you're dancing with someone that doesn't exist [ dark academia playlist ]

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Tags - #darkacademia #studymusic #study #music #aestheticplaylist #classicalmusic #rain

コメント (21)
  • @fridaaa0
    I once kissed a guy in my dream, no idea who he was. I still think about him lol
  • @MeruTofuu
    2 minutes ago i officially turned 19 and I already feel like everything is falling apart. I know the YouTube comments aren’t a place to vent and who’s to say anyone will see this or even comment on it but I’m just gonna put it out there cause why not, but I just want to go back to Malaysia. I want to be an 8 year old kid again, and I want my dad to see me grow up and become a better version of myself with him by my side, I want to have better friends to rely on, and a lifelong partner to love, I know I’m still young and I know things will get better but it’s just the how and when of it all, all I can do for now is to wait and see, i know that but the thought about waiting until my life gets better is unfortunately an exhausting thought, even though i’m aware that’s the best solution for now.
  • Dreaming of being with someone you've never met but somehow being able to connect on a deep level is crazy. The feeling it leaves you with after waking up is weird too. Nice playlist btw!
  • @joosantos97
    The worst part is not being able to define an image for the one you’re dancing with.. you are left with how they make you feel and that is going to be very hard to replicate in real life. For all who are deemed lost, I hope you find them. I sure haven’t
  • Reading all the comments while listening really sets a surreal mood.
  • @bread-houze
    This is what it feels like when everyone you know has found love and you're just alone but wishing you could find someone who loves and understands you too.
  • I love the quote by Kurt Vonnegut: ”Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly. Man got to sit and wonder ’why,why,why’. Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand” Because in this quote it implies that we might not actually understand and we are just saying so to make ourselves feel more at ease. So anytime you feel alone with your thoughts or feel a bit fatalistic about the world just remember that its human to want to understand. Its just as natural as the fact that tigers sleep and birds land. Yet it is okay not to. You can just say that you do. I dunno just love this quote so much and wanted to share it somewhere to someone else Who too can maybe find at least some comfort from it.
  • @_ty_ler_
    "We danced in a field in the rain together alone no one watching for the last time...."
  • I just turned 23 and I've never had a boyfriend, I've only had one-sided romantic experiences... but I'm a hopeless romantic, so I keep falling in love, but with a boy who only exists in my dreams...
  • I see so many people in the comments of this lovely video hungry for love, for connection. I remember that feeling. I want to take you each in my arms and brush your cheek with my thumb and say, "it gets better." There is connection. Keep looking, keep trying, keep working on yourself and making yourself into the person you want to be. For yourself, for whoever you're looking for. And one day you will be in someone's arms and look up and the face you saw in your dreams will be clearly in front of you, no longer shrouded in mystery and longing. I love you. Be strong.
  • @melmel13361
    I'm almost 20 and all I want to do is dance in a vintage dress in an old palace. I'm so burned out.
  • @JasiuToStasiu
    I am really moved by this comment section. It is beautiful how people are true not only to themselves but also to strangers. I love how everything here is deprived from hate and assesments. Thank you all for your delightful stories, for all those emotions muffled in the soothing peace. I am really glad that YouTube algorithm invited me to be part of this magnificent experience.
  • @athena8156
    The young lady watched everyone dance before her, entwined with each other. She stood awkwardly, aching for a chance, for just one opportunity to be on the dance floor like everyone else. Suddenly, a tall man with the most piercing eyes walks towards her. Her breath hitched as she looked around her, wondering who he was walking towards, only to find that the one he was looking at was her. Finally, he stopped right before her, a few inches away. He reached out his hand to her. "Would you give me your company in this dance, darling?" His voice was so low and husky that it resonated in her ears as his words repeated in her head. She stood there almost speechless as she nodded, not able to say a single word out of her lips. She took his hand, and he pulled her gently, leading her to the dance floor. It felt like the world around them disappeared for that one moment. She felt as he placed his free hand on her waist, the other still entwined with hers. She didn't know the first thing about dancing — But she did her best. They twirled and swayed. It almost felt like he led her, just with the look in his eyes and how he guided her subtly. Her heart raced in her chest. It beat so loudly that she wondered if the handsome man could hear it. The smell of his perfume and the way his cold peculiar touch etched in her memory was something she would never forget. As the song ended, he led her back to where he had found her, bowing as he departed. She wanted to go after him, wondering who he was, but when she tried to take a few steps towards the direction he had left, hoping to reach him. He was gone, lost in the crowd. Almost like he was a ghost, she never saw him again, but the night would stay permanently etched in her memory.
