Baltimore bridge collapse after massive cargo ship collision

Eight people were believed to have been on the Baltimore bridge when the massive container ship smashed into it in the early hours. Most of the 1.6-mile-long structure collapsed in seconds - sending those on it plunging into the river below.


The disaster has closed one of the busiest ports in the US. But a distress call from the ship allowed officials to stop traffic crossing the bridge, averting an even bigger tragedy.

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コメント (21)
  • @ocher8931
    How are people surprised that when you take out a major support on a bridge, the structure is critically damaged? These ships are huge and travelling at speed. Good grief.
  • @DobieDad
    As a USCG Licensed Captain (Retired) myself, NOBODY has asked THE most important questions yet. 1) The Captain Radioed ahead, reported he was having mechanical issues, why were there no tug boats dispatched for assistance? 2) Was the Harbor Pilot onboard at the time of losing power? 3) Were the USCG Rules followed? 4) Was the USGG notified in advance, and what was their response? They had to have a command station at that large port.
  • I cant imagine...the people crossing in that time coming from work and slowly driving watching the ship with black smoke in it and all of sudden it collapse...gosh.. RIP TO DECEASED.
  • @ForTheFLOL
    When this bridge was built in 1977, it was designed to withstand the impact of container ships way much smaller than the MV Dali. The bridge replacing this one will definitely be designed to withstand cargo ships probably twice the size of the MV Dali in the future. But all in all, sad to see people died.
  • 1:35 "'s not clear whether there were any vehicles actually on the bridge at the moment of collapse." Well, the footage at the exact moment the reporter says that shows multiple vehicles on the roadway. Top-notch reporting!
    I'm an old autistic man now. The Francis Scott Key Bridge was my baby. As a child in the 1970's I literally watched the Francis Scott Key Bridge be constructed. As a kid my parents took me to swim at "Fort Smallwood Park" beach on Saturday and or Sunday afternoons. I used to rent a 50 cent tire inner-tube lay back and watch the bridge slowly come together with each passing week. I so absolutely and totally loved the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Today as adults my autistic brother drives and he'd take me over the Key bridge by motorcycle or truck as a treat when I felt sad. I could see the Key Bridge from my balcony. It made living here fun. Now its all gone! RIP my dear dear friend! P.S. My condolences to all affected humans.
  • @OddEyeGuy
    I’ve crossed this bridge over 1000 times. I feel super lucky right now.
  • @HsingSun
    There were at least 5-6 cars passed right before the bridge collapsed.
  • @dfa3366
    That bridge didn't stand a chance against that big ship. It collapsed like it was nothing.
  • I don’t understand how people think bridges should be able to withstand everything just because they are part of our every day lives. Planes crash, trains derail, and if huge container ships hit bridges, they will come down or be irrevocably damaged. Making any infrastructure completely resistant to any damage is impossible. I say all of this as someone from Baltimore and who is used to bridges being a part of every day life.
  • There were construction vehicles parked on the bridge at the time. You can see their yellow flashing roof lights prior to the impact.
  • @Emy53
    Why is anyone shocked that the bridge went down so quickly....that barge hit a "main support beam". Even the Titanic sunk, and claims were that it couldn't. The bridge was hit at a critical point.
  • @Sendu7
    Very impressive that there was such speedy communication and coordination to block the traffic after the mayday.
  • Seeing cars driving over the bridge at 1:15, and a few moments before the hit the cars stop comming through. That mayday call, and the reaction to it saved many lives. Sad about the workers :/
  • I was told that the bridge was closed for construction but you can clearly see that there was cars and trucks traveling across the Key bridge at the time just before it collapsed. I pray for those affected. I traveled this bridge many times to go to work in the past. 😢 This is horrible! 🙏
  • Why is he tap dancing around the question of potential people on the bridge. 'YES THERE WERE PEOPLE ON THE BRIDGE - We're still trying to determine how many and are committed to recovering everyone who may have perished due to the collapse'. Why would that be so hard...?
    Its probably no longer a rescue. But a recovery. Prayers for Baltimore. As a trucker i drove over that bridge. Thanks to the fast action of crews to report the destress by shutting down road.
  • "how could such a bridge collapse in the first place" - what sort of question is that? the video shows the section of the bridge that collapsed was supported by two piers. one pier was destroyed. jeez, it's not rocket surgery.