The world is ending and you turn on the radio//a playlist

Published 2024-02-29
Sorry about not posting a video last week, this video got blocked for copyright. So please know, this video is just for entertainment purposes and I don't own any of the songs or the picture.

Not sure why but I been recently in the mood for older music or music with a bit of a eery vibe to it. Makes me imagine a scene where a character watches an atom bomb flying towards their city as they sit on the roof of their house and watch.!(sound warning for 20:53-23:30)!

All Comments (21)
  • @thecreeqy
    I saw some people asking for song names and time stamps, so Imma try my best. 0:01 - 2:58 I Don't Want To Set The World on Fire - The Ink Spots 2:59 - 5:56 We'll Meet Again - Vera Lynn 6:00 - 9:00 Aftermath - Caravan Palace 9:06 - 15:00 Lay All Your Love On Me (slowed) - ABBA 15:02 - 18:19 A Man Without Love - Engelbert Humperdinck 18:19 - 20:55 The End of The World - Skeeter Davis 20:57 - 23:28 The Mysterious Axeman's Jazz - Joseph John Davilla Overall this is a great playlist, thank you.
  • @WompyBoi
    POV: You downloaded this video just for the music until years later where you are surrounded by a hoard of humanity ending creatures and open your phone just to play this in human-kind’s last moments
  • @-MarissaRose-
    The atom bomb fell down while her radio played a song she loved. Her and her lover danced to the song as the bomb hit and exploded everything. They danced as they died.
  • @user-lh6rb4sc3r
    I wanna meet the radio host that’s still pushing through all that, the playlist is peak dark humor and i respect that.
  • POV: You stand in the old subway station that's been here since you can remember, everyone around you locked in on their phones. A soft gust of wind rakes through your hair as the subway approaches, soon coming to a stop as its doors open with the slick 'swoosh' noise you've grown oh-so familiar with. It seemed like a normal day as the passengers around you gathered into the cramped vehicle; you quickly followed suit. As the vehicle starts to move, you find a place in a slightly stained dinghy seat, setting your bag in your lap, your tired eyes following the lights as they sped past you out the window. You'd have to get another cup of coffee when you got off. A warm light suddenly fills the subway as goosebumps run your skin with concern. You look towards the direction of the light, watching as it quickly becomes brighter, nearly blinding. You'd have screamed in agony and horror if it weren't for the sudden heat that engrossed your body, your field of vision filling with a pure white. You felt a rumbling beneath you, your hearing shot with an intense ringing that lasted for forever. After what felt like a century, but was most likely only a few seconds... silence. Nothing. You didn't feel anything. You didn't hear anything. You didn't see anything. Nothing.
  • @peacecatis1923
    Me: "they better have world on fire - ITS FIRST SONG !!
  • @anvi0511
    POV: All of your friends and family and everyone in the world is dead because of a zombie outbreak. you were the only one who survived. you tried to browse through internet but couldnt find anyone online. you slowly made your way to a big supermarket, closed all the doors and found a random radio in the manager's room. you started to listen to it as you wipe the blood and dirt off your body.
  • @rebeccalee5888
    Light a cigarette, pour a glass of whiskey, and stare at the impending end
  • @HazzaWGS
    the second song is so crazy to me, it was my WW2 great grandads song, and his funeral song. I will miss him. I always will.
  • @coffeecrashed
    i knew with full confidence that "I Don't Want To Set The World on Fire" would be the VERY FIRST thing to play. i was not disappointed.
