Almost Run Over By A Car

Published 2017-10-07

All Comments (21)
  • @rennieloo
  • @thetman1097
    What the hell. He broke 4 laws. 1st you are not allowed to black out your front windows. 2nd HE WAS STANDING AT A ‘FREAKIN HANDICAP SPOT. 3rd He didn’t even look in his back mirror before he drove off. 4th He drove at like 50kmh that’s not the top speed on any grocery store parking lot bruh.
  • @Railman1225
    Something I just realized on this rewatch is: The windows were blacked out? Well, there’s another reason he could’ve been pulled over for. For those that don’t know, it is illegal to have blacked out windows on a car. Even police vehicles aren’t allowed to have them! Edit: I understand that the law on that actually varies from state to state. Still, pretty sure completely blacked out windows is kind of a big no-no.
  • "Oh lawd, I do believe ahm comin' down with a case of JUSTICE!" I love this woman. 😂
  • @Gameinations1
    “Do I express my outrage with an appropriate lewd hand gesture” Greatest line
  • @aceonp1uto
    "wait- where r my groceries?" got me dying💀☠😆🤣🤣
  • You never fail to make me smile. This was a good dose of happiness.
  • @maisie798
    "keeping my distance at about eight feet" Oh Becca, such a good girl
  • I got an ad and the first line was “have you been in a car accident?” Thanks FBI Agent
  • As a car guy this is the reason why the mustang joke "running into a crowd" is a thing. Pretty fitting...
  • @visualgagging
    "MOVE PERPENDICULAR TO THIS ONCOMING FORCE!" Well that's one cartoon character with some knowledge on dodging things
  • @tbhmaya
    She protecc She attacc But most importantly she stay 8 feet bacc
  • @jenhar3
    I love your show! I also love matpat’s show so the fact that you incorporated him into your rant was hilarious! Especially since he rants about stuff all the time!
  • Hey Rebecca I’m kinda new to your channel and I know this is 5 years late but the man you described is most likely my Paw Paw! (My grandpa) His description to yours was 95% accurate, my Paw Paw (Mark) had the same car. The thing is ( I think you’ll like it more ) that he said to us 5 ish years ago was that he was getting his license revoked for reckless driving! So if that was really my grandpa he deserves it because he has always been rude and self centered the first day I met him. Sorry that happened to you.
  • @GDc0sm0s
    I had a similar experience to this, like last month, I was walking with my mum, and I went behind a white van in it's driveway, I was halfway there when it launched backwards and I dashed to get out the way but it could of been too late to do that but luckily I didn't end up as mashed potato.