  • This one is for all of us who lay awake at night, second guessing everything and overthinking the chaos that surrounds us. This is for the people who are going through changes in their lives, alone, realizing that the world they've created isn't the one they wanted. This is for the people who are waking up, realizing that someone or something in their lives is no longer good for them and that they need to break free for their own good. This is for all of us who spend those midnight hours, laying in bed alone, feeling the weight of the sadness pushing on their chests, knowing what the next move is that they have to make, but not knowing how to get there because they know they're going to lose something along the way, even if deep down they know they're losing something toxic. This is for all of us who really could use a genuine hug, or a long embrace, from someone they feel completely safe with. There is beauty in everything, even in those moments where you feel like you're on an island, stranded, and unreachable by others. Especially in those moments. If you're going through Hell, just keep going. It will get better. And you're not alone.
  • "There are times when I would wish they were real, but then I would get reminded that the dance, and the memories that came along with it, felt the way it did because they didn't exist in the first place. Even so, those moments affected how I perceive reality. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, I do not know. Nonetheless, I find myself unwilling to let them go, the dance and the one I danced with."
  • dance alone is better than dancing with someone that'd always step on your feet.
  • I met a guy once in a bus. I liked the way he was dressed and his friendly face. But there was my stop, so I stepped out and looked away just to realise that he was out too. I smiled and moved to a place where I needed to meet my friends. There was a big space with a fountain in centre. I just walked around with my headphones on, thinking about how lovely this day was, until it got even more lovely, cause that guy again happened to be nearby me. It's possible that he also was going to meet someone, he looked on his phone, and I secretly peeked at him. I wasn't the only one. And when our eyes were staring together, he smiled the most cute smile I think I've seen, so I had to turn around to not show my awkwardness. He moved a little closer and even tried to talk, but I... I pretended I didn't hear him cause of my headphones and walked away as fast as I could. He stopped right there and continued to chill around the fountain while I tried to calm myself down. Soon I saw my friends, so we went together but our way lead us through that place again. My gaze caught him last time and this time I was seeking an opportunity to speak to him. Sadly he was too long to reach and we seemed to go in different directions. My eyes followed him until I finally lost his sight... I fell in love so quickly as always but that time was and actually still is special. I don't know anything about him, even his name, yet still it felt like we were just perfect for each other. And I acted like a coward, I ruined it. Again and again I hoped that we will see each other soon everytime I was in that same area. But we didn't ever meet again. Maybe it wasn't mean to be, I just can't stop myself from remembering this guy and regretting...
  • @PoorNewbie
    In seventh grade, I felt like everything was a confusing mess. But then there was him. In the middle of all the loud and unbearable crowd, he stood out like a ray of sunshine. He wasn't just cute, with a smile that could light up a room, but he also had this kindness about him that made me feel like he'd give the best hugs ever. Back then, I wasn't exactly bursting with confidence. I worried about how I looked, how I acted, everything. But when he looked at me, it felt different. It felt like I was okay, just the way I was. Our first chat started with a silly lie. He pretended to be a year younger than me, just to be funny. I totally fell for it, though, and I kept trying to help him out with stuff for our club, like a worried big brother. I guess I went a little overboard explaining everything. One day, he pulled me aside with a half-grin. "Hey," he said, "actually we're the same age. But listen," he winked, "your help is cool, just maybe ease up on the explaining part, okay?" My cheeks turned bright red – butterflies erupted in my stomach like a swarm of bees. Not only did I find out he wasn't younger, but I realized he'd just wanted an excuse to talk to me! Those middle school years were filled with him being the nicest guy around. Every time I saw him, or even just heard him talk, I liked him more and more. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but he was straight and I was scared. What if my confession ruined our whole friendship? Then came high school. It was tough watching him make new friends and have girlfriends. There were moments that stuck with me forever – like the time I wanted to celebrate a win with him, but he hung out with his other friends instead. It stung, but it also made me realize things had to change. So I changed. I found new friends, new hobbies, even picked out the college I wanted to go to. I started feeling like myself again. And guess what? Right when I was ready to move on, he popped back into my life. He was still as charming as ever, and we bonded over a video game we both loved. We played every day, he invited me to things – it felt amazing having him around again. But then I found out he liked my best friend (who is a girl - don't worry, that's a story for another time). That crushed me. But, it also made me realize it was time to finally come clean. On New Year's Eve, I poured my heart out in a message. I told him everything I loved about him, not because I thought he'd suddenly like me back, but because I needed to get it all out in the open. He was surprised, but really nice about it. He said he didn't feel the same way, but still wanted to be friends. And here we are, still friends. Putting this whole story down on paper feels like a weight lifting off my shoulders. Even though you'll probably never see this, H, I just wanted you to know – a part of me will always have a soft spot for you. But with each day, that feeling gets easier to handle. I know I'll find happiness someday, and I hope you find yours too.
  • In my dreams he's always with me, i wonder if someday i will met him and be loved by him, in my dreams i'm always happy, he tells me not to worry about waking up because we are destinated to meet.