MP Layla Moran makes moving speech on Gaza in parliament, Jeremy Corbyn intervenes|Janta Ka Reporter

British Palestinian MP from the Liberal Democrat party on Thursday made a moving speech on the crises plaguing Gaza and the West Bank. Veteran socialist politician and known friend for Palestine, Jeremy Corbyn, praised her speech as he made an intervention.

コメント (21)
  • Its a moving speech, but only to those who have hearts, those in power, unfortunately have none.
  • I couldn’t sit playing with my iPhone , whilst someone was relating the harrowing stories of women and children suffering and dying ………. but then , I couldn’t be a politician .
  • umm .. the old "both sides" simplification of the argument .. its just so tiring and boring .. the equivocation of Israel with "hamas" as BOTH not wanting peace.. its absolute garbage the only people who do not want peace are the israelis .. as demonstrated by their latest kennest vote on NO PALESTINIAN statehood EVER..
  • In August 2002 former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni was interviewed on the radio and television program Democracy Now. During the interview, she was asked: Question: Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew? Shulamit Aloni replied: “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.” - Former Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Alone
  • @I-OMusic
    YES JEZZA!!!! The one single person in parlimet with the balls to actually address the elephant in the room
  • Thank you Layla and everybody stands for the truth.
  • The English put the Jews there so Good old England needs to get tlheir shit together and fix what they have created.
  • Good reliable reporter. Doing the job that BBZ is not. Thank you.
  • I so want to swear.. are there seriously two politicians banging on their phones while Leyla Moran talks about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza..
  • We should not be selling arms to anyone for any reason. This is a wicked thing that blights our country.
  • Look at those 3 sitting on their phones..regardless of the topic that’s just would have thought a standard no mobile policy
  • @kelens
    How disrespectful of other MPs to be on their phones whilst another MP is making a speech on such a serious subject.
  • Where are all the supposed voices of hunanity who call themselves MPs ? They dont appear to be rallying around the voice of ms moran and the independents Shame on you
  • Strange how two parties have dispute over land and one part gets recognized as a country while the other isn't. Very strange.
  • Good speech. Only criticism is the use of the term 'Rules based Order' which is divorced from international law and human rights; with rules that are continually bent and adapted to suit US demands, the term is instead a coverall for US exceptionalism.
  • @UziRaz
    Thanks for the coverage, much appreciated.