Marvel Legends Giant-Man and Wasp Review - Was it Worth it?

Publicado 2024-04-12
Hasbro Pulse dropped a shocker with the immediate order for the Marvel Legends Giant-Man and Wasp to complement the HasLab Giant-Man. Did this preview further whet the appetite for the upcoming large-scale version of Hank Pym or was it a big letdown?

Check out my review!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Gorger12
    It is always nice to watch your videos, you are a fan rather than just a reviewer. These are coming in Sunday for me and they just look great in this video. Hasbro Pulse had free shipping over $75, so I got the animated spider man 2 packs on their outlet section. In Hasbro's recent teasers, they mentioned more large figures for the Avengers to fight. I really like the Sentinel, Galactus, and surely the Giant man when he comes. Do you think they should make a vehicle like the fantasticar/quinjet/blackbird next, or should they stick to a 4th large figure? With X-men 97 this year, it feels like a good time for the blackbird, but it needs to be pretty large to fit the figures inside.
  • @76Lifesone
    I think we should’ve got the miniature size as well with this pack.🥴
  • Hasbro is pulling a McFarlane and sending figures out the week they were officially revealed 🤣
  • @pukewhenimsad
    Jeff! You might be the first channel besides Hasbro themselves to show these off. That’s awesome. These turned out so good, can’t wait to get mine next week!
  • @gofannon1943
    The Wasp head sculpt is next level, can’t stop looking at it!
  • @JayWoods483
    Thank you so much for your review of these products Jeffrey. These are obvious a throwback to the classic Silver Age era. For those collectors (like myself) who could not get the Haslab, this package gives an option to display Hank and Jan. Obviously a lot of work went into Jan and I think ML was able to capture that look ML was trying to achieve. It shows, as Jan is the star of the package. I'm a little confused in the additions of wings, as Jan never had them while fully grown. Regardless, the wings provide a power set that makes displaying the figure "astonishing".
  • @TheKenan34
    Those figures are your tiers figures. They look like premium quality figures that they do for Haslab projects
  • If this Hank Pym is supposed to be a scaled down Haslab Giant Man they kinda missed the mark a little bit with the boots…. the Haslab had big treaded boots….but I guess that can be overlooked…. the Wasp is the real prize in this set. Btw I subscribed.
  • @Tebigong101
    I think this is a smart and sensible 2 pack, the Wasp figure is amazing. Giant man looks rather sinister. We need updates and upgrades to all the classic Silver Age looks and Bronze Age looks.
  • The actually sculpted new, BETTER female hands!!! About time! I'd like to see them retire those old ones, and just use these going forward! I got two sets of these today, and opened one set to create Giant Man & Wasp for my shelf. Minor complaint with the Wasp's non-helmeted head. It looks like her lower jaw bones shrunk a bit in the mold, so her face looks a bit skinnier than the helmeted version. I would have liked a fuller looking jaw so that her face didn't seem so thin, but again, it's a minor complaint. This might be a mold shrink issue, which are sometimes just unavoidable. If I had to rate this set from 1 to 10, I'd say that this set is a 9.5, or a solid "A" grade from Hasbro. I'm very happy with everything it comes with!
  • @bkr8932
    Personally I feel it was worth; I wasn’t going to participate in the Haslab and this is the perfect alternative. I might buy a 12 inch Hank if they ever get around to it
  • @laohu1888
    Great review! I also got mine today as well. Pretty shocked about hiw fast it shipped. Mini version of Jan along with some stinger effects would have been perfect. I feel she dhould have been on the teen body since she is a petite woman and quite short historically. I also feel her face looks s bit mature for this particular costume since she was a teenager in this era. But all in all, a very solid offering. Hank is just ok, but his head sculpt looks fantastic. A really nice Avengers two pack! Now how about a Jarvis and Rick Jones two pack for the ongoing Avenger's 60th?
  • @Vintage-Bob
    I'm surprised how disappointed I was with this boxed set. I love the original Wasp look and they did her well. But all my Avengers figures are 1970s versions so she really doesn't seem to fit in. She's too retro-1960s looking. I don't think they've ever done one of her 1970's classic costumes, so this is the first Wasp I've gotten. And she just looks - out of place. And Giantman - he looks absolutely ridiculous at this size. Worse than I expected. I grew up on the Marvel Comics of the early-mid 1960s through the mid-1980s. In all his appearances in earlier issues of Avengers and Tales to Astonish, Giantman virtually always shown at around 9'-12' in height, in every panel of every issue. Even while resting and lounging around the Avengers mansion, he was very, very rarely drawn at 6" tall - usually he was between 9' and 12' in those scenes. This 6' scale figure just looks way off to my mind. Way too small. Like he belongs in a different toy line (he'd scale perfectly mixed into the 3.75" line). In the same way, I didn't order the Haslab Giantman because, again, he was virtually never shown at that height. Visually he looks far too big to me - out of scale with the other Avengers. The perfect size for Giantman, based on the comics, would be a 12" Super-Adaptoid sized figure. I'm hoping we get that eventually. I'm also disappointed with the lazy effort on the lab equipment. The round beaker looks ridiculous with a blue bar inside. It doesn't look like it has liquid inside - it looks like a giant blue rubber stopped got jammed into it. It looks chintzy and cheap and poorly designed - because it is. I also realized they should have included a miniature Wasp. What good is having the Wasp if she can't shrink down to her fighting size? They already released a miniature Wasp in a release years ago, in that very costume, so why not include it? There's almost zero cost involved and it would have been a far more logical and appreciated inclusion than the chintzy lab beakers or that tiny quinjet token (I guess I can use it when playing Monopoly, but come on!). WTH is up with that quinjet token piece? What could it possibly be used for? I have to say I was more excited for this boxed set than I should have been and I'm surprised how disappointed I feel about it now. The figures look great, as far as sculpting and paint. Wasp is picture perfect to her early 1970's costume. And Disappointed.
  • @danielstjohn3018
    Great review.!! Good job.!! Thanks.!! Really nice couple ...of figures.!! Always liked Hank and Jan...!! These are well done.!! Love this version of both.!! Now, ... I'd be happy with a 10" or 12" Giant-Man... with a miniature Ant-Man and Wasp.!! Seems like Hasbro is doing a good job to me.!! I'm looking for that early yellow-suited Iron Man that's coming, too.!! ...and Quicksilver???
  • @jwolf8371
    I got em Friday too!!! So fast. Wasp is pretty much perfect. The Matte paint on the dress looks amazing. The helmet with the moveable antenna and mouthpiece is amazing. I never thought id ever get a Hank Pym in a lab coat figure, and he's damn near perfect as well. I do think the body doesn't quite work for GM. Its a little slim. It works for Ant Man better. I think the helmet offsets it enough. They could have used the body from the modern GM from years back. But thats just a nitpick. But overall a Really nice set.
  • @LosMSR
    Faces are great, bodies are ok I guess, probably the best Hank Pym in this scale, even with that odd weird paint at the butterfly joints, they should just put a plastic straps, like they did with the Haslab figure.