, yet his rise to help human kind, reaching out to save. Incredible.
  • Being British I learned so much from this video. Beautifully narrated, such an incredible life from his adverse childhood to morally good man
  • I found myself so deeply moved by Abraham Lincoln's life and the things he endured. He suffered so much, and yet it never made him hard or cruel like his father. Instead he became a kind, strong, patient man of great conviction. His ability to change the direction of an entire country is incredible! Who would have thought that the tough little farmers son would one day be so pivotal to American history. He was an incredible man and I would so much have loved to hear him speak. It's a shame that voice recording was such a long way in the future. In Abraham's case, the eyes really are the windows to the soul, you can see the depth of his sorrow, and the kind, compassionate heart that set the slaves free. I wish I could just sit and listen to him for hours and hours.
  • I grew up and still live in the shadow of Lincoln and he was my first true hero. He frequently came to Edwardsville to practice law and in dusty court archives his filings are still found. I frequently worked in our marble courthouse and felt the footsteps of Lincoln in the hallways. I lived in an apartment that was the old Wabash Hotel where Lincoln frequently stayed when conducting legal proceedings. Trips to New Salem and Springfield as a child and later as an adult deepened my respect and admiration. A beautifully done tribute to the man and seeing him smile was a truly wonderful moment. I didn’t expect to be so moved by color photographs and animation. We need Lincoln again in these turbulent times.
  • My eyes swelled with tears at the end. What a touching tribute to his history & recreation of his face, both young & aged. Beautifully done.
  • @johnchiu
    Doing the right thing, regardless of the cost. From the hearts of all Americans of color, thank you Mr. President.
  • @joep5146
    Lincoln has always been, and will always be, my favorite POTUS. It's beyond stupidity for anyone to object to Lincoln's likeness or name being used on anything in this country, and yet here we are. Thanks for bringing him to life, even for a moment. Very moving.
  • What a beautiful tribute to one of the GREATEST men to have ever lived. Thank you.
  • This documentary of Lincoln left me so moved. I had tears in my eyes. Lincoln was one of the greatest men to have ever lived..
  • Thank you so much for highlighting Lincoln. The thought of him running up to his step mother and her loving him made me tear up. Sweet little boy, great man.
  • Tears to my eyes for the life of such a determined and great man. His face has always held such a sweet kindness to it. And the smile in this recreation , brought tears to my eyes but put a smile on my face at the same time. I love Abraham . Where would we be without him? There are no scars in heaven, Abraham, we will meet someday. RIP!
  • The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only moonlight by the sun of Lincoln. His example is universal and will last thousands of years. He was bigger than his country, bigger than all the Presidents together; and as a great character he will live as long as the world lives.
  • @YourDome_
    Wow, what a role model..nothing but respect, tragedy after tragedy and he never quit, that's one of many quality that makes a man a man, strength to take pain head on and never quit
  • Your recreation of Lincoln helps to see him for the real human being he was instead of just a picture of a worn and sad man. It really brought him to life, even if it was just for a moment. Thank you for that. He truly was one of the great men of our history, and we should remember him much more often especially today.
  • I admire Abraham Lincoln for the challenges he was able to overcome. His courage, intelligence and integrity cannot be overlooked. We need more leaders like him in today’s world. 👍🇨🇦👍
  • As soon as the vid ended i rushed to the comments to find out if I was the only one crying like a baby. I have no words eloquent enough to describe these emotions and my thoughts of this wonderful man and how wonderfully you brought him to life. Thank you so very much.
  • Many people don't know that when Abe Lincoln was ten years old he was kicked in the head by a plowing mule. He was unconscious for three days. When he recovered he was left with a slight paralysis of the left side of his face. In some pictures you can see the left down turn lip and weak left eye. I always think of this as his face was even more kind and compassionate with the marks left from this incident. He went on to have migraine headaches for the rest of his life. He truly was a great man.