Atheist BS

Published 2011-02-17
Straightforward presentation of atheism.

All Comments (3)
  • @chefjimmie1
    Buddy doesn't like kale? That's because billions of years ago when the amino acids were forming themselves and coming together, that ancient canine DNA (even though it didn't know it was canine yet cause there were no dogs yet) formed itself and built simple life and it made itself more complex by mutation over millions of years and formed itself into this grand "tree of life" in which one branch is the dogs but it remembered back in the day that canine DNA only eats meat and don't like kale.
  • @joestfrancois
    @chefjimmie1 Wow, I could have said it a better, but for a pre-trib rapture guy you did very well. Or you could say that even though his ancestors ate plants in the garden of Eden before the fall of man, he knows that the fall made plant life for carnivores only a garden thing.