8 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Publicado 2022-06-29
Whether or not you are currently in a relationship, you might want to know the signs of a healthy relationship. The signs of a strong relationship could be: great communication, great independence, great trust and care in each other and so on. You might have relationship goals like wanting to get married or growing yourself even more with a partner, and that's why finding a healthy relationship is so important. In this video, we cover some of the green flags in relations, and tips on how to have a healthy relationship. If this video makes you think of someone in your life, let us. know.

Writer: Brie Cerniglia
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: Krisha Que (   / @macchiusmoriatostudios07  )
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Brenner, A. (2015, March 30). 10 Signs That You’re In a Healthy Relationship. Psychology Today. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-flux/201503/10-signs-youre-in-healthy-relationship
DiDonato, T. E. (2014, May 23). 6 Sure Signs of a Healthy Relationship. Psychology Today. Retrieved from www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/meet-catch-and-keep/201405/6-sure-signs-healthy-relationship
Migala, J. & Laube, J. (2020, February 12). 9 signs you’re in a healthy relationship. EverydayHealth.com. Retrieved from www.everydayhealth.com/sexual-health/signs-youre-healthy-relationship/
Raypole, C., & Legg, T. J. (2019, December 13). Healthy relationships: 32 signs, tips, Red Flags, and more. Healthline. Retrieved from www.healthline.com/health/healthy-relationship
Walden University. (2022, February 16). 10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship. Walden University. Retrieved from www.waldenu.edu/programs/psychology/resource/ten-signs-of-a-healthy-relationship
Weigel, D. J., Davis, B. A., & Woodard, K. C. (2015). A two-sided coin: Mapping perceptions of the pros and cons of relationship commitment. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32(3), 344–367. doi.org/10.1177/0265407514533765

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ComicalRealm
    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Johnny Bravo
  • @Raghav-tx6ym
    0:30 You can openly communicate with your partner. 1:00 You are an individual in a relationship. You are not the relationship. 1:45 You respect one another. 2:18 You show affection to each other. 2:42 You support each other. 3:06 You’re committed to each other and the relationship. 3:40 You both have mutual hobbies. 4:15 You both contribute to the relationship.
  • @johnhinder2693
    Me and my boyfriend are great at communication, I always feel like I can go to him to talk about anything whether it's about school, work or the relationship I know he's always there to listen to me, and I'm always there to listen to him if he ever wants to talk about anything 🥰
  • @angelpark4212
    I knew right from the start it's a healthy relationship the moment he asked me "what are your wants and needs in a relationship so I know what to prioritize?"
  • @CDK9966
    Love, respect, commitment, communication, honesty, loyalty and being there for each other in the best of times and the worst of times. When you have that, keep it, fight for it and know how lucky you are.
  • @1cedcoffee
    unlike my last relationship, my current relationship actually succeeds in all of these - and despite having a rough time lately i overall feel happier than ever!
  • @lejinnster
    This also applies to different kinds of relationships! Not just romantic. While this was playing, I couldn't help but think of my family and as a result I believe that there are strong bonds between each of us.
  • @theyluvasa
    Thank you! This is useful. I've been with my gf for 2 months and it's my first relationship, this really helps!
  • 0:32 you can openly communicate with your partner 1:03 you’re an individual in a relationship , you are NOT the relationship 1:44 you respect one another 2:20 you show affection to one another 2:43 you support each other 3:08 You’re committed to each other and the relationship 4:13 you both contribute to the relationship Hope this helps you find clarity and a fitting resolution ❤️
  • @Psych2go
    Who here is single and ready to mingle? Comment below and we will link you up. :D
  • Just being able to talk to each other in a mature way about the problems you have, listening to each other and not fighting, respecting each other’s opinion is one of the biggest signs of a healthy relationship.
  • @DaestrumManitz
    All of these contribute to a successful relationship, but the two that stand out are respect and communication! \🕶/
  • @n.e.e.k.s
    It makes me so happy that I'm in a healthy relationship with my boyfriend. I haven't had to best of luck with love/life in general, so it's really nice to have something healthy and stable 😊. We are going on 11 months!
  • @vulnikkura
    I am currently in the healthiest relationship I have ever been in and I am so happy! All of these apply!
  • @zerodiamond4206
    Literally describes my BFF's relationship with their spouse. It's nice to see healthy relationships for a change
  • There's something peaceful, calming and warm about this lady's voice and manner of speech. Listening to this first thing in the morning just makes the whole day better!😊
  • @Guts880
    I don't have a girlfriend, for some reason still watching it. Maybe doing future prep?
  • @crisfa2679
    My boyfriend is currently busy with his family but he always lets me know whenever he has free time. although did not have time to chat much in messages. I love him like the beginning, I know we have our own busy lives. I miss him very much and want to see him again soon, but I value his time with his family more. I hope we're not in a toxic relationship because lately it's been really hard for us to have time together ☺
  • Nice to find that almost every sign is present in my relationship and it's my 1st one🥰hope it goes on the same way🤞🏻
  • @geodesicmonkey
    Nearly all of these apply to the relationship you have with yourself. Watch the video again while thinking of yourself as your own partner.. it’s scary but important.