Proof that atheism is accurate and correct

Published 2011-02-15
My dog and I made a video that clearly refutes shockofgods's silly question.

All Comments (18)
  • @joestfrancois
    @TheMassdistortion "Is it good to give a dog raw meat though?" He won't let me cook the little woodland creatures he catches, he like his food raw. His digestive system is a little different than our though, he can tolerate it. Thank you for your concern.
  • @thekbshouse
    It all makes sense now. If atheists can't disprove every silly thing I believe in without evidence, it must mean I'm right!
  • @joestfrancois
    @JamesMorlan It's all so very clear after you just catch the white of his eye as he takes the meat. Glad you like it.
  • @sexyxrs
    if my cat only came beck home 5 seconds after i call for him ...
  • @joestfrancois
    @Sophiethefembot "how on earth does this prove anything???" So to spell it out for you, the question "can you prove that atheism is true and correct?" is used by fundies as a weapon and they take great pleasure in it. The question itself was nonsensical because atheism speaks to assertions that there is a god or higher power. The burden of proof is on those making the assertions. Since the question is nonsensical, this vid speaks to it as well as anything.
  • @joestfrancois
    @sexyxrs He knew I had the meat, but he does come when called.
  • @BT3701
    Actually, the burden of proof rests upon any individual who makes a claim. The theist who says there is a God indeed does own the burden of proof for his claim. Likewise, the atheist who says, there is no God owns the burden of proof for his claim as well. The only way not to own the burden of proof is to not make any claim.
  • @joestfrancois
    @Redshift21 "That video made a lot more sense that shockofgod's dumbass question ever has : )" Thanks, but if you don't use reason you will never get it.
  • @BT3701
    Then you disagree with standard dictionary and encyclopedia definitions as well. "atheism is the position that affirms the non-existence of God" (Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy) atheism - the doctrine that there is no deity (Mirriam-Webster) No word games on my end.
  • @joestfrancois
    @DonnZ0r Um, maybe your explanation is not convoluted enough. Try again?
  • @joestfrancois
    Some atheists may say there is no god, so what? Atheism is by definition a lack of belief in the claims of a god or gods. Play all the word games you like, you are wrong. I have never heard a claim of a god or gods or anything of a supernatural nature that stood up under investigation. It is about that simple.
  • @joestfrancois
    LOL!! LOL!! Whatever! You are almost to stupid to have a discussion with! Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. MOST INCLUSIVLEY, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists. WIKI Refer to my earlier comment, theism brings no evidence.