Ex Muslim Christian chained/maltreated for leaving Islam. Listen#islam #christianity #prayers #help

Published 2024-04-19

All Comments (3)
  • @J3r3venchy
    Hello man, I came to apologize for my behavior on JPcuts YouTube video, I’m sure you remember me. Though I disagree with both you guys, and the way you got the quotes, I must not be dishonest on my part. I’m an Orthodox Inquirer, and I am well read some Church fathers more than others, and the ones you pulled I had not read them , and I have mostly better knowledge on Other topics than the real presence. Please forgive me, for my behavior and please don’t assume my behavior is the same of other orthodox who are more knowledgeable than me. I don’t like when people misuse the fathers and their traditions so I shouldn’t do the same even when I believe them to be wrong. may the Lord Jesus Christ guide you 🙏🏾