Stop Buying Expensive Mayo: Here's how to Make it CHEAP

Published 2019-03-04
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2 large egg yolks
1 to 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
Pinch of ground pepper
1 cup of avocado oil at room temperature
Up to 1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard (optional)
Salt and ground black pepper to taste

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Stop Buying Expensive Mayo: Here's how to Make it CHEAP - Thomas DeLauer

Downside to Commercial Mayo

Commercial mayonnaise is most often made with soybean oil, corn oil or other vegetable oil blends that are high in omega-6’s

Additionally, many types of commercial mayo contain about 1 gram of sugar per tablespoon, which isn’t that high, but the light, low-fat or fat-free mayo has a lot more added sugar, with over 4 grams per tablespoon, which is the equivalent of a full teaspoon of sugar per tablespoon of mayonnaise

Commercial mayo also contains a lot of artificial ingredients and additives like and MSG - while commercially produced mayo can can keep for months in the fridge, homemade mayo can keep for a week

Benefits Overview

Contains Vitamin E from the eggs and avocado oil

Also rich in vitamin K, and choline and potassium, selenium and sodium, vitamin D



Choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine - specifically, choline is transported into the cell by a transporter protein in the membrane of the presynaptic neuron where it combines with acetyl CoA to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

Acetylcholine prompts synaptogenesis, the healthy growth of synapses throughout the brain, which enhances memory encoding, and facilitates the action of all other neurotransmitters as they communicate messages
These communication-friendly conditions are known as “neuroplasticity” and neuroplasticity is correlated with learning and memory


This is a nutrient that's a key component of a healthy thyroid gland and it reduces inflammation by inhibiting NF-kB and its activation of interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha production

Selenium is also able to enhance proliferation of cytotoxic precursor cells, which give rise to the crucial T immune cells that fight cancer and viruses within the body

Selenium is also essential to the proper functioning of glutathione peroxidase - glutathione is 100% dependent on having a selenium atom at its core for proper function

In fact, selenium is what gives the enzyme its potency in preventing and cleaning up after destructive oxygen free radicals - as such, decreased selenium in the blood leads to decreased glutathione peroxidase activity

Vitamin D

T cells rely on vitamin D in order to activate and they would remain dormant, 'naïve' to the possibility of threat if vitamin D is lacking in the blood

When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device (vitamin D receptor) with which it searches for vitamin D
This means that the T cell must have vitamin D or activation of the cell will cease
Avocado Oil - 520 degrees F smoke point

Oleic Acid (Omega 9)

Oleic acid regulates the activity of adrenoceptor signaling pathways which direct the adrenergic receptors (α- and β-adrenoceptors) that help regulate blood pressure

Oleic acid replaces other omega fatty acids in cell membranes - since oleic acid is less susceptible to oxidation damage than omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, replacing these fatty acids with oleic acid protects your cell membranes from free radicals and other oxidative stressors

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is the shared name for a group of eight compounds which have antioxidant properties



Lemons contain a soluble fiber known as pectin that increases digestive health - pectin works by binding to fatty substances in the digestive tract, including cholesterol and toxins, and promotes their elimination

Means that pectin benefits the body’s detoxifying capabilities, helps regulate the body’s use of sugars and cholesterol, and improves gut and digestive health

Black Pepper

Consumption of pepper increases the hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach, thereby facilitating digestion

All Comments (21)
  • @coolvideo28
    3 Egg Yolks, 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, Add slowly 1 cup of avocado oil, pinch of pepper, 1 Tbsp lemon juice, 1-2 tsp Salt and 1/3 Avocado
  • @alexxander966
    6:27 whaaaat?? Salmon and mayo is a really popular combo here in Japan. People who judge before trying are severely missing out. It’s soooo good
  • @intuit5767
    The quickest and easiest way to make mayo is just put all ingredients into a narrow-ish, tall jar, and whiz it up with an immersion blender...done in SECONDS...and it's already in your jar. All you need to do is put a lid on the jar and rinse off your stick blender. It turns out PERFECT each and every time! You're welcome!
  • I’m in Alaska and we make Salmon or Salmon burgers a lot. My favorite thing to put on it is a mix of half homemade mayo and half mustard. Really complements it well 👍
  • @welshdragon2008
    Maybe you could do a healthy recipe once a week like this? Its so good to see you making something we can eat along with your health knowledge accompanying the video. There is no guilt if you say its good for us.
  • @sathoshyhiro
    i’m french and we always use home made mayo. so nice with cold meat or cold fish
  • @jamesmclain1449
    Hey Thomas, I love your videos and evidence based approach to IF/Keto, but you just made making mayonnaise way more difficult than it actually is. I've been making avocado mayo for a couple of years and use a kitchenaid immersion hand mixer. Adding lemon juice and vinegar will also help to stabilize the yolks. The hand blender allows you to blend everything without slowly pouring the oil in. My typical recipe: 2 yolks, 1/2 lemon (juice) fresh, 1 tbsp white wine vinegar, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 1 cup avocado oil, 1/2 cup olive oil, and 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt (in that order). Submerse the blender and gently lift as it emulsifies. Thanks for all the information and knowledge! Keep it coming!
  • I've been making my own mayo for decades to control the oils and ingredients used. You are so right, premium ingredients + a little time and know how can cost the same as inferior processed foods, and you get the benefits of a better tasting and more nutritious product. Win-win!
  • @scootsk1
    I’ve tried so many mayo recipes. This is the only one that tells you to add the salt and vinegar last and the only one that doesn’t separate. Thank you Tom
  • Thank you! I just gave up on trying to find some quality mayo. Now I'll just make my own!
  • @EvaMariposa
    I made my mayo this morning with 1 whole egg, 1 cup oil, salt, lemon juice & dijon mustard. It came out great. I'll have to try this version of 3 yolks +avocado to see how it compares.
  • @SueSchalk
    I use an immersion blender. You put everything into a Mason jar, use the blender and in 30 seconds it's done!
  • @Sotospapp
    Keto healthy mayo: -3 large eggs (free range, organic ,pasture raised) -1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard As you mixing you add on -1 cup of avocado oil. -pinch of black pepper -1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice -1 teaspoon of pinkHimalayan salt -1/3 of avocado Thanks thomas!! 😍
  • Never been more excited to make my own mayo because I frickin LOVE MAYO! Thanks for this video Thomas!
  • I am on hour 50 of a 72 hour fast. All I can think of now is dipping a shrimp into home made mayo then taking a bite of bacon then chewing the whole mess and going yummm.
  • Honestly this is such a valuble YouTube Channel, it's hard to even get my mind around it. Really, thank you so much you have changed my life with Keto and IF and everything that you teach
  • @audrey3688
    This would be wonderful with some dill weed for a great salmon topper.