What Is It Like Growing Up in Indonesia? | Michelle

Publicado 2024-07-19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Correction: 5 major islands: 1. Kalimantan (aka Borneo, unlike Malaysians, Indonesians rarely use the term), 2. Sumatra, 3. Papua (Western New Guinea, obsolete: Irian), 4. Sulawesi, 5. Java. There are minor islands: 1. Maluku Islands (Moluccas) and 2. Southeast/Nusa Tenggara Islands (obsolete: Lesser Sunda Islands). Bali and Lombok are included in the Southeast islands. Thank you Michelle for introducing Indonesia ❤
  • Indonesian🇮🇩Is the largest archipelagic country in the world with 17.000 Islands. Stretching 5000 km From east to west. Located in a tropical area. With a population of 280 million people. 1300 ethnic groups and 700 regional languages. And one national language is bahasa Indonesian.
  • She's pretty good despite the harsh criticism. Remember, she started with a HUGE caveat: Indonesia is so diverse... You can spend a lifetime reading books about Indonesia and travel the country, still you'll fall short of describing it well to a professor even more so to a layman. And you gotta love her passionate yet laidback attitude. You go girl! Edit: after watching more, she's actually really2 good and educated outside of the hard fact (you can just google this).
  • despite a few lack of information, im surprise to see how much detail she actually put in her explaination.
  • She actually knows a lot of important facts of history
  • I just wanna correcting that Indonesia's major islands are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua
  • Actually she made a mistake in doing this conversation because she said that Indonesia consisting 4 major main islands the fact is Indonesia is consisting five major main Islands such as : 1). Sumatera 2). Boorneo (Borneo) 3). Papua Neugini (Irian Jaya) 4). Java 5). Sulawesi (Cellebes) Anda more than 17.500 minor and small Islands. Hidayat Simalungun, North Sumatera Indonesia.
  • I am sure there are many Indonesian girl who have broader knowledge about Indonesia
  • It saddened me that my country is not well known in other parts of the world, indonesia is the biggest archipelago country in the world, we have more than 17.000 islands, we got over 1300 ethnic group, we also have over 700 native languanges, we got 3 different time zone here, rich in nature, culture, we have most lay back people here, most delicious food on earth. Westerner only knows Bali, Indonesia is whole lot more than that, please visit us, you'll receive the most warmest smile you ever had here...
  • When she said Indonesia has 4 major islands I paused, wrote this comment, and stopped watching the video. :D
  • Martabak, "diabetes on a plate", made me really laugh out loud. :D But yes, sweet martabak is like carbs fiesta. My favorite is cheese martabak, nyum.
  • 6:19 Indonesian have Two monsoon climate . (monsoon climate occur due to the influence of the monsoon winds, which blow in Indonesia and change direction every six months.) Rainy season October to March and dry season April to September
  • I’m sorry, but i don’t think she has sufficient and proper knowledge about Indonesia. So many inaccurate informations.
  • Indonesia has 5 major islands, i think. They are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. Rainy season is usually from September to February then from March to August is dry season. Drinking Tea and coffee are also belong to our culture but we enjoy them different in every etnich. Talking about food you will find more than a thousand items. For e.g "soto", you will find so many names of soto.
  • 9:09 Something that is sometimes difficult for western people to understand is that Indonesia is multi ethnic group. It's like the European continent becoming one country. Each ethnic group has its own preferences.
  • @iskotayo1
    Everybody! Please appreciate her effort, I believe she has tried her best to represent our Nation. Please be kind and show your support. She absolutely can do better in the future...
  • great content, I appreciate Michelle's efforts to explain what she knows about Indonesia :)
  • 55:20 all parties in Indonesia have same ideology it is Pancasila centralists. So there are no different ideologies from each other. This is because in the past after independence there were many rebellions and murders just because of ideological differences. So during the New Order era and the military dictatorship came to power . All political parties must adhere to the 5 values of Pancasila. 1.Belief in the one and only God 2.Just and civilized humanity 3.The unity of Indonesia) 4 Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations among representatives 5.Social justice for all the people of Indonesia Any party that does not have these 5 values or has opposing values must be disbanded. So don't be surprised if Indonesia chooses party figures (strong men) rather than the party itself.