  • @j1nx_spr1t3
    POV: Sitting in your bunker, knee’s to you chest as you quietly hum to your radio. You begin to cry remembering your family, your best friend, your lover, your pets. Everyone is gone. You’re alone, truly alone. They all starved or were caught weeks ago. You’re hiding out in the waste. The ___ moved on days ago. Never have finding you in your hide out miraculously. And you wonder, why you? Why of all people did you have to live? You could die, but what’s the point now? Is there anything beyond? If so would your friends want you to live?  You sigh as you lean your head back against the wooden boards of the wall. You’re inside a radio station, empty, like every other building in this lifeless place. You want to talk to someone. But no one’s here anymore. And leaving to find others risks finding the ____ and dying too. There’s no reason to leave anyways. The markets are still filled with food, and there’s plenty of water. Really, moving on just means forgetting them. Those you loved. You wish you’d said you loved them, all of them, from your pets to your friends to your family. One last time. The tears build up again in your eyes as you choke back a sob. Why you? It’s all you can think. Why of all people in this town was it you who lived? You choke back a sob, that’s all it felt like you could do anymore. Find supplies, sleep, and cry your eyes out. You wished you could just be numb. Not die, just not be in pain. With so much time alone all you could do was feel.  Stumbling up to a standing position. Walking out from behind the desk, looking out the nearby window. Three stories up, looking out on barren streets. You used to stare in awe at these streets before the incident. Noting how surreal it felt, knowing people were around but none were out in the moment. Then someone would always exit a store just a second later. But no one was going to exit now. You wait, almost in suspense, hope still lingering that someone would. But in the back of your mind you knew better. So you turn, walking back to the radio, turning it up and taking it off the desk. Sliding it into your backpack, taking the metal baseball bat out and replacing it with the radio. slinging the bag over your shoulder and walking out of the studio. Walking slowly in pace with the music. No need to rush anymore, you were the only one you had to worry about. You descend the staircase. Walking both dusty flights of stairs down to the bottom level, exiting out the fire exit.  The gentle cool wind of fall brushing past you as you walk out onto the street. Heading across town to your little personal project you’d been building. The whole town was yours now. And so as you head back towards your project, you imagine how you’d add onto it today. A small tiny burst of joy shooting through your stomach as you imagined it. Excited of the prospect of finishing it soon. You had one thing to live for, leaving something behind to be found by those who eventually came back. You’d make sure they knew what happened, you’d make sure they knew one person lived. They’d know a part of your story. You were here for a reason, and you decided that it was for people to know the real story. Even if it was in a month or thousands of years. The story would stay. Your project made sure of it. Thank you for reading my humble story, and hopefully none of us ever experience this. Drink some water, get some sleep tonight. And tell someone you care about that you love them, even if it’s just your pet. Do the things you enjoy, and enjoy the small things. Life is beautiful, even at your lowest. The wind listens, the flowers brighten your day, the trees comfort you, and the birds sing their love for you. Stop for a second, and just take in the moment. Good luck lovelies, you’re worth it. I promise. <3
  • As someone who all of my friends and family call me an “old soul” because of how young I am but how much I love old-themed songs like these, I really thank you for making this playlist.❤️
  • @dayoldpepsi652
    In the face of ruin there is an odd sense of calm. There is a moment of tranquility where you are unsure as to what to do. A moment where you know it’s about to end but your not sure what to do before. This is the moment we find ourselves. The few minutes of peace knowing there is no further need to worry yet not knowing how to spend those moments. A time of goodbyes and acceptance. The moment where you see it coming from the distance and instead of running you wait, because you know you can’t outrun them. Knowing you did everything you could, and knowing you did it correct. It was enough, you did it.
  • @Mylenapony
    I’m going to write something a bit different. This story is called Radio Host You place a record down, the CDs to be used later. For now you wanted this vintage sound. Adjusting the knobs you put on your headphones, leaning into the microphone. “Good evening my loyal listeners. I do hope this broadcast finds you well this evening. As a treat for surviving another day we have some songs to guide you through the times.” The needle fell into the grooves and the sweet music started to play, the comforting melody of I don’t Want to set the World on Fire playing. You leaned back in your chair, a soft smile as you listened. This record was a creation of your own making, a loving amalgamation of your CDs’ songs. There were no more streaming services, no more internet. For all you knew the radio was one of the last things standing. At least your radio. Yes, up in your tower you were safe from the lumbering abominations that now roamed the earth’s surface. Your tower was fortified and the monsters had difficulty climbing. Over the years you had made your tower sustainable, salvaging, pillaging, and gaining help from travelers who could never stay. But now you were safe with a rain collector, solar panels, and even a farming area. It wasn’t much but it was enough. Looking up you saw that enough time had passed to make an interruption. Thus you sat back up, gently stopping the record for now. “Well my darlings, that’s certainly a way to start off an evening. Now then, for the rest of tonight I won’t interrupt you any more. However, I have obtained information to share with you all. Some supposed safe havens.” As you continued to speak, relaying this information, you wondered if this was even real. Was there anyone left alive? For years you had been giving out information to supposed safe havens, locations given to you by adventurers and travelers. Yet your visitors who used to be quite frequent had now dwindled to nobody. You could only hope that there were others still out there. That those fortresses still stood. “That’s all for tonight. You stay safe out there. From here on out until tomorrow will just be music. Goodnight.” **You turned back on the record and went outside of your tower, looking over the balcony of that wasteland, the symphony of the damned accompanying your music.
