Which Cities Would the US Target in a Nuclear War?

Published 2023-06-08
Which Cities Would the United States Target in a Nuclear War?

Nuclear Target Lists:

Probable Nuclear Targets in United Kingdom, 1972: robedwards.typepad.com/files/probable-nuclear-targ…

Probable Nuclear Targets in France: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/…

Soviet Union Central European Target List, 1979: brilliantmaps.com/ww3-europe/

United States Target List, 1956: nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb538-Cold-War-Nucle…

Probable United States Counterforce Targets: dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/139236/Mont…

All Comments (21)
  • For me this is the top 1 horrifying thing to ever exist. No horror or science fiction will ever match the cruelty of a nuclear war.
  • @arkuess9066
    The detonation sequence at the end with that sound design is really well done. Most things don't scare me, but that is absolutely terrifying.
  • @Hypenord
    "Why don't aliens come and see us?" Average human disagreement:
  • @kreepilot7730
    For better understanding, it is worth releasing a second part, where it will be shown how many victims there will be in other countries. Poisoned air carried by sea currents, poisoned rivers flowing to other countries, the ozone layer, climate disasters, a new ice age and beyond.
  • I live in Russia, and my City is on the list… I pray that our countries can avoid this catastrophic scenario and someday live in peace. Update: I am both hopeful and diasappointed because of replies. On one hand many people from different countries share their will for peace on Earth, but at the same time some people reply with hate for someone they don't even know, just because this person lives in one or the other country. I wish no ill for latter and send my best wishes to every person that replied, even if I don't agree with some.
  • @J_131
    As an American I hope this never, ever, ever, happens. May the U.S., Russia and other nuclear powers find peaceful solutions to whatever conflict or threat arises. Not just human lives, think of all the innocent species of animals, and plants that will disappear forever. Historical artifacts and architecture, art, culture gone forever. The cost is too great. No nuclear warhead should ever be used again.
  • @hotrodpawns
    The story of Oppenheimer's infamous quote. As he witnessed the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945, a piece of Hindu scripture ran through the mind of Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds, and hell follows me!!”. Albert Einstein was quoted as having said: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones".
  • @salta5859
    Finally, it will be quiet. No cars, no airplanes, no music, no commercial....just go ahead
  • @eddiehah9842
    Nobody wins in a nuclear exchange. Don't ever think of anything.
  • I grew up in a town that was generally assumed to be a preprogrammed zero point in the event of nuclear war. This was because a few miles to our west was major naval facility that also stored a large amount of nuclear warheads. To our east was a major city that served as the the HQ for one of the biggest defense companies in the world. So if they missed they'd hit one of the real targets more directly and if they hit us dead on they irradiate the surrounding area making it dangerous to traverse through. Though in all likelihood they would probably plaster the whole area with multiple warheads to insure total destruction.
  • @user-mx8ew9up5k
    Сould you do a similar one on which cities the Russians will target in the us? And your estimate of casualties.
  • @BloodofHeroes
    Wait... where did the 300 mile separation footprint come from? At that altitude the footprint would be more like 3 times that range.
  • @ISchots
    The biggest problem is that some people seem to think that he who has the most nukes "wins".
  • @LyroLife
    Imagine surviving this and living in a world without internet, food, people, air ..
  • @andresvega6001
    The number of casualties does not take the following ice age into consideration. Hold your dear ones close and tell them you love them while you can.
  • @JohnAkaSB
    First question would be, would the nukes be programmed for airburst detonations or conventional surface detonations? If airbursts they will probably target the cities with the densest population. If surface detonations it doesn't matter but probably the nuclear silos and military base and left fall out do the work to the population over time.