  • @tenshi-no7902
    You walk in an empty house, and it is the house where you died, you put the radio on, and dance all alone
  • @justusmoritz3199
    We all sat around the fire- atop the Apartment complex. The three of us had managed to outrun the dead; however all of our ammo was wasted frivolously shortly before we had to go. Jeremy and Ian both were bitten- they share one final drink, reminiscing of times before the fall. As the night progresses; so does the infection. The three share one final embrace and one more shot. I have the job of... dispatching them once they turned. I just shoved them off into the thousands of infected below; they would break through the rest of the apartment building before day broke. I cried a bit before gathering my things and the small remainder of the food and water they had left. I had one magazine of .45 left- which wasn't even fully loaded; only 3 rounds. I chuckle as I remember the time showing Jeremy and Ian it for the first time- though, that was long ago. I smile a bit before shaking my head. I stamp out the fire and walk to the edge of the building- I here the mumbles and groans of the many undead below me... as well as their shining amber eyes, as if they were waiting for their next meal. I sit on the edge and lean forwards- teetering. I pull the radio from my backpack and turn it on- and to my surprise there's a voice- a woman; she must be near. I look around and see a mountain far above the city- I have no idea how I missed it but it seems fortified. Maybe- maybe we can win this. You walk around the dilapidated building, and you find a notebook; it looks hastily written and you can't help but wonder if he survived. As you read through it you see that it is your grandfather's name printed on the on the first page! You're surprised to find this, seeing as this was over 50 years ago, but it was in several bags. You wander back to the mountain listening to the radio as you clamber up it. Wondering what managed to save his life all those years ago...
  • I'm working on an apocalypse story and the algorithm sends me this playlist as an act of providence. This is perfect.
  • @boii3684
    Bruh I'm 3 seconds in and already on verge of nostalgia, such a perfect fit! Fallout 4 has my heart
  • POV: In the aftermath of a harsh apocalypse across our world’s face, you are wandering through the abandoned streets that was once lively, full of the vegetation and children playing along the yard, now brown and crispy, with nothing but the occasional roach. As you walk, you find an old radio sitting on the porch of your elderly neighbors’ yard, their house in shackles. You sit down on the rocking chair, listening to the music of the radio as you try to feed out the memories of your town, neighbors, friends, and foes from when the world was nothing but your playground.
  • @Ebie_
    You sit in front of your fire place, the wood crackling gently. You stare blankly at the stone holding in the flames, havoc is being unleashed outside but it's like time is stopped just for you. You have a bowl of ice cream, slowly melting. You take mindless bites of it as you continue to stare into the stone of your fireplace, your frosted windows showcase blurred images of the violence and crimes near your small lawn. The radio starts to cut out for a moment, then goes back to playing normally. Unfortunately, the sound of the soft background music doesn't drown out the noise of drills and screaming coming from outside, but for some reason that doesn't entirely bother you. You continue to numbly eat your ice cream as you reflect on what you did in your life, all of your mistakes, all of your greatest accomplishments, your regrets, the things you always said you were going to do "one day" but now you will never be able too. It finally sinks in what the words "life is short" meant. You start to think about other peoples lives, your parents, your friends, your coworkers/classmates, and slowly you start to think about more distant ones- the costumer/teacher that was rude to you, the girl in front of you in line who was trying to hush her crying baby, the man who made you smile that one day. You feel a feeling of comfort as you realize maybe it's better if your all go together, then that comfort is gone as you here someone crying out in the streets, having just found one of their family members dead. You hear gun shots, crashing, screaming crying, wailing, and you realize that it doesn't matter if the suns exploding or if asteroids come crashing onto the Earth. The worlds was always destined to burn as soon as humans were placed on it, for there greed will forever out way their compassion. The radio starts cutting out again and then it completely turns to static. You don't react, just continue staring into space. A calm feeling of doom covers you, and shortly so does the roof of your house as it crashes down on top of you